George Vella is right: Super One really needs to control itself

Published: May 16, 2013 at 12:01pm

Poison Dwarf

When something similar happened to me some days ago, Super One went wild (because I’m still news to Labour, which hasn’t yet shaken off its mortal fixation). And this when my fine was one-sixth of that and there wasn’t even a warrant for my arrest.

Will Super One be doing the same with its Poison Dwarf? As if. Ma tarax. Mela ma tafx li ahna posittivi?

What a country.

15 Comments Comment

  1. Jozef says:

    It could be the magistrate couldn’t see him standing in front of that bench.

  2. Mr Meritocracy says:

    A mere apology by Kurt Farrugia revoked the fines.

    Well, that should be my argument to any Magistrate in case I’m summoned before the Courts and turn up late for some reason or another.

    [Daphne – That’s standard. You can’t really say there was special treatment. My point here is on the reporting, not on the fine and its revocation.]

  3. kram says:

    The fine was revoked although he arrived late. Would the man in the street be treated the same?

    [Daphne – Yes, probably. But cases involving ‘the man in the street’ don’t get reported.]

  4. deceduti says:

    The excuse is going to be “different magistrates”

  5. francesca says:

    Same old Labour. nothing new, nothing has changed. This is the country we now live in. I’m not suprised at all because this is one of the many reasons why I did not vote Labour but I wonder what all those clever fools think of themselves now?

    I guess they haven’t figured it out yet otherwise they would not have voted Labour in the first place. Well, here’s the change you wanted at all costs on a silver platter, hope you enjoy it.

  6. maryanne says:

    They had better do their job properly instead of ‘controlling’ what should be left free.

    Jose Herrera leaves out a Gozitan representative from the Heritage Malta board.

    What’s the excuse going to be this time?

  7. Felix Dalli says:

    …and meanwhile William Mangion got his bun too.

    William Mangion Mascoli: “I must let you know that I started my job with the ministry of culture. Im still finding my way. I have a One year contract as a coordinator for the promotion of local Bands. As yet the contract has not been issued so i dont know my work conditions and wage. But, at least I started”

    • Josette says:

      Another new position? One more extra salary on the public purse?

    • TinaB says:

      Ma qaghadx jippoza u jitghannaq ma Joseph, Me Shall u sahansitra ma Etoile u Soleil ghalxejn mela.

      Mid-dehra mhux ta’ xi dublett biss laghqi.

    • Snoopy says:

      Can you believe this fool, he took up a job without knowing his pay? Pull the other one! And what a job paid from taxes, “coordinator for the promotion of local bands”. Meritocracy? Was there a public call? Where are our journalists?

      • Harry Purdie says:

        Bet you he has been given a monopoly on the importation of musical instruments. History tends to repeat itself.

    • Boy on a bike says:

      He cannot even promote his own band, how is he going to manage to promote other bands?

  8. Tinu says:

    Labour machine always follows its leader’s convictions, 2 weights and 2 measures, skond kif jaqbel lilhom.

  9. zunzana says:

    Is it normal for such fines to be revoked, or is this another fringe benefit for being one of the Labour clique?

    [Daphne – No, if you give a valid reason and show that you meant no contempt, it’s revoked.]

  10. victor says:

    When a labourer in a factory goes late his payment will be deducted . Manipulated justice .

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