Darleen Zerafa also has a salaried job in the President’s Office, as PA to the First Lady

Published: May 14, 2013 at 7:28pm

The President of the Republic said that the work Darleen Zerafa does as secretary to the Community Chest Fund is pro bono. He failed to mention that she’s only there in the first place because she has a salaried job as personal assistant to the First Lady, who is deputy chairman of the fund and responsible for its daily administration.

Darleen Zerafa is a pharmacist. Exactly what is she doing working as PA to the First Lady?

Darleen Zerafa president


61 Comments Comment

  1. H.P. Baxxter says:

    What the fuck was Simon Busuttil doing shaking hands and smiling at this bunch of scoundrels? He can start winning the next election right now by naming and shaming. No surrender. No connivance.

    • Harry Purdie says:

      Think he needs a get tough handler.

    • Reporter says:

      Hear, hear!

    • Stephen Borg Fiteni says:

      Yes, I’ve always wondered why the Nationalist Party is so timid. They could have pointed out so many things last election (such as the many stories about the Mintoffjani and the Mintoff years), and could be pointing out so many things right now but for some reason they remain silent.

      • Another John says:

        Thing is, the Nationalists did point out a LOT of things in the run up to the election. But the majority did not give a hoot. The Nationalists threw everything they had but to no avail. A majority of the populationn is either ignorant or amoral. I doubt if there is anything else that can be done now.

      • Stephen Borg Fiteni says:

        True, for some reason people hold the Labour Party to different standards than they hold the Nationalist Party (just imagine the huge scandal that would have been caused if a Nationalist president did this).

    • kev says:

      Here’s a haga-muhgaga for you, Baxxter.

      What roars like a tiger, bites like a frog and scampers like a mouse?

      • Harry Purdie says:


      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        The European Union, Kevin.

        It’s not the answer you were looking for, but I know you feel deeply about the subject.

        As for Simon Busuttil, he’s been too long in the grey sterile world of EU bureaucracy. He has yet to know the level of invincible stupidity, combined with a lust for money, hypocrisy, immorality and a semitic rapacity that is Malta and the Maltese.

        You should know, being the conniving hypocritical freeloader that you are. But at least you’re upfront, I’ll give you that. I could wish for no better enemy.

        Truthfully now, Kevin, if Simon Busuttil had refused to shake Joseph Muscat’s hand, how would you have reacted? With praise or with tut-tutting and wagging of fingers about “politika tal-firda”?

      • Harry Purdie says:

        Good rant. Baxxter. Think we need a drink together. Ask Kevvy, on me.

      • kev says:

        No, Purdie. Wrong answer.

        We eurosceptics are biting your sorry europhile arses all over the EU (but not yet in Cloud Malta), and it’s so much fun to watch your uber-mentors scamper as they squeek.

        And Baxxter… Baxxter, Baxxter. Taking life too seriously can be the very source of your frustration.

        I don’t freeload, Baxxter. I serve a purpose for which I am paid. Don’t blame me for getting paid to do something I like doing, and in which I believe.

        But “conniving hypocritical freeloader”?

        This doesn’t surprise me. Not after you made a fool of yourself the other day, shrieking “I hate you” like a dejected tart.

        As if you can hate someone you don’t even know. How can I ever take you seriously after that spectacle, Baxxter?

        You now ask whether I would have reacted had Simon refused to shake Joseph’s hand. Have you considered whether I care enough to react to such nonsense?

        So there you are. You got it. The scampering mouse that roars like a tiger and bites like a frog.

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        Oh but I do know you. We even met once.

      • Harry Purdie says:

        Hey Kevvy. Let’s have a comment on your commie compatriots here on the rock, as they empty the charities’ bank accounts and dispurse their funds to undeserving, greedy hangers on.

        The dishes await. Don’t forget your apron. And be sure you vacuum before the boss arrives.

