Get a load of this – any moment now and the Gensna dancers are going to spin round those guys

Published: May 17, 2013 at 7:26pm


The Department of Information has just released a photograph of an Air Malta plane in its quite striking (though I might have done it a little bit differently) new Valletta 2018 livery.

In the foreground, we have, left to right, Jose Herrera’s head of secretariat, former Super One reporter Charlon Gouder, the PS for Culture, Jose Herrera, Valletta 2018 chairman Jason Micallef, and an unknown and mysterious man because the DOI, now that it has taken on the Labour style of dismissing these things as unimportant, hasn’t given us a ‘left to right’ or specified who’s in the picture. We have to work it out for ourselves.

Our hero of Albertown and Jason 2018 are wearing smart suits but with brilliantly red Warda Kanta ties. And the PS for Culture, a yob unto the last, is wearing faded jeans of the kind that should never be seen on a man his age, height and shape, let alone on a member of the cabinet at an official event.

Forsi darb’ohra jista jissellef xi bokkla kbira minghand ohtu Consuelo, halli jkun il-vera 1980s Labour style.

18 Comments Comment

  1. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Can we ever get the trouser length right?

  2. Jb vodka says:

    Regghu hargu l- ingravajet homor. Issa ma jimpurtax nikxfu min ahna. Hames snin ohra nergghu naqilbu ghall- blu

  3. Louis says:

    Red ties are out again.

  4. Aunt Hetty says:

    Is the detail that Mr Albert Scerri the gynaecologist in question happens to be Victor Scerri’s brother, the real reason for removing him from the board in question?

  5. Neil Dent says:

    Hicks. Disgusting opportunistic chavs.

    General comment on the new, unfit government – I never even dreamt that the onslaught of cronyism and blatant abuse of the nation and its finances would happen so soon after the elections.

    It was inevitable but FFS!

    Mind you, I wasn’t anywhere near Malta during the Golden Years. But. HOW LONG AGO WAS THAT? You just EXPECT change. Progress, in that timeframe. But no.

  6. AE says:

    So they are allowed to wear red ties again?

  7. David S says:

    2nd from left – Air Malta baggage loader?

  8. Frans Cassar says:

    The anti-EU bunch…..hypocrites!

  9. M. says:

    Jason’s in brown shoes.

  10. Mark says:

    The ‘mysterious man’ is Caldon Mercieca, one of the brains behind Valletta 2018. A very hardworking and solid person as it happens.

  11. C Falzon says:

    Is it really the DOI photo or a Photoshopped version?

    [Daphne – It’s the DOI photo, untouched. It’s probably on their site, too – go and take a look.]

  12. ciccio says:

    Where is the Minister’s tie?

    The plane says Valletta European Capital of Culture 2018.

    What I see on the asphalt is Valletta European Capital of Chavs 2018.

  13. TinaB says:

    Jaqq. X’misthija.

  14. Qeghdin Sew says:

    I believe the man on the right is Caldon Mercieca.

  15. Big Daddy says:

    And as part of his amazing array of grim stares and pissed-off facial expressions, the PS for Culture is sporting a new one: this time round he’s trying out the “constipated” glare.

  16. spa says:

    The man on the far right is Caldon Mercieca.

  17. marks says:

    Maybe the dress code is his subliminal message saying ‘I really hate this job. I wanted a Ministry”.

  18. Len says:

    Is the second from left Benito Mussolini?

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