Expect the next Sacha Baron Cohen film

Published: May 27, 2013 at 2:44pm
Manuel Mallia inspects his privates.

Manuel Mallia inspects his privates.

15 Comments Comment

  1. H. Prynne says:

    Can he see his privates without the help of a mirror?

    [Daphne – Well, they’re a lot taller than he is and in uniform, so it’s a bit hard to miss them.]

  2. H.P. Baxxter says:

    It’s E.M.A.N.U.E.L.

    Or you’ll upset Stephen Farrugia. “Malta Rightwing” has decided that “JM” and “Emanuel” are the two men who will save Malta.

  3. Edward says:

    Looks like something out of a Discworld novel. I’m sure there’s Captain Vimes in there somewhere.

  4. Ang says:

    This is the sort of thing VImes would make it a point to miss.

  5. ciccio says:

    How is he supposed to be inspecting their uniform, if the lapel of his own jacket is not in order?

  6. Harry Purdie says:

    The sloppy dress and stomachs of the privates must have made the bullfrog proud.

  7. king rat says:

    I have the rights to the Malta Sacha Baron Cohen great leader and tribe film , problem is the are soooo many ministries to go through to try and make this film . We think that the name shall read Great Love Great Leader .

  8. Socrates says:

    Qisu tapp tal-Kinnie jaghqad fin-nofs. Tghid is-suldati rnexxielhom jarawh?

    Ara veru zatat.

  9. Dickens says:

    Z*bb go bott tal -ispaghetti rings in sauce.

  10. aidan says:

    Is he dancing the Macarena ?

  11. Pied Piper says:

    Never mind the quality. just feel the width

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