      • kev says:

        I don’t recall the honour of ever meeting you, Baxxter, but that’s not the point. You can hate someone politically, but you don’t blurt it into his face unless you’re a moron of the highest order.

        What you did was liking making love to the screen. You don’t go telling people you hate them as if you had some relationship with them. That was my point.

      • cruise liner thing says:

        I don’t think he understood you there Baxxter.

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        I don’t hate you politically. Whatever makes you think that, Kevin?

  2. MP says:

    Richard Dimech is also a relative of the President, a cousin I believe.

  3. Betty says:

    There is even another from the family circle. The Private Secretary and seconded BOV manager Richard Dimech, is a George Abela’s close relative – his cousin I believe.

  4. canon says:

    Does the First Lady suffer from eating disorders?

    • Jozef says:

      Apparently she mistakes paid personal assistance for someone perfecting their studies in Umbria.

      Now then, it’s not as if Darleen did a Gorg Preca.

      Remember Evarist’s thesis that ministers should carry responsibility for all that happens under their watch?

      No room for maneouvre here.

  5. Francis says:

    And the plot thickens……!

  6. Fausto Majistral says:

    BTW, despite the official website carrying the heading “President of the Republic of Malta” there is no such office. It’s “President of Malta” which, presumably, was not high-sounding enough for Abela.

  7. trapezoid says:

    Taghna lkoll! Taghna lkoll! Malta taghna lkoll!

    Issa qed nifhem x’ rid jghid biha fid-diskors mit-tron.

    Malta tassew taghna lkoll!

  8. Ian says:


    Amazing report!

    Joseph the bitch: Dr Muscat said that Dr Gonzi’s term as Speaker and chairman of the National Council for Persons with Disability (KNPD) stand out in his career, as he managed to create great awareness about the rights of persons with disability.

    Simon the indignant: Opposition leader Simon Busuttil lauded Dr Gonzi saying that his lasting legacy will be the €1.2 billion package secured last February from the EU.

    Anglu the acquired Persona (works in progress): Speaker Anglu Farrugia also thanked said Dr Gonzi remarking that “disagreements are the hallmark of democracy.”.

  9. jack says:

    Reminds me of Marlon Brando in ‘Apocalypse now’… “the horror, the horror, the horror”

  10. Jozef says:

    Right, this is getting messy.

    Will the Office of the President please explain how a personal assistant manages to attend to her duties away from the country, what was it, paid leave?

    Honestly, there’s a limit to the Camelot.

    Everyone I spoke to this afternoon mentioned this scandal.

    Because it isn’t anything but that.

    The Community Chest Fund might as well be shut down indefinitely, such is everyone’s disgust and their trust shattered. The real scandal.

    But then, when the President accepts an empty envelope from Michelle Muscat, declaring it worth 10,000 Euros, what else was to be expected? It simply exceeds the worst.

    This isn’t the first time the Presidency has been dragged through murky details involving monies, plane tickets and ‘charity’. But this is simply too close.


  11. Riya says:

    Persuna ohra fl-ghola posizzjoni tal-pajjiz intefa’ gol-qoffa.

    Issa x’se jigri?

  12. Claude Sciberras says:

    I cannot understand why people fail to see the problems with employing your family members to such positions. There is a good reason why employing your family members is against the code of conduct.

    Even if the family member if the most fantastic person around and is the only person fit for the job, you shouldn’t do it. First of all it gives the perception that the person was not employed because of his/her capabilities but only because of relation. Secondly situations like these once again give the perception of nepotism and favouritism.

