I’m sorry, but wasn’t Josie Muscat one of those who switched for what he thought would be a better deal?

Published: May 3, 2013 at 1:56am

Josie Muscat

One of the highlights of the electoral campaign was Joseph Muscat’s tour of St James Capua Hospital, accompanied by its owner Josie Muscat and his daughter Maria, both of them absolutely beaming with pleasure, and by Franco Mercieca.

At the end of the tour, Josie Muscat told Joseph Muscat that he looked forward to Labour’s lower water and electricity rates.

Less than two months in, and we read in the newspapers that the Labour government for which he voted has unilaterally terminated, without consultation, his hospital’s contract on weekend emergency care that the Nationalist government which he voted out of power had negotiated and signed.

34 Comments Comment

  1. WhoamI? says:

    M’hemmx kelma ohra. HAQQEK, JOSIE.

  2. Alexander Ball says:

    Gutted for him. No truly. I’m welling up. Besides myself (bites fist).

  3. Gahan says:

    I always look the ‘other way’ when I read stories like this.

    So my guess is that Franco Mercieca’s waiver is the reason behind all this.

    We all know that the health minister did not get the badly needed waiver from the great leader to continue his practice as a medical doctor while being a minister. We saw him weeping on TV.

    Josie was doing good business with the laser eye treatment, and with the weekend E&A services government contract by ‘employing’ Franco Mercieca who in turn probably reassured Josie that the St James Hospitals will continue providing emergency treatment during weekends to relieve Mater Dei’s E&A Department.

    Marlene Farrugia thought otherwise. She wanted to show that while on ethics Joseph can make preferential treatment with Mr Mercieca, on health matters the Farrugias have the last say on their territory.

    The Maltese village mentality is coming to the surface.

  4. taxxu says:

    as someone once said ‘hu go fik’

  5. Dissident says:

    The very moment you realise you’ve been conned…

  6. maria says:

    Serves Josie Muscat right.

  7. Calculator says:

    About time someone who switched is shafted outright and proper by Muscat.

  8. Zeppi says:

    Hekk. Hu go fik

  9. P Saliba says:

    Mhux talli l-kontijiet s’issa ghadhom l-istess, talli tilef bicca hobz tajba.

  10. Anthony Briffa says:

    Ara vera tad-dahq.

    In less than 24 hours, two well to do gentlemen who allowed themselves to be used by Josephmuscat.com during the electoral campaign, are worried about their financial interests, each for his own reasons, in just 50 days of Joseph’s new reign.

    Kif jghid Franco Debono, hudu go fikhom.

  11. Joe says:

    Of all people, Josie should have known better. ‘Never bite the hand that feeds you’ comes to mind. We shall see more of this.

    • Liberta says:

      Josie created the Free Freedom Fighters – of which I became a member – when Labour was in government, so he has firsthand knowledge of Labour’s way of doing things.

      But with all all this he fell for Muscat’s promises. Serves you right, Guz.

      Pity those who could have used the weekend emergency services at your hospitals but who have to go to Mater Dei Hospital now. Oh but no problem, according to Minister Farrugia queues are a thing of the past.

  12. el bandido guapo says:

    Coming, are, chickens, roost, home, to.

  13. Rumplestiltsken says:

    Not too concerned about the impact on Josie’s bottom line. After all he should have known better. The regret is for those who made (or could have made) use of this servîce, which has been terminated.

  14. Wilson says:

    What goes around comes around.

  15. Jozef says:

    Messu mar under the dome, nsomma Marco Cremona mar u xorta baqa’ f’wiccu.

    • Antoine Vella says:

      There are still some slices of the cake to be distributed. Once MEPA is dismembered, for example, there will be vacancies in the Environmental Directorate/Authority.

  16. el boso says:

    Bil-Malti nghidu wkoll “f’hajja t’Alla”

  17. mark says:

    Tajt mhux se jiddispjacini ghal dawn in-nies? Dan mhu xejn, ghax il-kbir ghadu gej.

  18. Pat Zahra says:

    Inhallukom tahdmu.

  19. Anthony Tab. says:

    This is part of the new way of doing things according to Labour government. For some this sour medicine is also harmful and not healing at all, but some others only received what they bought.

  20. ken il malti says:

    That looks good on Dr. Bonzu Junior.

    He now realizes that you cannot put your trust in a Labour government.

  21. L'Aquila says:

    Josie Muscat was always on the far right of the political spectrum, and that accounts for his attraction to Labour. Frankly, he got what he deserved.

    Another so-called Nationalist and hospital owner, Frank Portelli, also on the far right, got a place on the PBS board of which he knows eff-all but still hasn’t managed to strike a deal about St Philip’s Hospital. Perhaps that’s coming later, who knows.

  22. chully says:

    The switchers who live in the Sliema area and who voted Labour brought upon themselves and upon the rest of us this first present from josephmuscat.com

  23. ciccio says:

    Good. Josie Muscat has just been made to pay in advance for the reduction in the electricity tariffs – if they ever are reduced, that is.

  24. U Le! says:

    Hu go fik, poplu Malti ( specjalment tas-sawt). Issa cemplu lill Silvio Parnis forsi jwassalkhom sa Mater Dei.

  25. Giov.DeMartino says:

    X’balla nnehhi minn fuq l-istonku meta niftakar li issa, Joseph Muscat u mhux Lawrence Gonzi huwa l-PM. You have all been warned: Never change a winning formation. But you decided otherwise. Enjoy yourselves.

  26. Veronica gs says:

    I have no doubt Daphne of what you are saying; as you always speak truth. What I can vouch is that Maria (Josie’s daughter) works extremely hard putting a patient always first.

    It’s a shame on Joseph muscat for doing this. It’s been long established that Mater Dei Hospital can’t cope with the emergencies. It’s all about offering the public a better service. I’m talking here from a totally objective view. Never need Maria or St. James needing me.

  27. carmenborg says:

    That’s Joseph Muscat’s way of paying back certain people.

    Those who wanted change have certainly got what they asked for.

  28. Claude Sciberras says:

    I think this is a case of penny wise pound foolish…

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