A year’s contract for Willie Mangion to find a place where bands can rehearse. Do we despair, or what?
Washed-up singer Willie Mangion, who chanted on the Nationalist Party’s electoral campaign song in 2008 and on the Labour Party’s last March, who told us that he will vote for “Joseph” because “Joseph delivers”, has been given his iced bun.
And he might as well eat in while lying on the sofa all day because this is what it is: a year’s contract to look for a place where bands can rehearse. It would have been cheaper and much more efficient to get all the real-estate agencies onto it.
I quote The Times of Malta:
Mr Mangion said he had been offered a one-year contract by the Government to help in the identification of a place where bands could rehearse.
“The proposal was made in Article 24 of the Labour manifesto and my job will be to try and identify such a place,” he said when contacted yesterday.
Mr Mangion said the letter of appointment was issued by the Office of the Prime Minister but he had not yet signed the contract.
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Culture: Labour’s dustbin. Urgh. So predictable.
On a rather unrelated note, any chance we could get your views on Peter Fenech’s comments in The Independent re: blogging and social media?
It would be all the more interesting to know how much he is being paid for such a tough, time-consuming job.
What a waste of time and space. And we all get to pay for it with our taxes and are told there’s no money for schools. To quote Victor Meldrew, “I don’t believe it!”
And in other news, you might be interested to know that most (if not all) the NCPE Commission members have been removed and are now set to be replaced. I wonder who these new iced buns will go to?
I’d add another Victor Meldrew quote: “What in the name of sanity?!”
Mangion should use his head. Find a place within a week and do even more sweet f&@k all for the rest of the year.. Whilst getting paid of course.
Reminds me of France and Greece.
Government and previous politicians, doing their best to please everyone ‘to get in’.
Look at what the stupid people are stuck with now: http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2013/may/13/francois-hollande-tax-iphones-laptops
If the above appointment isn’t an extra useless expense at the taxpayer’s cost, then I don’t know what this is.
Nice little earner.
I wonder how many calls were put through the Castille switchboard to get his dues.
What an embarrassing bunch of suckers.
I believe that initially it was said his appointment was to promote Maltese bands.
Don’t be surprised that he didn’t understand the terms of contract. Promoting Maltese bands is completely different from finding a place where to rehearse. Inbazrwu ftit ‘l hemm u…
Yes, and I thought they were talking about band clubs who usually have their own premises where they can rehearse.
It turns out that “bands” are what, in my day, were called “beat groups”.
After his year is up he’ll probably say that there is no suitable place available and demand to extend his contract so that he can continue looking.
Ok, the French government is charging tax to boost the cultural economy.
Here, they invent (not create) unnecessary jobs to fund someone’s pocket. But as I previously said, in music and in art, it is up to the artist to prove his talents – his own talents will promote him.
Get me out of here.
Nahseb Willie kantalu “Keep me in mind” lil Joseph.
Keep me in mind ta’ Mike Spiteri mhux ta’ Willie
Ghandek ragun. Imma wara li ghaffigtha gieni il-buon sens niccekkja. U ija mhux xorta? Issa Mike jew William.
Malta qatt ma ibbrillat fil-Muzika ma’ l-Ewropej.
25 sena ta’ partecipazzjoni fl’Eurovision, flus u nfiq bla bzonn huwa bizzejjed biex tifhem li dan mhux ha jaghmel il-miraklu ta’ Kana.
Could explain why Joe Demicoli is so sour with Labour in his latest spoof of the Eurovision entry. He feels left out in the cold, replaced by a switcher in the last moment.
The very idea of getting something from the government (Joe Demicoli calls it “xoghol”) just because you were a Labour activist is fundamentally immoral.
But still, it’s nice to see Labour diehards fuming at how they’ve been taken for a ride and used by this Joseph Muscat troupe that hijacked their party and now the country.
Eureka. Now I know why Dear Joseph signed a contract with the hunters. He is busily practising shooting himself in the foot.
Jekk kif qed jghidu l-Laburisti li ser jibqghu fil-gvern ghall-hamsa u ghoxrin sena li gejjin, ara x’bicca xoghol ghandu JM biex ikomli johloq aktar xoghol ghal dawk li jghinuh jerga’ jirbah l-elezzjoni !
What a joke. They have no shame.
