Malta Taghna Lkoll update – more iced buns
Herr Flick, the environment minister, announced this morning that the state waste management agency, Wasteserv, will be headed by a man called David Borg, last seen behind a desk as a European Parliament aide to MEP Joseph Muscat.
His father, Tony Borg, has just been appointed to the board of the state IT agency, MITA, and is also some kind of adviser/consultant to the prime minister.
His fellow members include a Labour mayor called Eric Micallef and the geologist Peter Gatt, who was wheeled out (voluntarily) by Astrid Vella and others to detail the reasons why key projects proposed by the (last) government would be disastrous for the environment/Valletta/etc.
I wonder whether he will now colonise the newspaper columns and airwaves to speak against this government’s plans for land reclamation. Bully to him if he does – let’s hope a mere iced bun on Wasteserv’s board won’t stop him.
The other appointees are Helga Chetcuti, a niece of Lorry Sant’s brother Salvu Sant, who was also a Labour MP, and Iris Camilleri Mifsud, who used to be married to Labour financial guru Alfred Mifsud, the man who gave Joseph Muscat his first and only job outside the Labour Party, at Crystal Finance.
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Also, isn’t it typical Labour reasoning to have offered a post on the culture board (although he refused it, saying among other things that he didn’t feel particularly qualified on culture) to Karl Gouder, presumably following the tired cliched reasoning that “la gay mela tal-kultura, hux”. How very enlightened and progressive.
In my student days working at a restaurant in Mdina I had the displeasure of serving the Mifsuds and their guests.
They were obnoxious snobs who spent most of the time bragging loudly about their holidays in the Dolomites and Iris Mifsud even made a colleague of mine pick up her napkin when she dropped it on the floor.
So much for pajjiz tal-poplu when this government seems to be riddled with patron-client relationships and of course the shallow WAGs who want a bit of a diversion from their boring kept lives.
Tony Borg, David’s father, was once one of Lorry Sant’s most trusted aides – so much for new Labour!
Mr David Borg appointed Head of Wasterserv is also the nephew of Louis Borg Chief of Staff and Personal Assistant to Herr Flick the Environment Officer.
Please tell Frankie Tabone that NASA is looking for worthy haiku to send into space.
Is it Eric or Edric Micallef, the ex-Marsaxlokk mayor ? And had he protested against the Sant Antnin facilities ?
Ceaucescu-style government
So Minister Godfrey Farrugia dissolved the Embryo Protection Authority which included a lawyer reading for a Masters degree in bioethics, and he gave the impression that the previous minister made a mistake in appointing her because she was still in the process of obtaining her masters, and now he appoints a board with no bioethicist on it when such authority has to oversee such delicate issues.
Retired judge Philip Sciberras is the chair, so he will be the chair for issues related to the beginning of life and also those related to the other extreme of life, the elderly.
Does JasonV18 think Gianluca,s song is OK now since it has made it to the finals?
I meant Maltakollhataghhom!
Tony Borg was Lorry Sant’s right hand man – his private secretary if I’m not mistaken.
Albert Gauci Cunningham got his iced bun as well I see. He was appointed to the board of the family council, as the token gay.
Qishom pastizzi hergin l-appointments, furnata wara l-ohra.
Alfred Sant is on Facebook.
Do you think he wears that wig in bed?
There must be something very big waiting the Labour financial guru Alfred Mifsud. Surely he cannot be left out of this bonanza.
Taghna ilkoll. Yes Sir yes Mam
X’oxxenieta, madoff. Dan Joseph Muscat minn jahseb li hu? Issa qed tidher iktar it-tattika li qed ihadden.
Biex ma jigiex ikkritikat li qed jaghti dawn il-hatriet lil tal-klikka qed joffri ukoll hatriet lill ex Ministri, ex deputati Nazzjonalisti.
Il-maskra qed taghqalu u issa iktar minn qabel nahseb li ma jaghmilhomx il 5 snin, dejjem jekk jibqa sejjer hekk.
Just when you think there are no more iced buns left.
How ironic.
Telghu Brussell, hej, jiehdu l-premju.
The Minister in jeans, ghax kultura mhux importanti daqs il-gustizzja.
But, wait a second, wait a second …
What did Jason Micallef really do in Brussels? The ECOC award was just a footnote in the Council’s meeting today. No handshakes or awards given … all business as usual.
So what did Jason Micallef do? Have a coffee on the Grand Place? Seriously …
Could I have your email please? Thanks.
[Daphne –]
Really though, one must admire how they take care of each and every one of them. They will probably bankrupt the country in the meantime but at least all of them would have built up sound personal finances by then. Sorry…but they are all scum.
Peter Gatt is also one of the gurus that have taken over MCST since JPO became chairman.
Dr Patrick Sammut, who’s on the board now, is the husband of Dr Josianne Sammut, who’s filling in some shifts at Godfrey Farrugia’s clinic
Iris sounded familiar and in her younger days was also a pretty lady. Yes, she is the ex wife of Alfred Mifsud, brother of Tarcisio.
This should place you in perspective