An iced bun has been created for Phyllis Muscat, Matron of Joseph Muscat’s and Keith Kasco Schembri’s kitchen cabinet

Published: May 24, 2013 at 12:11am
Phyllis Muscat is the large middle-aged woman with dyed brass hair, standing at the rear on this flight to Italy with Joseph and the twins

Phyllis Muscat is the large middle-aged woman with dyed brass hair, standing at the rear on this flight to Italy with Joseph and the twins

Phyllis Muscat

Phyllis Muscat shows her Great Leader around the fair she organised for him, Kwalita Malta (and believe me, that's not a reference to the two of them)

Phyllis Muscat shows her Great Leader around the fair she organised for him, Kwalita Malta (and believe me, that’s not a reference to the two of them)

The government has run out of boards to use for the servicing of its obligations towards those who gave Labour a leg-up. So it has begun creating new ones.

Today we had the announcement of the Coordinating Board for Cultural Projects.

This new board is chaired by Phyllis Muscat, matron of Joseph-n-Keith’s kitchen cabinet. She travels with Joseph and Michelle and she lives next to Keith Kasco Schembri, his chief of staff, at the Santa Maria Estate in Mellieha.

She made her money selling face cream to starving women under the Fenech Adami and Gonzi regimes. Now she ‘consults’ Joseph Muscat and Kasco Chief of Staff.

Read the convoluted, ridiculous DOI press statement announcing the creation of a board for Phyllis Muscat, below, and do take note of the fact that – what do you know – it has a roadmap.


This Government is fully committed to give the entire support and essence to culture and those who make up the country’s invaluable cultural heritage. The direct involvement of key players from the field is essential to recognise the requisites and also the needs to implement practical policies.

One of Government’s major commitments in the area of culture is to increase the country’s cultural capital and channel its growth into Maltese economy and society. In this light, the Coordinating Board for Culture Projects is being set up to take stock of the current cultural situation, to foster and facilitate coordination between entities working in the field and to serve as an incubator for new major cultural initiatives and capital projects.

The Board will work towards fully utilising the potential of culture as a catalyst of economic and social restructuring. In this respect, it will provide advice and make proposals to the Government on all aspects related to this industry, while strengthening existing collaboration and establishing new cooperation with local and international stakeholders. The Board will also create and manage a cultural roadmap containing strategic milestones for the country in the area. The roadmap will integrate various cultural initiatives while addressing gaps in the cultural scene in order to achieve an increased valorisation of Malta’s cultural assets as a source of identity and economic growth.

Through the identification and implementation of quality cultural initiatives, the Board will furthermore strive to develop local culture into a potent economic engine that encourages competitiveness and investment.

28 Comments Comment

  1. Antoine Vella says:

    The Cultural Heritage Advisory Board already existed within MEPA – the members were all recognised and respected authorities on archaeology, architecture and history.

    They have replaced en masse by Labour supporters with unsurprisingly no credentials in this area.

    • Random says:

      Antoine, you are listed in MEPA’s Heritage Board. Is this correct or is the MEPA website outdated?

      • Antoine Vella says:

        It’s outdated. There is now a new board which includes someone describing himself as the “minority leader” (no kidding) in the Valletta Local council.

  2. Alexis says:

    Various cultural activities, meaning coffee mornings or playing bingo by the water’s edge ?

  3. ciccio says:

    “The Board will work towards fully utilising the potential of culture as a catalyst of economic and social restructuring.”

    Utilising the potential of culture for social restructuring?

    What is social restructuring? Is that something from Mein Kampf?

    And I am not joking.

    • Antoine Vella says:

      I don’t think they mean anything by it. It’s just the sort of abstract babble uttered by those who want to be perceived as high-brow and “cultured”.

      • gil says:

        I can’t believe you don’t understand such a straightforward concept such as:

        ‘Utilising the potential of culture for social restructuring’.

        That is not to say that I don’t think that it could have been better worded as:

        ‘potentialising and streamlining the cultural harmonisation of the restructuring potentiality in the mainstream societal sphere with a view to increasing the paradigm shift into a more egalitarian, culturally re-structured societal construction’.

      • Antoine Vella says:

        Gil, your version is a masterpiece of report-writing, especially if the EU is paying for it by the page.

        The ‘Coordinating Board for Cultural Projects’ is also a little gem in this genre. They’re not going to actually carry out any projects but only coordinate the ones produced by others.

