Cyrus Engerer advocates blowing out the eternal flame (well, the money for his new salary must come from somewhere)
May 29, 2013 at 6:12pm
Cyrus Engerer, a Labour Party lackey who is busy sleeping his way to the bottom by bedding one of Kurt Farrugia’s elves, and who has just been put unnecessarily on the state payroll as a reward for services rendered to Labour, has the nerve to praise the government’s ‘cost-cutting measure’ of turning off the cenotaph’s eternal flame.
So basically, we’ve turned off the eternal flame to save money on gas, which we will then use to pay Cyrus for his new state job as professional lackey.
If I were Cyrus, I would keep it zipped. And no, I don’t mean his trousers. But that might have helped, too.
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U mhux dalwaqt ser jkollna gas bl-irhis jew?
U forsi Michelle tirkanta dak il-handbag li xtrala Joseph (l-iktar rigal gholi li qatt xtara) u malajr ikollna biex nixtru ftit gass.
U dawk l-ilbiesi fake tad-Dolce u Gabbana? Tghid jistghu ibighuhom bhala ‘originals’ fuq il-Monti fi Triq l-Ordinanza, ghax jekk jaghmlu hekk, allura ikollhom biex jixtru gass kemm iridu.
I’ve an idea. And I hope it’ll make the international headlines shame this government.
Let’s all chip in, collect the 30,000 Euros, and hand a cheque to the Office of the Prime Minister, to be used for keeping the eternal flame alight.
Perhaps the Royal British Legion (il-barrani!) could set the ball rolling. Or St Paul’s Anglican Cathedral, as Malta’s only church with memorials to the war dead. I know there are readers of this blog among its congregation.
Perhaps Stanley Clews?
And it’s 19,000, not 30,000. Even better.
As a very proud commissioned officer, who has been utterly and completely appalled, aghast and bitterly hurt, by this base and abject decision, I beg you to set up a fund to do this.
The George Cross Island Association and the King’s Own Malta Regiment Association can take the lead, they need to be supported by all of us.
Mrs Caruana Galizia has the medium to advertise where and how to do this.
Excellent proposition, Sir.
Actually it’s only €9,500.
I am not in contact with either of these associations, and I am loath to set up an account in my name. After all, I am a private individual, and people will quite rightly be mistrustful, however noble the cause.
I urge you to contact one of our veterans’ associations and get them set up the fund. Then we who donate can have the satisfaction of going up to Castille with that cheque. This goes beyond partisan politics. It was a government decision, and the government should be put to shame.
Just give us a bank account number and I am sure we will collect the required amount.
It would have to be done by a properly recognised and reputable organisation. I suggest the Royal British Legion.
Good idea. I am ready to donate.
Me too – please tell us where we can deposit the money.
I am also ready to donate.
Count me in.
Good idea. I will donate on a confidential basis.
And there must be a sign set up next to the flame “Din il-fjamma tixghel eternament MINKEJJA l-Gvern Laburista u mhux minhabba il-Gvern Laburista.”
So it was a deliberate blow job, after all.
Staqsieh kemm qed nahlu eluf fuqu!
Brilliant idea!
I once heard Cyrus say on One radio that the reason he feels comfortable in Labour is that they work from ‘the bottom up’.
Well, at least in this he probably knows what he’s talking about. Must be an expert in bottoms
Nies li ma jafux b’dinjita u rispett. Cyrus int cuc. Mur tkellem ftit ma siehbek fil-partit, Charles Flores, halli jghidlek kif hallas b’hajtu in-nannu tieghu meta ghola bil-vapur barra l-Port il-Kbir.
Bhala Maltin, iva ghandna nonoraw il-memorja ta’ dawk li mietu fil-gwerer biex ghixna hajja fil-liberta’.
Din l-ekonomija li tridu taghmlu? Kif ma tisthux, ja injoranti, meta kull pajjiz suret in-nies ghandu ‘eternal flame” mixghula b’unur ghal l-eroj tieghu.
Il-barranin jitkazaw bikom b’dan id-disprezz lejn din it-tifkira tas-sagrificcju tal-Maltin u Ghawdxin li nqatlu mill-ghadu.
