Audrey Harrison has got ANOTHER iced bun
May 27, 2013 at 3:53pm
Her request to be moved to the far easier, cushier and more generally congenial public relations office at her employer, the MEPA (she was previously a case officer) has been acceded to.
Malta Taghna Lkoll.
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The sun shone on the Labour Party, so they will be making hay for the next five years.
The trough gets longer and deeper each day.
M’basta riedet bidla halli l-ambjent jinghata priorita. Issa li l-bidla waslet telqet mill-ambjent. Addio priorita! Kemm ahna tan-n*jk!
The direct line to Muscat.
Have Audrey, will build. Ejja Jaff, naghmlu disco.
And how will PR manage with this teleworking newbie with absolutely no clue about media? But then I must be nuts to think you need to know about the media to do PR.
What about Konrad Mizzi’s father, they made him head of something it seems.
I am not PN, but even so these things bother me. Even if he is clever, possibli there’s no one else who they can put so that it doesn’t look bad. Really they bring it on themselves the criticism.
She who waits will get two iced buns and not one. Hu go fik ja gahan Malti. Ahdem u hallas it-taxxxi biex dawn l-erbgha qlafat isiru nies.
So many ICED BUNS with this government that if you google ICED BUNS IN MALTA your page beats the BBC recipe for such. Brilliant work. :)
So, she was granted reduced hours/teleworking by MEPA management so as to take care of her child and instead she goes off to sit on the film commission.
If she has this extra time shouldn’t she be increasing her time in the office instead? I don’t think one is permitted to take on extra paid work/duties when working on reduced hours.