Watch out, she might pounce
April 30, 2013 at 9:57pm
Sadly, I am not in a position to see it for myself, but a girlfriend has just texted me to say that Marlene Mizzi is dressed as a cheetah on Bondi+.
I hope she hasn’t paired that with her spider’s web tights and half a litre of blue eyeshadow from 1974.
And when you think of all the stick the British Home Secretary Theresa May got for wearing a pair of flat leopard print pumps…
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Your friend is right.
I felt very concerned about Lou Bondi. OK, I know he is not exactly Mario Balottelli, or Gabriel Garko, but then all three of them have a pair of (eye) balls, presumably.
Forsi din Maryon qed tahseb li l-Parlament Ewropej huwa xi fashion show jew coffee morning kontinwu.
Nahseb bejn dawn it-tnejn u dak li qieghed ippoggi fuq is-sitt siggu sejrin nawar hafna flus gejjin lejna, sorry hadt zball lejn buthom.
Very apt
No awkward questions about Objective One and suchlike in that Bondi+ programme. Now, that is what the voters really want and need to know.
The PN MEP once again completely outshone both PL MEPs. She is a worthy successor to Simon Busuttil and a credit to Malta. While Marlene Mizzi and Claudette Baldacchino fit in excellently with that other prize mediocrity Sixth-Seat Cuschieri in their role as overpaid seat-warmers.
Marlene Mizzi who did not have a clue what Objective One Status means will be representing us in the European Parliament accompanied by Claudette Baldacchino who faces criminal charges. What a complete mess. We have truly hit rock bottom.
Claudette the (alleged) cheater and Marlene the cheetah. Lovely.
Her response to “what’s the benefit of being in the EU, for the average Maltese Joe?” was the usual… “it’s easier to travel due to one currency” (apart from her previous comment on why it helped her business).
It’s like Lou asked the question to Norman Hamilton or my mum, he would have gotten the same response.
Il-hmar aghar minn denbu.
Hadd donnu ma jaf xejn dwar xejn hlief ic-cucati.
It’s the stuff that serfs are made of: cucati.
Totally off the story here – Do you have a view on who is best placed to replace Lawrence Gonzi as the new Opposition leader?
[Daphne – No.]
See there, for once she has no view. Must be an elephant that’s blocking it.
[Daphne – No, Kevin, I really have no view. To my mind there are two real contenders and I like them both. May the best one win, but I genuinely do not know, at this stage, who the best one is.]
I was quite disappointed about how Lou let Marlene and Claudette off lightly with his questions and went down heavily on Roberta.
Of course, Roberta can easily handle him and a couple more like him simultaneously. But that’s not the point. He failed to bring out the world of difference that exists between Labour’s MEPs and the PN’s.
It’s happening with all programmes. You can feel the subtle change if you watch and listen carefully.
Surely you’re not implying that Lou Bondi is pandering to Labour?
@Tinnat – No, of course not but something is happening. How do you account for the removal of the Thursday programme, for example?
There may be pressure or a change in direction at the station. Who knows? When Lou Bondi was asked about the removal of the Thursday programme he did not give an adequate answer.
Very truly Maryanne. This subtle change can be felt in all programs including the news. bulletin. All items which may show the Govt in bad light are being avoided or played down.
What I mean, Tinnat, is that if Lou can’t be Lou in his programmes any more, then he should have jumped ship and moved to another channel.
Pierre Portelli surely is. He said, recently, that there was nothing wrong with Marlene Farrugia’s “non-appointment”.
Just to name one example.
This is so true. Some programmes should be switched to Net TV so that again they will have full freedom of speech. Xarabank, Bondi+, TVAM and TV HEMM have all been playing down on political issues since the elections or even avoiding them completely.
I get the feeling that they are afraid that if they put the government in a bad light, their programme will be stopped.
She’s on TVAM right now, dressed like an 18 year old. And what’s with all the ‘Inglizati’?
A leopard cannot change his/her spots.
Lots of Inglizati but rather inarticulate and certainly not fluent. We need academics in strategic positions, yet Labour’s candidates come across as cheap and greedy. Casts a huge shadow of doubt on the intellectual spectrum of those who vote Labour.
Brava Roberta – so proud I gave you 2nd preference after Busuttil.