Has a Labour internet troll or elVE been given the job of stencilling our streets?

Published: May 15, 2013 at 12:27pm

The T is upside down and half of it has gone.


20 Comments Comment

  1. ciccio says:

    Cannot toLLerate this sloppy spelling.

  2. Galian says:

    Actually I think they were meant to write ‘SLOW’ but forgot half way through and thought they were writing ‘STOP’. Any further comments are superfluous.

  3. Dickens says:

    Luciano Busuttil moon-lighting with the local council, maybe?

  4. wenzu says:

    No! That should have been a SLOW!

  5. ciccio says:

    Meanwhile, Joseph Muscat’s socialist friend in Europe is facing more economic trouble.

    One year on, Mr. Normal – who on his campaign trail promised economic growth – has led France into economic recession.


    Let us not forget his endorsement of Joseph Muscat for the 9 March elections.


    Meanwhile his popularity rating in France hovers around 25%. Judging from the scores of switchers here and the 36,000 majority, it seems that he has more fans here in Malta than he has in France.


  6. RF says:

    That’s “SLOW” and “STOP” in one word to save paint and time.

  7. joe Farrugia says:

    Me thinks it is the work of an intelligent painter wanting to offend somebody living in that street.

  8. mattie says:

    Can somebody go and cross that T with paint, please?

    • Grezz says:

      No, because a stop sign has no place there. It’s meant to be ‘slow’, but, apparently, the six men painting it must be so.

  9. Catherine says:

    Half of me hoped it was some sort of political commentary. Banksy style. It’s not though, is it? It’s the usual bum-crack-showing lack of efficiency.

  10. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Harry Purdie has a very relevant anecdote about this sort of thing. In the end, he colour-coded everything, and it worked.

  11. Gahan says:

    Injuranti, ma tafux li f’Malta meta jkollok STOP tohrog bis-SLOW motion?
    Dak huwa sinjal skond in-norma gdida tat-traffiku f’Malta taht gvern li tahtu kollox miexi bil-mod kwazi se jieqaf!


  12. Riya says:

    Slow or Stop both doesn’t make any sense in that particular location.

  13. U Le! says:

    U ejja madoffi x’ghageb! It was just a SLIP between STOP and SLOW. Maybe who was writing it was under the influence of strong anti-histamines due to hay fever caused by strong whiffs of paint and was writing Zombie style. Nothing that a quick visit to the local minister/gp would not cure.

  14. helen says:

    No you’re all wrong. He had the paint in my barmil and wrote slop instead.

  15. Tarzan58 says:

    Actually it’s not so embarrassingly stupid. It is a cleverly coded message for drivers to first slow down, and then stop. This road is narrow, so the message has to be condenced. We may be on the way to give a new word to the English language. !!SLOP!!

  16. Alex says:

    Can’t join the dOTS

  17. zeitgeist says:

    That’s a new traffic sign. It’s a street crossing for the ‘majjali ta’ Malta’. They stop there for a break to enjoy a meal. It’s also called a ‘hanzirata’.

    NB. Slop – is pig food for the agriculturally retarded not a new English word.

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