Here’s another one who told us to vote Labour because of lower electricity rates
May 3, 2013 at 2:07am
Tony Zahra was part of the Labour bandwagon in this election campaign. He took on board their talk of lower electricity rates and blindly ignored what they said about hunting.
The next thing we know, the hunting fee has been lifted, hunters are no longer required to wear identification bands, and there are 3000 more hunters out in the field this spring than there were last year.
And he’s worried about what the tourists will say (as if that’s the point).
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Hotels were one of the sources of subsidised electricity waste. Their profits nearly always amounted to the subsidies they got from the government.
By electing Labour, Mr Zahra was hoping for the return of the good old ‘golden’ days, where they wouldn’t bother to look at the electricity consumption of the hotel every morning, because others were paying for it.
Well, the likes of Mr Zahra had to look at the whole chess board before making that move. Now they have to sacrifice the queen because the king was not adequately covered.
Are the hunters satisfied? They’re complaining that there were too many hunters around and CABS seemed to be everywhere together with the BBC reporters, Bird Life volunteers, the ALE and when things went out of hand, soldiers were ordered to start patrolling the countryside. The countryside was like the flea market on a Sunday.
Rather than calling a national conference – and wasting the time of many other businessmen when it was him who supported Labour’s election – Tony Zahra should try to find some “technical loophole” under which he can suggest some control over the hunting problem.
It it all about him and his hotel business. Isn’t it obvious.
Cheaper electricity and water tariffs, no equivalent price reductions = that much extra profit. To hell with the taxpayers who will foot the ‘reduction’ bill.
Bad publicity for Malta by so-called hunters shooting up every bird in sight = fewer hotel guests = rubbing out the extra money from the reduced power tariffs – and more.
Oh well, lump it, Tony, and enjoy.
Zahra, whatever tourists say, just reply “mea culpa”. But then you would not, would you? That would be bad for business, wouldn’t it?
Why do the annoying ones always talk?
The hunters were still shooting this morning.
Serves the blinkered environmentalists right. The only pity is that we suffer with them too…
Ftaht idejk u l-ghasfur tar.
Tony Zahra had consistently been negative about the previous government, despite the fact that thanks to no one but the Nationalists he made his millions in tourism.
One cannot call him a switcher, he just sits on the fence to suit himself. The Labour Party is very welcome to him, and as far as I’m concerned jista jmur jinqela f’zejtu. What a prat.
Tony Zahra will go down as the most politically partisan chairman of the MHRA ever. What surprises me is that owners of hotels and restaurants have never raised any objections at his blatant electoral campaigning for the Labour Party. He has now got his reward on the MTA board announced today.
Vote Joseph, get hunters.
I guess you’ll have to lump it now, Tony.
Another chronic glossitis sufferer.
The foetor oris must be unbearable.
At least he does not sport a moustache like Toni.
Tony Zahra is finding out that one cannot run with the hare and hunt with the hounds.
The main reason why desalination plants work so hard is because of the uncontrolled number of boreholes used by the hotels.
We will now have to discount the energy for these illegal pumps to continue to siphon off what is being stolen illegally.
Whoever wants indirect taxation is always hiding some suspicious act.
Hu go fik, Sur Zahra (quoting your fellow Laburist Franco Debono).
Ma hemmx x’taghmel issa. L-ghasfur tar.