Jason Micallef’s idea of Valletta 2018: Valletta FC, feasts and carnival enthusiasts. So help us God.

Published: May 19, 2013 at 1:29am


The Malta Independent reports:

Mr Micallef, on his part, said that the foundation’s aim was to involve the public in a holistic manner, in a programme reflecting the values of the European Capital for Culture initiative, and that Valletta residents themselves would be at the centre of this.

He said that the city was blessed with talent and enthusiasm, including through its football club, feast and carnival enthusiasts and many more, and said that this should be central to the process.

Jason, missing the point, as usual. He thinks Valletta 2018 is a project for and by people who live in Valletta. It’s bad enough that he was clueless to start with, but why hasn’t anyone briefed him?

In Malta Today:

On his part, V18 chairman Jason Micallef said: “Today we all have a smile on our faces – Valletta is no longer a candidate city as Capital for Culture.”

Micallef credited the team behind V18 for making this possible, while also emphasising that the community needs to be involved in the process.

“Creativity is important. But so is ‘simplicity’. We’re going to listen to all the citizens of Valletta – even those from vulnerable, or less priviledged backgrounds.”

16 Comments Comment

  1. Joe says:

    Sometime back I wrote that Jason should be given a chance, and one can comment after the event takes place. I was wrong.

    Reading this makes me realise that this man is clueless at what this event really means.

    V-18 should reflect Valletta’s glorious history, from the laying down of the 1st stone after the Great Siege, through its 500 year chequered history, from the Knights, to Napoleon and the French, to the British reign, including two World Wars, and post British to present day. Valletta FC and feasts? Give me a break pal.

    [Daphne – No, it’s not about the past. It’s about the present.]

    • Qeghdin Sew says:

      I dare say it’s about the future and making sure it (the future) is different and better than the present, which is in turn not significantly different and better than the past.

    • La Redoute says:

      V18 is not about Valletta. It’s not even about Malta alone. That’s the point Jason Micallef misses. Please don’t make the same mistake.

  2. Lupin says:

    And to add insult to injury, he claimed Valletta has Malta’s best football team on TVM precisely on the day they were beaten by Hibs in the FA Trophy semi final and in a season where they won nothing. God help us.

  3. Johannes says:

    For someone whose expertise is agriculture and horticulture, it’s no surprise he comes across as a prize turnip.

    • uhuru says:

      Expertise?You must be joking,. He might know something about indoor plants but certainly not about agriculture or horticulture. Fully agree re the prize turnip though.

  4. Gahan says:

    Throwing pearls to swine.

  5. Gahan says:

    Min qatt ma libes qalziet, l-ewwel darba li libsu ghamel fih.

    Jason baqa’ jaghmel fih anke wara li libsuhulu ghal ma nafx kemm il-darba.

    Ruth Amaira waqt l-ahbarijiet tat-tmienja ta’ qabel il-Eurovision, sthajjiltha qieghda tintervista lil tal-Ajkla bid-differenza li ma setghatx titbissem imma li zzomm serja quddiem ic-cermen ta’ bla ingravata li kull ma wiehed irid jaghmillu hu li jurih kamera u jhallilu l-habel f’idejh biex jaqa’ ghan-nejk. Importanti li jkun “LIVE”.

    Prosit Jason int tezor li kont mohbi.

  6. Jozef says:

    Jesus, making a political statement out of ‘creativity’. It’s the only thing this lout understands.

    Simplicity for the masses by the masses eh? You patronizing, cynical bastard.

    As oppressive and demode’ as any post Soviet trying on the trappings of Berlin and Paris.

    This could be the only attempt we’ll ever get to interface with the real world and this moron wants to turn it into the usual folk masturbating.

    Get him out of there.

    • Stephen Borg Fiteni says:

      I assume by political statement you mean “We’re going to listen to all the citizens of Valletta – even those from vulnerable, or less priviledged backgrounds.”? Yes, it is irrelevant for him to point this out and just makes him sound like he’s full of shit.

    • Tabatha White says:

      Jozef, they’re practising SEO for dummies. Look through that medium for the watermark of their foresight aspirations.The lingo keeps them positive too.

      It’s used to create surface ripples but remains superficial.

      There is only one in-depth operator manipulating. He’s on a different ranking algorithm.

  7. nutmeg says:

    Dear Jason, the hint is in the title – it’s European Capital of Culture, not a parochial folk fest.

  8. canon says:

    We didn’t expect otherwise from Jason Micallef. But Joseph Muscat had hopes that Jason would rise to the occasion.

  9. Alexander Ball says:

    Malta has some of the finest minds and creative thinkers I have ever had the pleasure to work with.

    Unfortunately, apart from Simon, none of them are in politics.

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