Well, as long as we defend Muscat…

Published: April 3, 2013 at 8:10pm

Matthew Vella, editor of Malta Today, tweeted this afternoon:

Marlene Farrugia’s ‘resignation’ means it was obvious that her role was not blessed by the Prime Minister

Oh indeed. So that’s why the PM’s spokesman said to the press today (or was it yesterday?) that it was the PM himself who asked Marlene Farrugia to work unpaid as her boyfriend the Health Minister’s sidekick.

I wonder when Malta today is going to get into gear and stop behaving as though the Nationalists are still in government. It’s been a month already and they’re still focussing on the PN’s travails while ignoring the government’s behaviour or scrutinising the government’s plans.


11 Comments Comment

  1. Jozef says:

    If that were so, Matthew just described Muscat as unable to take a weekend break lest someone appoint themself without his knowledge.

    Whichever it is, che figura di mer*&.

  2. Gahan says:

    Qed iberraq:

    “He(Muscat) noted that the government is however facing complications over budgeting issues.”


    Proprjament ilu jberraq.

    • Jozef says:

      Hafna Ilu jberraq, Joe Mizzi ghamel saghtejn jizzuffjetta mal-gurnalisti l-Birgu dil-gimgha.

      Kulhadd jeqred fuq il-vot tal-ministeru taghhom, Varist, Coleiro u issa Mizzi. Ix-xjuh donnhom ndunaw b’xi haga.

      Muscat messu vvota l-budget, kien jehles minn bicca dwejjaq.

  3. Alexander Ball says:

    Not only that, yesterday they called her his WIFE.

    I wouldn’t wipe my arse on that rag even if they gave it free.

    Joke of a paper.

  4. canon says:

    The installation of Pope Francis has impressed Prime Minister Joseph Muscat so much that he is now giving blessings.

  5. Tracy says:

    Marlene Farrugia’s resignation shows the inability of Joseph Muscat as a leader or to put it in other words ‘not having the capabaility to govern’.

    The hardest problem Joseph Muscat is facing is the way he ought to please and reward all those (whether labour deputies / followers or nationalists-turned-labourites) who worked for achieving his victory. He cannot deny the promise he has made them – so he has to find a way to please them all. He has been ‘hijacked’ by his own people.

  6. Zunzana says:

    Imma dan Matthew Vella ma jiflahx jilghaq izjed.

  7. P Camilleri says:

    Had Joseph Muscat never became Prime Minister, no one would have doubted his ability to govern.

    There’s just one rule for politicians: Don’t say in power what you say in Opposition; if you do, you only have to carry out what the other fellows have found impossible.

    His talk of Malta Taghna Ilkoll and Meritocracy has now turned into lies.

    His problem now is trying to save both his faces.

    The tragedy of one successful politician after another is the gradual substitution of narcissism (abnormalself-admiration) for an interest in the community.

    From the word go, Muscat’s list of oppointees in high positions is initself an exercise in seeking self interest over community interest.

    All political parties die at last of swallowing their own lies.

  8. taxxu says:

    No reason was given for this decision, which has been approved by the Director General (Contracts).

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