Look, let’s do what they tell us and ‘tink pozitiff’: this is all so very entertaining

Published: May 13, 2013 at 6:53pm


Marie Louise Coleiro Preca has appointed a new board to run the state care home for old people. The Malta Independent noticed that one of her appointees is the former secretary-general of the General Workers Union, Gejtu Mercieca, now heavily in disguise as Gaetano.

So they rang him up. I quote from the online report.

This portal later confirmed that the Gaetano Mercieca on the list of appointees is the GWU’s former official, who is known as Gejtu Mercieca.

When contacted, the former GWU deputy secretary general refused to speak to The Malta Independent online since he said he is abroad, while asking this portal to call another time as “you are wasting my phone credit”.

Marelli, how slick. Queue up, girls, ma jmorrux titilfu catch bhal dan.

Wiehed jitlef il-pushchair u mbaghad imur imexxi t-Transport Authority. L-iehor jaghmel nofs tan-nhar jidghi ghand Frascati ma’ Doreen tal-Fjur u mbaghad igib il-cameras ha joqghod jghidlna dwar il-festival tal-fjuri. Dak li hadlu postu jmur il-habs bil-lejl il-Hadd ha jaqbad il-gwardjani waqt li l-mara tieghu tibghat il-maids Rumeni biex jimlew il-jerry-cans mil-funtana tal-Main Guard halli jkollhom b’xiex jahslulu l-qliezet ta’ taht il-Manuel. U issa dan l-imbierek: “Cempilli meta nasal Malta ghax qed tahluli l-krettit.”

15 Comments Comment

  1. TinaB says:

    Hilarious – I cannot stop laughing.

    Thank you, Daphne, I needed it.

  2. patriot says:

    Ghal gol-hajt ta’ veru. Ara vera send in the clowns.

  3. canon says:

    Gejtu Mercieca wants to be sure of a place at the state care home for old people.

  4. Jozef says:

    U Joseph ghadu jdur bil-podium ta’ qabel l-elezzjoni, kemm nehhewlu l-paroli tal-kampanja.

    Dalghodu kien ghaddej sparat minn Tal-Pieta’ lejn il-Belt. L-ghaxra kienu ilhom li ghaddew. Tista’ tahseb x’cabinet.

  5. Min Jaf says:

    Liehor li jibki ghax (taparsi) kellu jitlaq lil-pazjenti tieghu, u li jgorr lil San Filep fuq spaltu, nsejtu?

  6. Kevin says:

    Contrast the seriousness of the dementia issue to the glaring lack of professionalism and insensitivity.

    I am disgusted by the impression given that Labour are set to solve the problem that was otherwise neglected under the prior administration.

    This is not true. Medication to treat dementia is very expensive and free of charge thanks to Nationalist initiatives. Diagnosis is lengthy and equally expensive. This is also available for free at Karen Grech Hospital.

    Care is also available through an entire system of government funded support including nursing and a wonderful helpline manned by some really caring people.

    While it is true that there are long waiting lists for St V de Paul, it is equally true that the problem is growing.

    These insensitive idiots have no clue what it means to see one’s family members destroyed by the disease. They should just do something to improve the situation rather than use it as an opportunity to show off and reward their lackeys.

    They should quiz the people manning the helpline. Within two minutes talking to one lady there, I was told that there are many dementia victims who are entirely alone and have no family support.

    Why wasn’t this investigated? Or is this level of detail beyond the purview of the Right Honourable Minister?

    I do not want to politicise the issue but thanks Minister for reinforcing my choice – PN. Their strategy was clear and it was all about giving care to those afflicted by the disease and to supporting their family members.

    Yours is only an empty show.

  7. Wot the Hack says:

    From the positive government.


    What is the matter with the Minister for Police, the Army, Boradcasting and National Security? Too much power getting to his head?

  8. Daphne`s Side-Splitting Running Commentary. says:

    Thank you dear Daphne for your side-splitting running commentary.

    Huma mdejqin jiggvernaw u ahna nidhqu fl-Opposizzjoni.

    F`xiex gabuna l-iswitchers.

  9. vichy says:


  10. Harry Purdie says:

    Daphne, the DOI’s pics in your last few posts indicate, at least to me, that these people are scared shitless, not happy, and clueless.

    It’s as if they finally realized, ‘Jeez, what the fuck are we to do? This is no fun, can’t criticize anymore’.

    • ciccio says:

      In stark contrast, Jesus on the cross (on the right hand side) looks happy. I can almost hear him say “Lord, forgive them for they know not what they do.”

    • Kevin says:

      Yes, Harry. This is because they just don’t care about anything else except themselves.

      Sod the old people, the orphans, the disadvantaged members of our society.

      In socialism and communism these people are allowed to die off because they tend to screw up the Marxist Utopia.

  11. ciccio says:

    19 expressions of interest have been submitted to build a new gas plant in Delimara.


    “Shell, Edison and Russian-owned global energy giant Gazprom among bidders” says The Times.

    Now, as part of “hitting the ground running,” shall we lend a hand to the government in the selection process – maybe we can have the tariffs reduced six months earlier in return?

    If we use the “Evarist Bartolo” rule, which broadly says that any company linked to corruption is to be eliminated from the procurement process, then, following a five minutes search on the internet, Shell and Gazprom are out.



    “Biex inkunu cari hafna.” Kif jghid Konrad Mizzi.

  12. Leli says:

    Nixtieq inkun naf f’dan il-kaz, x’attribwiti jista jkollu l-perit Chris Grech, biex jinghazel fuq il-bord ta’ San Vincenz?

  13. Maria says:

    These boards just make me laugh and at the same time worry. Why in heaven’s name is there not a resident from SVPR on the board? Why is there not an old person from the community? These are the people who reside there, and those who will become residents. Any nurses and medical doctors on the board?

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