Included in the contract of work is a daily supply of face towels to wipe the sweat off his face after a hard day’s work. Tal-misthija.
Doesn’t he feel embarassed to announce what his new “job” entails?
I would die.
I would have made up some tasks myself just to make it look less ridiculous.
It is on the lines of “il-mummy bghatitni nixtrilha bott kunserva”. More like, giving me something banal to do to keep me busy and make me feel I’m contributing to the household.
However, my example is actually positive, since it is educational for children to be involved in household duties. But this is a grown man we are talking about, who is being (s)mothered by Joseph. Pathetic.
And will Willie Mangion (kantant) be earning the same package as Frederick Testa (attur)? Cause that’s, like, €56 400 to do fuck all.
Wish they’d tell us what the selection criteria were, but above all, a job description would be interesting.
Bdejna nbattlu l-iskip.
I hope the Minister of Finance is totting up the extra personnel expenses. We will need the figure when the Prime Minister tells us that the time has come to tighten our belts because of the dire straights we are in…..due to the former government…
The extravagances of these people has gone beyond the limits.
We used to hear the friends of friends slogan from Labour spokesmen. Well here it is in practice.
And then what?
This must win the award for the shortest job description ever.
Not directly related but – what I can’t understand is how, two months on and counting, Lino Spiteri is still stuck in whinge mode.
For example, he moans on and on about our deficit going up to 3.3% of GDP. To which I can only say “Man up, Lino” – you can’t have it both ways: either Labour are going to say it as it is, or else they have to lump it.
If our new administration really had a pair, they would have passed a different budget but they clearly don’t have the necessary.
Au contraire, they’ve lumped the Exchequer with – so far – nearly 400 goons who will cost us about €16’000’000 p.a. and for which we will get . . . absolutely nothing.
Again, Lino doesn’t mention this, with a straight face he claims Joseph Muscat has appointed people from both sides of the political divide.
So, in conclusion, let Mr Mangion spend a year promoting Maltese bands – in fact, let the whole Labour movement stew in their own juice for the next five years (by which time William Mangion and co. will have cost us 80 million).
Then, we’ll ask those who voted Labour – apart from 400 odd bazuzli – whether they’re better off.
Bicca ghadma iebsa miskin kellu jidhol ghaliha!
Daphne, can we have a list with all the pounds of flesh the new government has given? Cause I lost count …
[Daphne – Pounds of flesh are taken, not given.]
X’inhu imqanzah f’dak ir-ritratt. Ma nafx ghala tal-labour kollha jigu mqanzhin fir-ritratti. Speci ta’: ‘we’re trying hard to impress you’.
X’ ma jinharaqx Joe Demicoli…
Jista jkun li minhabba l-esperjenza li Joe Demicoli ghandu fil-Kemmuna Airways, ghad jinhatar konsultent specjali ta’ l-Air Malta jew ta’ l-industrija ta l-avjazzjoni.
Dawn mhux affarijiet tal-misthijja izda ta’ disonesta li twahxek u ta’ irresponsabbilta’ gravi imwettqa mill-Prim Ministru.Laburista Malti bi flus il-poplu u f’wicc il-poplu Malti kollu.
Biex tmur tfittex fejn jipprattikaw il-baned Maltin hemm ghalfejn tkun kantant jew muzicist?
Ghandu jkun impieg full time?
Min hu kantant jew muzicist professjonali, suppost, ghandu kapacita’ biex jaqla l-paga tieghu billi jaghti lezzjonijiet lil min jixtieq jitaghllem jew imur ikanta jew idoqq f’certi postijiet ta’ divertiment.
Anke William Mangion personali jmissu jisthi talli acetta dawn il-flus minn fuq dahr il-poplu Malti ghal xoghol li jista’ jsir f’hakka t’ghajn minn semplici bniedem dilettant.
Joseph Muscat bhala Prim Ministru li tah dawn il-flus ghal xejn mill-kaxxa ta’ Malta jmissu jisthi jidher quddiem in-nies.
Izda n-nies f’dan il-pajjiz huma bla sinsla ghax il-gazetti misshom faru jikkritikaw din id-disonesta fahxija u hela ta’ flus min fuq dahrna.
Had the PN given all the singers for the EU referendum song and other songs like Chiara, Miriam Christine, Fabrizio Faniello, Fiona and so many others a post, the country would have been bankrupt. Shame on Labour again!