This is what real positive means, Dr Negative Muscat

Published: April 9, 2013 at 1:26am

First Opposition to vote for a national budget

25 Comments Comment

  1. stephen says:

    Ma tixraqlekx dik in-naha tal-kamra Dr.Gonzi, jixraqlek ahjar

  2. Mag says:

    I agree with Stephen that Dr Gonzi didn’t deserve it, and people who voted against will soon realise this.

  3. Bubu says:

    The gesture of a real statesman reciprocated by the infantile jibes of a schoolyard bully.

  4. xdcc says:

    History will judge Dr. Gonzi as the best prime minister Malta has ever had. What he achieved in the 2008 – 2013 legislature was exceptional.

    • Wilson says:

      That was a government that really was a government i.e. they had started to exclude clientele-ism , partly the issue behind the real election loss.

      • Rita Camilleri says:

        @Wilson – exactly – he (the PN) was punished because he was doing his job.

  5. Tracy says:

    He is the real gentleman. One should admire him. And Joseph, you ought to follow his example, not mock him.

    • Victor says:

      He mocks him to hide his envy of him.

      He knows very well that he is a real gentleman and statesman, hence his mockery and great hatred he instilled in his supporters.

      It takes an honest and intelligent man to follow someone’s example. Two things that Joseph Muscat lacks.

  6. Last Post says:

    Tassew kien jixraqlu ahjar wara dak li ghamel biex ikompli jmexxi ‘l pajjiz fid-direzzjoni t-tajba, direzzjoni li sabet l-ammirazzjoni ta’ l-Ewropa f’hafna oqsma.

    Fid-diskors tal-bierah wera li ghadu kandidat tajjeb ghall-ghazla tal-mexxej tal-PN – minkejja t-telfa elettorali. Ghadu sod, car, u gentlom bi kwalitajiet ta’ statista – modern u antik fl-istess hin – bhalma dejjem kellu l-PN, ghal kuntrarju tal-(M)LP fl-ahhar nofs seklu u ftit iktar.

    Bniedem ta’ vizjoni ghal zmienu li kompla jmexxi ‘l Malta l-quddiem bil-kisbiet kbar li gab mill-UE. Ghalkemm refa’ r-responsabilta’ tat-telfa elettorali il-poplu jaf li hu halla wirt b’sahhtu ghall-futur ta’ pajjizna.

    Sta ghalina lkoll lkoll namministraw dan il-wirt tajjeb.

    P.S. Nahseb ma kienitx kumbinazzjoni li l-ewwel diskors tieghu f’isem l-Oppozizzjoni fil-Parlament habat mal-fatt li Margaret Thatcher regghet kienet fl-ahbarijiet.

  7. old-timer says:

    So sorry that Gonzi will give up his leadership of the PN. I and many others, I am sure, would want him to stay.

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      Aren’t there other ways of showing your appreciation in Maltese culture?

      People retire, even excellent ones. The obituaries are going on about Margaret Thatcher’s extremely long tenure. Eleven years. Blimey. Just eleven?

      Gonzi spent NINE years as PM. That’s an eternity by the standards of the normal world (i.e. everyone in the Western World except Malta). It’s time for him to step down. Hell, I was going to end with a parting shot about how he’s not the Pope, but even the Pope resigned. So there.

    • Gahan says:

      He worked hard for the ungrateful. So ungrateful we were that even some of his MPs, from whom one expects better, thought that he did not deserve a reasonable salary for a PM who worked 24/7 and negotiated for Malta 1.28 Billion Euros in EU funds.

      Jean Pierre, I expected better from you.

      If I’m not mistaken, our current PM has some kind of pension coming from the EU, which supplements his ‘reduced’ ministerial pay. He’s OK f**k them Jack.

  8. Vince says:

    Well then the PM has tried to use some sense of humour when he stated that he is creating a job for the Leader of Opposition.

    Yet this is not a new type of job. It was there for many many years before. No new job then. But in the case of Franco Debono that yes was a new job which he has created, even though just a part-time job.

  9. mark says:

    Lawrence Gonzi statista u mexxej kbir. Mexxa lil Malta f’ghar zmienijiet ekonomiku illi qatt rat id dinja pero kif kullhadd jaf illi harreg lil Malta b’sahhitha u b’unuri.

    Jiddispjacini hafna ghal Dr Gonzi ghax ma kienx jixraqlu hekk. Gralu kif kien gralu il Prim Ministru Ingliz Winston Churchill – REBBAHHOM il gwerra u ezatt wara tilef l-elezzjoni.

    Kont nahseb illi il-Maltin tghallmu imma kont zbaljat bil-bosta.

  10. Angus Black says:

    Dr. Gonzi refused to come down to the level of Labour hooligans.

    Too bad Labour dilettantes refused to look up to Dr. Gonzi and elevate their standards to his. They have been mired in the same cesspit for so long, they got accustomed to the stench.

    Ditto for the electorate who fell for slogans wrapped in smoke and voted for opportunists with no solid plans for the country’s economy.

    The irony is, of course, that 1/5th of Joey’s job has been taken care of by the Nationalist Budget for 2013, the same Budget Joey voted against in November 2012.

  11. PWG says:

    Despite the heavy electoral defeat I believe history will judge Dr. Gonzi kindly. Malta is Joseph’s to mess up.

  12. TROY says:

    He threw in the towel too early.

    A man for all seasons, a gentleman and an honest leader.

    I, sir, will miss you.

  13. Natalie Mallett says:

    Dr. Joseph Muscat PLEASE can you stop using the word humble when in fact you mean arrogant, or you feel humbled when in fact all your rhetoric speeches are full of phrases meant to humble the honorable Dr. Lawrence Gonzi and the PN team. I am quite sure that you are doing it on purpose to ridicule the virtue but all you are doing is creating division when you preach unity, negativity when you speak about wanting to be positive and shaming yourself in the process.
    Here is the difference in case I am wrong in thinking so:
    hum•ble (h m b l)
    adj. hum•bler, hum•blest
    1. Marked by meekness or modesty in behavior, attitude, or spirit; not arrogant or prideful.
    2. Showing deferential or submissive respect: a humble apology.
    3. Low in rank, quality, or station; unpretentious or lowly: a humble cottage.
    tr.v. hum•bled, hum•bling, hum•bles
    1. To curtail or destroy the pride of; humiliate.
    2. To cause to be meek or modest in spirit.
    3. To give a lower condition or station to; abase. See Synonyms at degrade.

    I can suggest a good book in Maltese as well perhaps you find it easier to understand. It was written by Dun Gorg (San Gorg Preca) and published in 2003 entitled “Il-Pulptu Ta’ Patri Franku”. I am sure you will do yourself a favour if you read it before you make another speech.

  14. candida says:

    He was brilliant yesterday and Joseph has a lot to learn from him. Gonzi is a great statesman, leader and eloquent speaker basing his arguments on solid facts, figures and results and backed by sound reasoning not classroom jibes and taunts.

  15. Higgins says:

    Kenneth Zammit Tabona wrote another JosephMania column for The Times today, in which he says “Muscat has achieved so much by his drive…. to heal the wounds and apologise for the past”.


  16. Mark says:

    Dr.Gonzi, can be a formidable opposition leader, something new for him and even more of a challenge

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