“No, miss, it wasn’t me! It was that other one!” PATHETIC.

Published: May 28, 2013 at 12:24am


You have to read this story in The Times. Minister Chris Cardona whined in parliament tonight that it wasn’t the government that demanded the resignation of the Malta Communications Authority chairman, because it happened on 12 March and the cabinet hadn’t even been appointed yet.

“The permanent secretary did it behind our backs,” he actually said in the House.

Stick to lapdancing, Cardona. The girls are paid not to answer back unless you want them to. Saying something that stupid in parliament is just asking for a barracking by the Opposition.

And that’s what he got.

Now here’s one from me. Joseph Muscat’s first act as prime minister was to execute the chief secretary to cabinet/head of the civil service and install that GWU specimen Mario Cutajar instead.

Then Mario Cutajar’s first act was to demand the resignations of all the permanent secretaries, who were in turn instructed to demand the resignations of all chairmen, directors, CEOs, and the rest, including those which they had no right to demand, like the Broadcasting Authority (a constitutional body and not a government board) and the chairman of the Central Bank (who is answerable to the European Central Bank). And yes, the Malta Communications Authority chairman, too, who under EU rules cannot be removed by the government unless it’s for very specific reasons outlined by those same rules.

You must also read the story on the same subject, in The Malta Independent, which closes with evidence of the Minister of Lapdancing’s incisive mind:

At one point, Dr Cardona could hardly remember the full name of the previous chairman.

“If I remember well, his name was Ghio,” Dr Cardona said.

16 Comments Comment

  1. Harry Purdie says:

    Just in and we have a government of ‘Honourable’ OCA’s–Out of Control Assholes.

  2. Edward says:

    What about the issue with Dr Fenech? Muscat told us that the IMF said that Dr Fenech said something against Malta but he doesn’t want to tell us what he was told Dr Fenech said.

    Literally that’s what its like trying to follow the story in The Times article. I thought I was reading a review of “Dawson’s Creek”.

  3. ciccio says:

    The clowns in Castille must shoulder the political responsibility for this decision.

  4. lorna saliba says:

    Lap-Dancing Minister…that’s a good one. But whatever happpened to the Ministru tas-Sawt?

    We haven’t seen him or heard his intelligent speeches for some time.

    Has he been given an iced bun? Probably chairman of the Rich Old Ladies Association.

  5. canon says:

    Dan il-gvern diga tilef il-boxxla.

  6. Alfred Bugeja says:

    There was no need to appoint anyone to choose teledrammi for TVM. They could have used this Government’s story so far to script a best-selling soap opera.

  7. Felix says:

    A country gets the government it deserves !

  8. Jozef says:

    Cardona is the worst of Joseph’s appointments.

    This git’s directly responsible for employment and the country’s economic performance. Whenever he speaks, it’s painful.

  9. paleblue my foot! says:

    I can`t help repeating myself….crass incompetence every which way they turn.

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