Jason and Joseph: it’s handbags at dawn

Published: May 28, 2013 at 9:34am

If you’re a subscriber to timesofmalta.com, go straight to this story. Such a shame for Joseph that Ronnie Pellegrini is Jason’s very close friend. That means he won’t be volunteering to fix him any time soon, like he would have done in Golden Years of Labour.

handbags at dawn

9 Comments Comment

  1. Mr Meritocracy says:

    Even if you’re not, just disable Javascript on your browser and you can access the article for free, still.

    Can’t believe Times of Malta haven’t created some sort of code to overcome this loophole yet.

  2. jack says:

    Many a time I have wondered, when reading the endless list of African dictators, how on earth these men, who had no discernable quality to speak of, get into power/positions of influence in the first place.

    Then, (albeit on a much smaller scale) I have a read about Maltese politics, and all my questions are answered.

  3. canon says:

    We have part-time Ministers, part-time PS, part-time chairman. Do we we have a part-time Prime Minister as well?

  4. Lestrade says:

    This guy has absolutely no idea what conflict of interest means; you have just to read his comments on timesofmalta.com. His “brown envelope” must be more explosive/sensational than the one in the Lorry Sant/Wenzu Mintoff face-off.

    He is also a has-been in many quarters: gardening expert/party general secretary/non-elected candidate after the night of the long knives for Anglu Farrugia.

    If I were David Felice I would get out of that committee ASAP as Jason would have no qualms making him the fall-guy for the proverbial piss-up.

  5. Lestrade says:


    Malta’s UKIP copy-cats have come crawling out of the woodwork and are gagging to sign the petition that Dr. Zero is proposing.

    By the way, since the Times has introduced the Premium content subscription, the number of comments has fallen drastically. Are the remaining lil’ elves being subsidized from the Mile End ?

  6. sv says:

    Conflict of interest has nothing to do with attitude. Conflict of interest is conflict of interest, no matter how professional one’s attitude is.

    Vera amateurs running our country.

  7. zunzana says:

    Can you please give us more information on the story in the Times of Malta?.

  8. Wilson says:

    More like tongs at dawn.

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