Ah, now money for shampoo and a good facial scrub shouldn’t be a problem

Published: May 9, 2013 at 11:59pm

ramona attard

And you need a lot of both when your face is going to be in the trough for five years. Hames mitt euro fil-gimgha? Ramona Attard of Super One TV has arranged a nice EUR600 a week for herself (give or take a bit), and she’s not even a cabinet minister.

This for issuing the press with daily releases on her boss Manny’s fascinating trips to film sets and prisons. Oh sorry – she doesn’t even have to do that. The Department of Information does it all.

Lots of time for Facebook, then, and for her show on Super One TV.

13 Comments Comment

  1. ciccio says:

    So this means that she is getting a grooming allowance in the range of euro 5,000 to euro 10,000. That’s a lot of shampoos and facials.

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      You can get a facial for less than that.

      Oh dear. Here we go again.

      • ciccio says:

        Good, leaves some extra money for a regular Brazilian.

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        Why? Aren’t irregular migrant Brazilians are not up to it? The ones I know can all do a fair bit of dribbling.

      • Harry Purdie says:

        Yes, dear. you did. Hope they gave her eye pads.

      • Min Jaf says:

        Harry, ma tafx li permezz ta Joseph, kollox possibbli. Meta thobb lil-Joseph, Joseph ihobbok lura. Specjalment bi flus il-poplu.

        Then, of course, there is the flip-side… as many professional and dedicated civil servants have got to know..

      • Ghoxrin Punt says:

        Not really with that face

      • ciccio says:

        Harry, Labour said they will distribute tablets, but didn’t commit to iPads.

  2. Paddling Duck says:

    According to the Public Service Code this ‘arrangement’ is not allowed.

    This is a form of corruption.

    • A friend in London says:

      Paddling Duck above says that the ‘arrangement’ is not in line with the Public Service Code.

      The information given by zekzik.com shows there is some sort of ‘zegzig’ going on. The independent media should investigate further.

  3. Yasmine says:

    “Fiery” journalist? Is this the same rude woman who was practically harassing Dr Simon Busuttil on the night of the Debono debacle outside the Xarabank studios? Vergogna!

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