Caption competition

Published: May 28, 2013 at 10:51pm

Please keep it clean, but if you really can’t, then make sure it’s so funny that I am left with no choice but to upload it.

caption competition

60 Comments Comment

  1. Ray says:

    “Michelle ghamlitli bicca ross fil-forn daqs dan.”

  2. H.P. Baxxter says:

    The first couple promoting test tubes.

  3. Allo Allo says:

    “He’s my puppet on a strink.”

  4. The Phoenix says:

    “Wahhalnilhom wiehed daqshekk.”

  5. Allo Allo says:

    “Jekk thalli barra l-dawk li deheru fuq il-billboard, lil kumplament kollha li emmnuna qabel l-elezzjoni, wahhalilhom wiehed….. daqshekk.”

  6. Phili B says:

    “Joseph, qed taghmilha ta’ chincherbrettmen jew tat-Tin Men tal-Wissard of Oss?”

  7. The Phoenix says:

    And I grab her like that and say “Come here baby”.

  8. Joe Fenech says:

    “Joqghodu jghidu li Jason bla kukki , imma spicca wahhalli wiehed daqshekk!”

  9. The Phoenix says:

    “And the tin soldiers walked like this in front of Manuel.”

  10. ciccio says:

    “Imbaghad, Mich, qbadt lil-Kurt minn ghonqu, hekk ara, u ghidtlu, Kurt, ghidtlu, ejja halli nghidu kelma rasi w rasek.”

  11. My name is Charlie says:

    “In Malta the sun it is danger. Look, how hot. Look at dis one. He going to burn.”

  12. My name is Charlie says:

    “Michelle, I really must have potatoes in my blood.”

  13. My name is Charlie says:

    “My God, is that my zarbun?”

  14. My name is Charlie says:

    “Keith! Keith! What have you fed him!”

  15. Allo Allo says:

    “Nipprezentalkom il-tablets li weghedkom qabel l-elezzjoni”

  16. Zeppi says:

    “This is the way my wife likes it.”

  17. My name is Charlie says:

    “And then I said to them, look, why don’t I use my own car and you pay me 7,000 euros a year for doing so?”

  18. Allo Allo says:

    “U imbaghad Toni dahal fil-kcina wara l-bar u sab blokka silg fiha daqshekk.”

  19. canon says:

    “Not tonight, Michelle. I must save myself for Jason.”

  20. Stefan says:

    “You wouldn’t believe the size of Franco’s cock.”

  21. Jon says:

    “Meta nitilghu Brussels din id-darba lil Kurt niehduh hend luggage, ghax nahseb ma fihx izjed minn daqshekk.”

  22. Dissident says:

    “Michelle, untangle my strings, there are too many people pulling at them.”

  23. Allo Allo says:

    U emmnuni, wara dak il-bluff kollu tar-road maps, costings u kuntratti fissi taz-zejt ghal ghaxar snin, imniehri spicca twal … b’daqshekk.

  24. Allo Allo says:

    Grazzi sinjuri. U issa ghall-illuzzjoni li jmiss, b’dedikazzjoni specjali ghal-FAA, mix-xejn se nohloq zewg sulari fuq kull lukanda.

  25. Alexander Ball says:

    A lone clap is better than a single herp.

  26. kev says:

    “…then I grabbed her and played her like a harp, Mich. Now imagine, had she truly been a witch…”

  27. Dickens says:

    “Ara x’ lussu! Tefghatli gbejna fis-soppa tal armla.”

  28. Liberace II says:

    “Mich, qalbi, bamballi wiehed daqs dan Jason.”

    “Kemmu hu helu Joey tieghi, dejjem jiccajta. Ara ha ncappcaplu wahda ghax vera jdahhaqni. Nispera li vera cajta, ghax xi kultant nahseb li mhux wiehed bamballu.”

  29. Joe says:

    “Ridt lil Lou Bondi fil-V18 biex lil Jason inwahhallu wiehed daqshekk”

  30. Nighthawk says:

    “How big shall I say it is? Something like this? No Mich, bigger, like this, people will believe a big lie sooner than a small one. Think of Malta Taghna Lkoll, that worked didn’t it?”

  31. M. Cassar says:

    “…and we were this close to being found out BUT the different groups actually thought it was a GOOD thing to keep our pre-electoral agreements secret, you know, just like abusers tell their victims that the abuse is ‘love’ but they should not tell anyone.”

  32. martha says:

    “Missek rajt zaqq Manuel Mallia f’dak ir-ritratt.”

  33. martha says:

    “U imbaghad ghamlu bilbort b’imniehri daqshekk.”

  34. tinnat says:

    “Ajma jaharsa, min ghalih kulhadd jiffansjah. Anki jien sirt bil-kemm nista’ nissaportieh.”

  35. Soleil says:

    After a lovely night out at Beppe Hili’s, with rather too much to drink, Joseph does his famed robot trick while Michelle laughs heartily. Meanwhile, Beppe leaves the room for more supplies of Averna.

  36. il-Ginger says:

    1. “Fiddling while Rome burns”
    2. Comparing the largest appendages they’ve ever handled

  37. Bon Ton says:

    Perhaps Joseph and Michelle are having a post-mortem after a candlelit dinner hosted by the Pufta tac-Coff and are imitating the various limp-wristed antics they were bored to distraction with.

  38. Pavia says:

    Lill-poplu Malti wahhaltlu wiehed daqshekk u se jkollu jitqanna bija ghal 5 snin, dejjem jekk ma jigrilix bhal Fredu

  39. Fifty Shades of J says:

    “I stepped off the podium in the Gnejna Bay car park to a standing ovation from the delighted boathouse owners, following my promise that ‘Malta Taghna Lkoll’ really meant fuck-all to the Labour Party. It was just a slogan I coined after reading Michelle’s copy of Fifty Shades of Grey.

    Walking towards my Alfa I noticed Franco Debono sunbathing naked, the nudists having insisted I deliver on my promise to meet the needs of minorities. I scurried towards my old school chum and complemented him on the size of his pony. But then I remembered that I’m a married man, and that fantasies are best confined to fashionable books read on planes and in airports. So you see, Michelle, I’m back.”

  40. lejberstar says:

    “And then I said, ‘Malta taghna lkoll,’ and they believed it.”

  41. Josette says:

    “I think I might have exaggerated with the make-up. His face appears a bit …fake.”

  42. Censu says:

    X’fijja billi dbazwar l-hawn u dbazwar l-hemm..

  43. P Camilleri says:

    Bazwar ftit min hawn u bazwar ftit min hemm, fl-ahhar irnexxielna niehdi l-gvern. Bravu.

  44. bob-a-job says:

    Zowie: U dak, hawn x’jismu. Il-marelli kif insejt.

    Mich: Ehhhh jaqaw Willie?

    Zowie: Iva, iva. Willie Mangion.

  45. Mister says:

    Isn’t Joseph too old to be dancing Gangnam style?

  46. aidan says:

    “That Jackie Chan movie was fantastic!”

  47. savage says:

    “My haaasbint … he’s spexxal.”

  48. paleblue my foot! says:

    We`ve really shafted this country twice over.

  49. paleblue my foot! says:

    We will approve of nothing smaller than this for Etoile and Soleil when they get married.

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