‘L-aqwa fl-Ewropa’ update: putting your spouse on the public payroll is corruption in Germany (and a resignation matter in Britain)

Published: May 3, 2013 at 11:02am


Read the link below. For a politician to put a spouse, son or daughter on the public payroll, when it is in his or her power to do so, is considered a corrupt act in Germany – even if the job is an existing one that has to be filled, let alone if it is one specially created for the purpose.

A couple of years ago in Britain, one MP was splashed all over the front pages of the newspapers when it was discovered that he had engaged, as a researcher (British MPs have state-paid allowances for this purpose), his son. It was seen as a way of keeping within his own household the funds he received to pay for research – and the son was thought not to have been doing much research at all.

But here in Malta we have a prime minister who leads by example, with his wife installed in the Office of the Prime Minister, and suggesting to cohabiting couple within his ranks of MPs that one of them could have the health ministry while the other could work as an assistant to the health minister, but it was up to them to decide which would be which.

Then there’s the Gozo minister who has moved his wife, who worked in another area of the public service, into his ministerial secretariat.

We have Cyrus Engerer and his boyfriend Randolph Debattista both picked to work in Louis Grech’s ministry, though one is technically with Grech himself and the other with Grech’s PS Ian Borg.

We have the health minister (again) who has given the job of ministerial driver to one of his girlfriend Marlene’s close male relatives.

And spectacularly, we have the President of the Republic, who seems particularly keen to accomodate his son’s wife Lydia Abela nee Zerafa, the Labour Party official who talks about the Nationalists being negative and partisan even as she affixes marble plaques marking the baptism of her child in the Verdala Palace gardens.

Lydia’s sister Darlene Zerafa controls the President’s office and the Community Chest Fund, and her boyfriend is the President’s driver.

20 Comments Comment

  1. maria says:

    Viva Malta taghna lkoll!!

  2. brimba says:

    Do our so-called journalists ever come to try to investigate these things?

    • Manuel says:

      No. The journalists at The Times and at Malta Today are not interested with these going-ons. They got what they worked for during the campaign: a PL government, you know, just for change. So now both newspapers are mum since they would look like fools if they criticise this administration. The PL won with their support, even if they find it hard to accept and to admit. I for one, stopped reading both newspapers from the day after the election.

      Remember all the fus both newspapers made about a clock received by Minister Fenech? That is what they considered as newsvalue. But for the present admimistration to go about and employ family members, partners, lovers and friends of friends, for them, that is part of the “bidla” they so much advocated for.

      • Last Post says:

        It’s because they are basically reporters not journalists, and as such they’ll miss the wood for the trees. They can’t rise above the mere event and take a look at the ‘big picture’. That requires some intelligence to think ‘out of the box’.

        On the other hand, there is the newspaper’s editorial policy. A newspaper like The Times may now feel in an awkward position to admit outright that it was bought in by the same myth it helped to inflate.

    • Calculator says:

      The complacency they show when it comes to these things in relation to the Government is astounding. Unless it’s the PN in Government, of course.

    • Qeghdin Sew says:

      What’s there to investigate? It’s not illegal, technically.

  3. vic says:

    It seems you did not understand Labour’s pre-election cry: there is corruption, Malta needs change.

    They did not mean to change corrupt practices but only to change the people benefitting from them.

    • Ghoxrin Punt says:

      As quoted by a very well off friend, or ex-friend.

      Of course I’ll vote Labour, it will all be ours.

  4. Apache says:

    Interessanti kieku kellu xi hadd jippubblika database tan-nepotismu (jew tribalizmu) ta’ Muscat tal-ewwel mitt gurnata tal-gvern tieghu.

  5. gemini says:

    where is the media – unbelievable but true

  6. OnlyPN says:

    Boycott all the President’s activities and events. Simply donate to any charity institution as I am doing!

  7. Values, gone with the wind.

  8. QahbuMalti says:

    Has anyone asked the PQ as to how much Michelle Muscat is being paid?

  9. Augustus says:

    Joseph Muscat qal kemm il-darba, “Li hu zgur hu li l-ministri mhux ha jaghtu lilhom innifishom 500 euro zieda”

    Li ma qalx hu, li se jhallihom jaghmlu x-xoghol ta ministri u x-xoghol professjonali taghhom u li se jhallihom idahhlu l-qraba u l-hbieb kemm u fejn iridu.

    X’cuc huma l-500 euro.

    Hallsu switchers.

  10. David S says:

    Hello, hello, Saviour, can you hear me?

  11. Tabatha White says:


  12. Francis Saliba MD says:

    Nothing surprises in a republic whose prime minister brashly apportions to himself the faculty to grant dispensations to followers freeing them from common decency and the expected responsibility to behave ethically and in accordance with the official parliament code of ethics.

    The sense of shame has been lost completely after promising a Malta Taghna Lkoll but practising Malta Kollha Taghna Biss especially of relatives of the leader and his (very extended) family.

    It is to be hoped that stupid “switchers” are already wringing their hands in despair.

  13. C.Portelli says:

    This is proof, if any more is needed, that the Labour Party are still highly sceptical of the EU. Their way of expressing this is to make a mockery of of good governance and doing the opposite of what in Europe is considered as ‘appropriate’.

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