For want of a horseshoe…

Published: May 16, 2013 at 2:32pm

Turns out that problematic thing cost between Lm400 and Lm500 – or is it 400 euros? Hard to tell.


19 Comments Comment

  1. Louise tal-Fjuri says:

    Now how about George Vella gags Super One, Maltastar, Maltatoday and all the media that made a meal out of this silly matter.

    • etil says:

      Ah, but it was one of the many reasons the PL won the elections. What is a lie here and there and what is a extra zero here and there.

  2. P Shaw says:

    Isn’t it amazing that this non-story made the headlines for two months with The Times whining that it wants to see and touch the damn clock, while the recent story of stealing from charity for personal travel died within two days?

    The so-called newspapers do really have a strong sense of objectivity and priorities! No wonder Gorg Vella wants to control the media – he knows that it is quite easy in Malta given the mediocre state of news reporting.

    I suspect that some journalists actually want to be controlled – it will make their work much easier. Instead of seeking a story and doing some proper research/investigations, they will simply report the transcripts given to them.

  3. M. says:

    Worse – between 400 and 500 EUROS, not Lm, making it all the more pathetic.

  4. catharsis says:

    Throw dirt enough, and some will stick.

  5. MxC says:

    Again on the clock? Seriously, as if there aren’t more important things to worry about. This makes you wonder whether they have made the mental transition of being in government or not.

  6. jack says:

    Irrespective of the value of the gift – merely accepting it was a dismally bad call by Tonio Fenech. Brings back memories of the Arsenal match tickets and the painful justifications that followed.

    Lastly, I note, that the estimated value of the clock is reported in the defunct LM not Euro. Is this an intentional ploy seeking to widen the disparity between the value proposed by PL and the actual value of the clock?

    As reported, upon a first viewing it appears that PL were wrong ten-fold… in actual fact the clock is worth EUR 1165 – not a paltry sum…

    • Harry Purdie says:

      Have to agree here. Although I admire his superb management of the economy through a turbulent European time, he should have kept himself squeaky clean.

      He must, at least, have a wrist watch somewhere.

  7. Paul says:

    Wrong. Don’t want to be a pedant but it COST much less, in fact not more than Lm 200. It’s SELLING price (if ever sold) would likely be in the region of Lm 400 – Lm 500, she said.

    So much for Varist’s claim pressing the Minister to admit he received a gift of not less than Eur 5000. Idiot.

  8. Richard Borg says:

    I believe it’s “For want of a Nail”.

    [Daphne – That’s the title of the nursery rhyme. The spoken lament is ‘For want of a horseshoe (nail)’.]

  9. just me says:

    One must also consider that when Tonio Fenech accepted this gift, he was not even a minister yet..

  10. Gahan says:

    The husband was good at syphoning money. His wife made the clocks at X Euros and he ‘charged’ the company X Euros plus 150% profit.

  11. Toni says:

    Don’t forget that Mintoff used to go on holiday every summer on the Marsovin yacht and nobody ever thought it that bad.

  12. brimba says:

    We now have the Community Chest Fund to provide “buddies” with needed cash

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