        And, of course they won’t be utilising culture but only working towards utilising it or, rather, its “potential”. No, the purpose is not to restructure society but only to serve as catalyst for restructuring which, presumably, will be done by someone else. In chemistry a catalyst influences a process without actually becoming part of it.

        By the way, we already have a Council for Culture and the Arts (Chairman Albert Marshall) to coordinate cultural projects and events.

    • john says:

      ‘utilising the potential of culture as a catalyst of social restructuring’ means that they are going to ram ghana down our throats.

  4. Bandiera Rossa says:
    And to hell with the rights of the next door neighbours who may have invested a fortune in solar panels on their rooftops.

    • Penthouse says:

      And what about those neighbours who may have invested hundreds of thousands in a penthouse behind one of those hotels?

    • Antoine Vella says:

      This is a political decision to change Local Plans without any regard for Local Councils. They are holding public consultation meeting on “tree care” but taking critical decisions unilaterally.

      • ciccio says:

        So basically they will be consulting with the trees but not with the citizens who live in the tourist areas.

    • Bandiera Rossa says:

      Malta Kollha Taghhom – u bil-provi.

  5. Kultura mnejka says:

    These new boards speak of the friction that already exists between Castille and Herrera’s clan.

    I am eagerly awaiting to see how Phyllis Muscat’s board – Phyllis is the PM’s woman – is going to function since the law already puts the MCCA as the coordinator of all cultural projects, and that’s Herrera’s domain.

    She will probably spend years fighting with Herrera and Micallef on whether V18 opening ceremony should start with a psychedelic version of her favourite show, Gensna, a medley by Renato and Mary Spiteri or a grand entrance by Dottor Muscat and Me Shall, our very own Kwalita Malta.

  6. TinaB says:

    Phyllis Muscat ukoll tifhem fil-kultura, imbierek Alla?

    Il-kultura Maltija diga marret ghoxrin sena lura f’anqas minn tlett xhur.

  7. helen says:

    Kwalita Malta my left foot. Is the food handler in the last photo, picking his nose?

  8. WE WILL says:

    How can those switchers and the others who vote for change sleep well at night?

    These appointments being dished out on a daily basis have made me completely give up and lose hope.

    It has not yet been a hundred days since the election and we are already going downhill with nobody to put the brakes on.

    By the time the next election is held there will be nothing left of this country which we worked so hard to re-build.

    May those who trusted Labour and voted for change be the first to feel the brunt.

    In any case most already are. Ask most businessmen and they will all tell you that business is at a standstill.

    • Catsrbest says:

      … business at a standstill. Praying and hoping it will stay like that for the next 5 years or until Labour lasts.

      It will do justice to those who repeatedly warned that is only a delusion.

  9. M. says:

    Mur ara x’tifhem in “the potential of culture as a catalyst of economic and social restructuring” Phyllis Muscat. Daqs kemm jifhem Jason il-peacock.

  10. Peter F says:

    I just got a vision – Phyllis Muscat and Kenneth ZT discussing the kalċiril prewġekts together.

  11. Adrian says:

    A nurse turned facial creams expert now cultural coordinator. Only in Labour Malta.

  12. Joseph Caruana says:

    With the Excessive Deficit Procedure or a new mini budget on the horizon the first expenditure area that would suffer would be culture.

    It will not be the appointed red-assed boys and girls sitting on boards. No.

    The first cuts would be in culture. U mhux xorta.

    We all know how Labour-Socialist/capitalists think about culture. Think V18 and Jasan Micallef. Think City Gate Project.

    Think about labour’s campaign’s song, a copied one. There’s more to add if one thinks of what culture was meant to be in the Mintoff Era. A North Korea in the sun?

  13. Gimme some says:

    You are forgetting the iced bun given to her husband, Paul Muscat. He is a board member of Transport Malta. Ghax zmien l-arroganza spicca.

  14. J. Borg says:

    What a massive load of BS.

  15. Lola says:

    I am retired from work now. Not enough money in my pocket to spend as I used to do while in employment. Any position for me? Declare that I am a floater and my vote swings.

  16. Rumplestiltskin says:

    Many of the Labour crowd probably think that North Korea’s version of “Ma taghmlu xejn ma’ l-Perit Mintoff” is the apotheosis of high culture. Maybe an updated version reflecting the new PM sung by a 1000 strong North Korean choir could be the highlight of the V18 opening ceremonies.

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