    Now some questions:

    a) Is this person the only person qualified (or isn’t she even qualified) to do this work?

    b) What exactly was the motivation for funding Ms Zerafa – I fail to see the connection between her studies and the Community Chest Fund.

    c) I know that most people in this country view education as something that one should only do to get a job and should never pay anything to get it, but is this what the President thinks as well? Doesn’t he see that education is an investment in one’s future? What is the problem with investing a few thousands of euros in your education especially if this will give you an edge in the labour market?

    d) It is obvious that most people who only work in the public sector have no clue what working for your money means. I know many people in the private sector who make many sacrifices to ensure that costs are kept to a minimum because they work for every penny they earn. Of course when someone else is paying for your expenses you tend to forget how important it is to keep costs low. I think that especially when the money is coming from charity funds, people must stick to the lowest possible costs unless we are talking about someone’s life or health. So even if funded by the CCF Ms Zerafa should still take a low-cost flight and use the 10 hours to do some studying. Is this too much to ask?

    e) Is someone going to take some action on this or has this country suddenly become a free for all?

  13. Reporter says:

    Has timesofmalta.com disabled comments under the Darleen story?

  14. Reporter says:

    From Malta Today (the paragon of journalism in our country):

    ‘The spokesperson said that allegations that the President’s offer to fund the studies of a person related to a family member of his, “were gratuitous”.’

    What on earth does this sentence mean??


    • A. Charles says:

      ‘The spokesperson said that allegations that the President’s offer to fund the studies of a person related to a family member of his, “were gratuitous”.’

      What on earth does this sentence mean?

      It means that the allegations are free (sic).

  15. Harry Purdie says:

    And the hits just keep on coming.

  16. Riya says:

    Kella persuna serja il-Kummissjoni li suppost tikkoregi lil Magistratura.

    Mhux ta’ b’xejn qatt ma’ sar xejn, jew ittiehdu passi bis-serjerta’ b’nies bhal George Abela bhala Chairman.

  17. pale blue my foot! says:

    How the hell was Dr Gonzi duped into nominating this scoundrel as President?

  18. Sufa says:

    How could the president of Malta have been expected to reprove Consuelo Scerri Herrera when he thinks this sort of thing is all right?

    [Daphne – He’s the one who recommended her for appointment as a magistrate, in the first place. Amazing how everything ends up falling into place.]

  19. CIS says:

    Shocking. The Office of the President even told a half truth in its statement that she does the job for free.

  20. matt says:

    Simon Busutill needs to get tough with the President. Chumminess is getting ridiculous now.

    Simon should insist on the President to publicly tell us why she received this scholarship money when in fact this money, donated by the people, was supposed to be used to help the needy.

    This was the conversation at a function I attended this evening. Malta taghom biss.

  21. The Sting says:

    Which brings to mind another news item which made me uncomfortable especially since I had also donated to the Malta Community Chest Fund, and that’s when the President ‘visits’ the Maltese patients in the UK.

    I understand that the ‘entourage’ is quite a hefty one, so besides airfares and accommodation there’s also quite a bit of wining and dining done whilst over there.

    Somebody should look into this. I believe that not a single penny should be spent from a charity unless it IS DIRECTLY FOR CHARITABLE REASONS. Taking a troupe of people to London on a pretext does not fall into this category so far – or does it?

  22. francesca says:

    Well at least she won’t be getting money hardworking people donated to charity.

  23. Calculator says:


    As pointed above, the course is clear:

    “When the President covers up irregularities at the San Anton Presidential Cafeteria and reads out the most partisan Labour-promoting parliament opening speech there ever was, it’s time for him to apologise to the nation and then resign.

    When the President starts using the public’s donations to the Malta Community Chest Fund to fund a Masters degree course for his family members, it’s time to Parliament to impeach him and disgrace him in a Herculean way.”

  24. Ex Ufficju Abela Bormla says:

    Before the botched Labour leadership election more than 5 years ago. She was responsible for George Abela’s camapign with PL delegates, coordinating events and helpers.

    After Dr Gonzi appointed Dr Abela as president Ms Zerafa settled in nicely at San Anton Palace – she, together with the whole Abela family, have been living a presidential life ever since, but greed knows no limits and now it’s time for an extra performance bonus paid out from charity money.

  25. Silvio farrugia says:

    I am disgusted with MY president.

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