Back to the future: Mario Vella formally named chairman of Malta Enterprise – with a board made up entirely of Laburisti and switchers

Published: May 22, 2013 at 8:24pm

karl marx

Mario Vella has been formally named chairman of Malta Enteprise, after a prolonged delay in which he has been going to that office and throwing his weight around as chairman-who-isn’t-chairman since day one of the Labour government back in March.

When we asked about it back then, we (I mean the press) were told “Oh, he’s only Chris Cardona’s representative there, his man on the ground, not the chairman”.

Oh yes, indeed.

Now the Minister for Lapdancing has finally felt the urge to make a respectable man, so to speak, of Dr Vella, instead of having him live in sin with no protection under the cohabitation law.

He has put a ring on his finger at last. How jolly.

As for the new Malta Enterprise board, what can I say? The government’s appointees (there is one, David Curmi, who is appointed by the Chamber of Commerce and Enterprise and is that organisation’s president) are Laburisti and switchers to a man, and woman.

One of them is Marlene Seychell, who took to the Labour Party’s electoral podium to tell us that she had decided to start voting Labour, omitting to mention that she always did, and that she was married until very recently to Carlo Seychell, boating-and-budgy-smuggler buddy of Dom Mintoff and Karmenu Vella.

Good luck to her, but honestly – can they be more obvious? And then the Nationalist government kept that vicious Labour louse, Wenzu Mintoff, on at Malta Enterprise from inception, even while he insisted that he could be editor of a newspaper at the same time (and that newspaper, if you please, was the Labour Party’s official organ, KullHadd).

Read up about Mario Vella in the link below, to my post dated 17 March when I broke the news that he was to head Malta Enterprise and the government denied it.

Find out how this old Commie Marxist with a beard full of fossilised food dating back to the 1970s, was specially selected by the Communist government of East Germany for a place at the “socialist” university of East Berlin.

And now he’s heading Malta Enterprise. How progressive, marelli. Life behind the Berlin Wall must have been so liberal – and you know what? Compared to contemporaneous life under Dom Mintoff, it probably was.

12 Comments Comment

  1. JPS says:

    Well, another disaster in the making, not that with Alan Camilleri under the PN government we were better off either.

  2. king rat says:

    God help us .

  3. CIS says:

    Carlo Seychell is not happy with the market in Ordnance Street as he has a bar there.

  4. MM says:

    David Curmi ex-Middle Sea Insurance and ex-Citadel Insurance? Laburist?

    [Daphne – Read the post again: he’s the one who’s NOT a government appointee.]

  5. Harry Purdie says:

    Just wonderful. A out and out communist in charge of Maltese capitalism.

    • ciccio says:

      You’re right Harry, it sounds like an antithesis.

      Oops, did I just use the word “thesis”?

      • La Redoute says:

        What are you insinuating? Mario Vella never said he wrote all or part of Joseph Muscat’s PhD thesis.

      • ciccio says:

        True, but did Joseph Muscat ever deny that Mario Vella wrote all or part of Joseph Muscat’s PhD thesis?

      • Transparency and Whistleblowing says:

        A voice that counts within Labour ranks confirms it. Perhaps there is a good unripe apple, after all, in the box? Give enough time to time, and all will out.

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        Why would any politician denounce himself? There’s your answer.

  6. john says:

    Nispera li ma jaghmlumomx dawn il-hames snin ghax sejrin ihassruh pajjiz. Jaqbadni l-biki nara dawn in-nies fil-poter.

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