Shame so many people were tricked into not seeing the wood for the trees

Published: May 16, 2013 at 3:07pm

need a change

27 Comments Comment

  1. Calculator says:

    Thanks, Lawrence Gonzi. Unlike Muscat and most of the fickle and ungrateful masses, I know this is all thanks to you and I thank you for it!

    • maryanne says:

      I wonder how all those ‘qed imutu bil-guh taht Gonzi’ are faring. I haven’t heard them grumbling for these past two months.

      Nahseb qed issajrilhom is-soppa tal-armla Michelle.

    • Victor says:

      I second that.

    • Seksieka says:

      Ħeqq ħafna nies qalu, ‘ x’jimpurtani. L-aqwa li lili jagħtuni dak li rrid u lin-Nazzjonalisti npattihielhom. Mela din id-darba nivvota Labour.’

      Is-sabiħa hi li s’issa għadhom b’xejn għax Joseph lil tal-qalba qiegħed inewwel.

      Kif jgħid il-qawl Malti: Xerrdu d-dqiq u ġabru n-nuħħala. Issa diġa qed naraw il-pajjiż sejjer għan-niżla.

      GRAZZI Dr. Gonzi ta’ dak li għamilt għal pajjiżna u grazzi lilek Daphne talli żżommna infurmati bit-taħwid.

  2. Neil Dent says:

    But The Great Emperor always maintained that the nation and economy were in such a healthy state, not because of Dr. Gonzi’s government, but IN SPITE OF (minkejja) Dr. Gonzi’s government.

    And you know, he is always right after all.

  3. Paul Bonnici says:

    I can now see the full article in The Times, I was getting pop-ups to subscribed a few days ago.

  4. Jozef says:

    No wonder Joseph keeps asking the opposition to do the job for him.

    • ciccio says:

      And he keeps hiding. Could it be he is trying to give the impression to the IMF and the credit rating agencies that Dr. Gonzi is still the PM, so that they keep giving us an excellent assessment on the stewardship of our economy?

  5. voldemort says:

    But the present Minister of Finance is so happy about the IMF report when before the election it was all doom and gloom!

  6. Last Post says:

    Joseph Muscat and his Labour government (spearheaded by Super 1) will try to get some (if not all) credit for such a positive economic assessment by the IMF.

    They won’t remind us, though, as they did when in opposition, that the IMF is a mainstay of international capitalism, binding poor and developing countries to promote capitalist as against social development projects in return for financial aid from the World Bank.

    But back to the recent IMF report: we all know that such a glowing economic assessment is thanks to Lawrence Gonzi and his government.

    We can only guess what the IMF will say about Malta in 2 – 3 years’ time. Till then we can only wait.

  7. catharsis says:

    We’re still riding the crest of the wave, thanks to Dr. Gonzi, but how long will this last?

  8. qahbuMalti says:

    Edwaaaaard Scicluna will be this government’s undoing. Just wait and see.

    His Mintoffianomics will haunt Joseph Muscat and they will not balance the books unless he introduces new taxes besides the debacle waiting to happen on energy. Damn pity we go down with them.

  9. In the same way that Boffa’s achievements were credited to Mintoff, I presume that Gonzi’s economic achievements will soon be credited to Muscat.

  10. Smirnoff says:

    Deep down everyone knows this but are too coward too admit – thanks Lawrence Gonzi. Time will prove you right.

  11. kev says:

    Kemm se jaqla’ fuq rasu l-Ginger!

    Hu se jehel meta nerdghuh minhabba l-falliment taz-Zona Ewro.

    U lanqas se jkun jista’ jwahhal fil-buffunagni tal-Unjoni ghax sar apparatchik laghqi taghhom!

    Haqqu! La pruzuntuz.

    • Harry Purdie says:

      Go hang out the clothes, Kevvy. You are really quite unnecessary.

      • kev says:

        Helu wisq, Purdie. Izda tridu tikkumpatuh ghax il-Google translate mill-Malti qed jaghtieh stragi inkomprensibbli.

        Mhux sew.

      • Jozef says:

        Purdie’s so cute. Bear with him folks, Google translate keeps churning an incomprehensible mess.

        Not fair.

  12. Rumplestiltskin says:

    So Lawrence Gonzi was right when he told us that Malta has ‘Finanzi fis-sod.’

    The lie has been given to those who professed gloom and doom before the election, but who now unashamedly boast that indeed Malta’s finances are in good order.

    Soon they will say that they miraculously turned things around as soon as they were elected. And so many gullible voters believed the lies and voted PL.

  13. Wilson says:

    Now they get to see the matchsticks!

  14. canon says:

    Dr Lawrence Gonzi’s place should be in the heart of Europe.

    • Catsrbest says:

      I fully agree that Dr Gonzi’s place should be in the heart of Europe. I already made this observation under another article. It is a great shame that such a brilliant brain retires when he is still not of a retirement age.

  15. just me says:

    Dr. Gonzi could act as consultant to other European leaders. He would help them to put their countries back on their feet.
    The Maltese were stupid enough to put a great man and leader like him aside. It is their loss… unfortunately OUR loss. However, Dr. Gonzi should not stop using his talents. He still has so much to offer.
    Thank you so much Dr. Gonzi. I wish you all the best.

  16. M.C. Aquilina says:

    Miracles do happen, and all in two months! Thank you Dr. Gonzi.

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