Life gets interesting for ALE officers in the shooting season – there’s an unexpected bird in that hide
There’s a lady of foreign extraction, who lives in Malta, touting for business of the adults-only variety on Facebook among Maltese men.
Well, I don’t know what her experience of Maltese men has been, or what she’s been told, but the tempting piccies she has uploaded to draw in the punters include the following props:
hunter’s hides
il-kampanja Maltija
soft drinks in plastic bottles
car-cleaning (in hot-pants)
il-kamra tal-banju
teddies (the underwear variety) in red nylon lace
You also have to wonder whether it’s safe to let middle-aged people near Facebook, given that the propensity of Maltese men of that age to act like idiots is compounded by this phenomenon.
Kevin Drake is one of her Facebook friends (I mean, really, Kevin?). And next to the picture of our lady friend (her photographs are really quite sad and pathetic) popping her nether regions in our face while washing the car, there’s a comment from a customs officer called Emanuel Attard: “Will you got to bed with me?” This consummate fool’s own cover picture features him standing proudly with a group of four women – his wife and young daughters – and there are more photographs of him wearing his Customs & Excise uniform.
Trid tkun altru bla ras. Let’s leave aside the fact that he’s married with children (that’s his business and on that basis alone he’s a private citizen). But this man is a public officer, for heaven’s sake: he’s a customs official. All some crook has got to do is see that on Facebook, detect his weakness and offer him this sad whore.
And do we want our customs officials to act even sleazier than we thought they were already? No, of course not. Whoever’s responsible for customs should do something about this. Whether his wife does is her business, and not ours.
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Katia Andonova Kokinos
Bridge View, Fl 7
Triq Forrest
San Giljan
‘You wond I wash your car’
Fejnu taks fors?
It was going nicely till the wood chopper turned up.
Why, oh why, are Facebook-illiterate men and women allowed within 50 metres of a keyboard ?
I seriously can’ t stop laughing. What is she planning on doing with that Pepsi bottle anyway? Thank God I’m not straight. I can’t imagine finding any of that attractive at all. I mean, did you see her cellulite?
[Daphne – It’s not because you’re not straight that you don’t find that attractive, believe me. It’s just 100% sad and sordid. At 39 – her stated age – she’s way too old to be posing like that to start with, even if she were as near perfect as she could be. You just can’t swing it at that age. It doesn’t work. Nymph-like settings are strictly for nymphs. Everybody else should stick to where the lighting is kind. However thin and fit a woman might be, age shows and there’s nothing to be done about it.]
Well put it this way – posing with a Pepsi bottle, in a toilet and on all fours in a car suggests the most disturbing fetishes no one should follow through with, if not because they are just disturbing, then at least for hygiene reasons.
And why is there a dog? No wait, I don’t want to know.
@Edward…I was just about to comment that the dog seems terribly out of place, but then I thought otherwise.
I don’t even want to imagine … and I’m straight.
Truly, depressingly pathetic.
Did you notice that the dog’s got a packet of cigarettes in its mouth? A Rottweiler with Rothmans.
Scum attracts scum.
A decent man would not even think of touching the whore with a barge pole, let alone going to bed with her.
[Daphne – Oh, you’d be surprised how many fine, upstanding men have a fetish for that kind of thing. In fact, they’re more likely to, especially if they were raised in a repressive environment.]
Are you perhaps using the word “scum” incorrectly or did you really mean what you said? A prostitute isn’t scum. She couldn’t be. Scum are the evil people who lord it over us. I think you mean seediness attracts spivs. And there, I agree.
My choice of word may be wrong, H.P. – it’s just that as a woman, when I see other women degrading themselves in such a manner, unless of course they are being forced to do it, I see red.
And here I am not referring to ‘prostitutes’.
As repressed as anyone may be, one is bound to tire of this stuff after a couple of weeks …
Harry, let’s hire this woman. She’s a marketing genius and her market research is outstanding. I really think she’s wasting her talents.
Yep, she’d be great at marketing my donut holes.
One of her friends is a police officer. Not that I believe the police are above fraternising with prostitutes, but done online publicly is stupid.
Disgusting woman and stupid man.
That’s it… the Facebook page has been removed. I can almost hear the dejected utterances of hundreds of sex-starved men sighing in unison.
Actually, the dog is the only good looking thing in all the photos
Now I know what he was doing…
Dawn stejjer ma jitwemmnux. Ara x’nies ghandna fid-dipartimenti tal-Gvern hekk importanti.
Insomma ma tiehu xejn bi kbir. Jien darba rajt fizzjal jaqla daqqa ta’ harta min ghand gwardjan ghax wasal tard ghax xoghol u mar jikkoregih. U qatt ma gara xejn.
Is that endangered wildlife? Or is her bottom being used as target practice?
Idiots, all of them – although it is funny in a sick and sad kind of way.
And if I were the wife, I would remove all Pepsi bottles from the house. Actually, no, I’d remove him. And did anyone notice the footwear?
She certainly gives Antonella tas-Snobby & Co a run for their money.
Il-kelb l-unika kreatura dicenti mir-ritratti ta’ hawn fuq.
Lil dil-povra ‘miserable’ ahjar ifissrulha b’lingwa li tihem xi tfisser il-kelma Maltija IMBARAZZ.
Lir-ragel imlibbes uniformi ghandu bzonn min jiftahlu mohhu, jekk ghandu wiehed li jista’ jkun issetjat skont in-normal.
Jekk veru gara hekk u ma irraportajtx int komplici daqshom