Diga gabuna pajjiz li l-anqas kapaci jkollu rispett baziku lejh in-nifsu. Komplu ghaffgu.
Bravo !! am cheering you after your contribution Well said.
Perhaps Cyrus could tell us how much the person switching the flame on or off costs us, unless we need to invest in further hardware to automate this. Everything was costed before the election, right? Including switching off the eternal flame, I see.
I’m surprised someone hasn’t come up with the idea of replacing them with energy-saving light bulbs or to pitch a mobile kiosk and use the flame to toast burgers yet.
They could boil the water for the coffee served at Castille on one of those flames.
But let’s not give them any more ideas.
How did Cyrus work out that it’s the eternal flame that tips the balance? I can think of lots of other light bulbs that can be turned off.
I can think of lots of people who should not have been employed by Government, given contracts for “services”, given higher salary scales than they should etc.
First this rush to grab, grab, grab and now we’re saving money – by switching an eternal flame off during the day.
Under the PN administrration there were strict limits imposed on Ministers regarding staff employed externally, there were few Ministries, consultants’ contracts had to go through Castille (and it was no rubberstamping) and getting a higher salary grade than the one normally applicable was well nigh impossible.
But then someone like Cyrus has the cheek to justify such a ridiculous way to save money.
And given his past, how did HE manage to get through his security screening (which, under the previous government, was mandatory for members of a Minister’s private secretariat)?
Labour are still running after people offering them positions.. some, Labourites of pure old Mintoffian stock, refuse to be their puppets and have said no.
Cyrus Engerer telling us what ‘is-serjeta’ demands! Come on, would any upstanding person do what he did to his ex-partner?
Let’s judge a man by his deeds and not by his words, lest we are tricked into forgetting what is right or wrong.
Ms. CG please let us know if an account is set up.
Yes Baxxter, I’ll go for that . I pledge 100 euros a year towards it. Tell me where to send it and it’s done. I may be contacted via Daphne.
Good proposal Baxxter. It can be done.
But then, what do you expect from someone who sought to harm his former partner.
WE too!
Great idea and will surely contribute, so many of us come from an army family. Just make sure the president isn’t allowed close to this fund as it may go to pay for his family’s air tickets or other such comforts.
I too will gladly donate should a fund be set up for the cause, but that’s hardly the point, is it? The fact remains that Labour deem fit to insult the memory of those who suffered so that people like them can live.
The point is not to collect the money, but to watch Joseph Muscat’s face when we present that cheque for what is, after all, a laughable sum.
Just fancy that – private citizens showing up the government. This is not a charity fund but a here’s-19thousand-to-show-how-ridiculous-you-are fund.
Why do you repeatedly mention 19,000. The kost-sejfink is far less than that, at 9,500.
Ok. Although I have this niggling feeling that this is a provocation set up of sorts, I think we should go with Baxxter’s suggestion. Fund and account number under Daphne’s blog please.
We’ll show them we can pay the full price. Let’s go the whole way.
I agree, Cyrus had better zip it.
He’s been up to some very nasty stuff and once it’s out in the open (any time soon now) it is exceedingly likely that his job will no longer be tenable.
We need to make a petition asking the Government to lower the salary of his large cabinet by a mere €9,000 overall to be able to keep the flame lit up – with 15 ministers (including the PM) and 8 parliamentary secretaries this corresponds to less than €500 yearly per person reduction.
Who do I send the cheque to? Seriously.
My father didn’t die in the war, but he left his country to come and help protect Malta and the Maltese.
We should ALL be ashamed if we let this tyranny of a government turn off the flame.
We would probably not be here today, if it were not for those brave men and women who died at such young ages in order to give us all a better life. Please include me in.
Daphne, did you know that Fr. Collin Apap has got something to do with Helena Dalli’s ministry on some sort of focus group?
Cyrus’s sexual exploits have landed him where he is, though maybe he had hoped for a lot more.
Whilst it is wonderful to see so much generosity it is not only the military who are being remembered in the Flotiana Memorial but our (and my) Maltese and allied ex-servicemen and women, as well as those Maltese civilians who died so that runts like Cyrus Engerer could be “free” to talk the vomit he does.