Silvio Schembri: “The Budget should not be a nice economic literature”. KILL ME NOW.

Published: May 29, 2013 at 10:34pm

Get a load of the skilled communication style of the man who heads the House Committee on Economic and Financial Affairs, to whom the Governor of the Central Bank must report.

The budget must be a working document with a defined, realistic and binding strategy and not a nice economic literature to read suitable for a University student reading a Degree in Commerce.

Jahasra. I mean really. Jahasra, jahasra, jahasra. With every passing day, 8th March seems ever more to have been a nationwide exercise in cutting off our nose to spite our face.

And this git lectures at the University of Malta, if you please. U lanqas biss jaf jikteb sentenza sew.

nice economic lit 1

nice economic lit 2

33 Comments Comment

  1. La Redoute says:

    Another fraud. There’s a world of difference between ‘lecturer’ and ‘visiting lecturer’.

  2. Richard Borg says:

    Is it that easy to get an MA?

  3. bookworm says:

    We’re being governed by parochial-minded idiots. I truly give up and if it were that easy I would simply pack up and leave the country.

  4. anthony says:

    Malta’s Ludwig Erhard coming nicely along.

    Jahasra Malta.

  5. Pandora says:

    And then we get upset when other countries do not take Maltese graduates seriously.

    One just has to read that so-called intellectual sentence followed by the impressive titles of study following the author’s name. If a Masters graduate writes such a thing, we don’t even want to imagine what a Bachelor graduate can scribble. How embarrassing.

  6. helen says:

    If the likes of this git lecture at the university, then no wonder students are without motivation and direction.

  7. Joe Fenech says:

    So he lectures at the Malta University.

    Sur Silvio, if ever you need some advice you can come and knock on the door of us people who’ve been away for over 5 decades, worked their arse off, and founded and ran businesses round Europe.

    What the f have you ever achieved apart from a miserable MA and a parliamentary seat granted by a bunch of idiots who think you are some whizz kid?

    By the way, in the UK, nowadays, you have economists and ex-City workers teaching in…errm….middle school and sixth form.

  8. Joe Fenech says:

    What on earth does he mean? Sounds like drivel extracted from an O’level economics essay.

    • Joe Fenech says:

      It is not just what you quoted that’s wrong. The whole paragraph makes no sense: it’s either ‘a working document’ (alias a draft document) or a document with a DEFINED, realist and BINDING strategy.

      Decide, Silvio.

  9. Joe Fenech says:

    And I think he means ‘realistic’!

  10. Joe Fenech says:

    Shame on you Joseph for putting this nobody and village idiot alongside Professor Scicluna who, seems to be, a serious and refined professional.

  11. Joe Fenech says:

    This gets better and better…

    “Silvio is engaged to Deandra Scerri from Qormi, a Public Notary, presently in her final year of the law course.”


    “Silvio ….becoming the first member of his family to continue studies at the University of Malta, where he graduated in Bachelor Honours in economics as second upper.”

    [Daphne – Shouldn’t that be an upper second? Degrees are first class, second class or third class, so the ‘upper’ should precede the ‘second’.]

    • Joe Fenech says:


    • rupert says:

      “he graduated in Bachelor Honours”…you do not graduate ‘in’ Bachelor. You graduate in economics or law or whatever other subject you have been reading. Although how this chap ever graduated in anything is beyond me.

    • Wot the Hack says:

      From the link in Joe Fenech’s comment:

      “Silvio received his education at the Luqa Primary School, at St. Augustine College and at the Junior Lyceum, prior to becoming the first member of his family to continue studies at the University of Malta, where he graduated in Bachelor Honours in economics as second upper. He resumed his tertiary education, specializing in economic studies and attaining a Masters degree in Economy from the University of Malta.”


      “Silvio contested the local council elections for Luqa on the Labour Party ticket, where at the age of 18, he became Malta’s youngest councillor.”

      Seems like he’s had enough opportunity under a PN government. He was the first member of his family to continue his studies at the University of Malta. And then he became the youngest local councillor in Malta.

      And he clearly has a Labour background.

      Malta was already Taghna Lkoll up to 9 March 2013. Since then, it has become Tal-Laburisti Biss.

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        “Becoming the first member of his family to continue studies at the University of Malta”.

        No matter how hard they try to look like ‘the high society’, no matter how many wine-tasting holidays and “syoots” and fast cars and vast villas they buy, it’s little phrases like these which give them away.

        Confounded arriviste peasants.

      • Joe Fenech says:

        H.P. Baxxter

        There is nothing wrong in climbing the social ladder. What is pathetic is to make a big deal about it.

      • Joe Fenech says:

        It seems that he was appointed a university lecturer under the PN government. What was the rector thinking?

        [Daphne – University lecturers are not appointed or selected by the government.]

      • Joe Fenech says:

        My point, Daphne, was that he suffered no discrimination despite his political convictions.

        [Daphne – Why would he, if lecturers are not chosen by the government? There is clearly another form of abuse at work, though, because he certainly wasn’t chosen on merit. Somebody who knows insufficient grammar and little English shouldn’t be teaching others at tertiary level.]

      • Joe Fenech says:

        Because, in Malta, when people can’t achieve something because they lack the credentials they blame it on politics. Maybe in his case it was a matter of positive discrimination.

        Technically, Schembri should not be teaching – not at uni, nor in a school.

  12. Ben says:

    He lectures at the Faculty of Economics, Management and Finance. His lectures, I was told, were rather amusing. Especially when it came to financial jargon.

  13. Plutarch says:

    I remember someone with a DBA from Harvard, so enough said about ‘kwalifikati’.

  14. herbie says:

    WHAT! Lectures at the University of Malta. You must be kidding.

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      The University of Malta has an annual quality assessment for lecturers, if you please.

      Who are you trying to kid, Juanito?

  15. reason says:

    I have a feeling that this lot is secretly asking the previous “rulers” for advice in how to manage the ministries. – as it seems they are absolutely hopeless

  16. Tarzan says:

    The dead giveaway to this idiot’s idiocy is his random capitalisation of words – as if “university” or “degree in commerce” are proper nouns.

    “University” would be a proper noun if it were specifically a reference to a particular university, but, in his sentence, it isn’t. The rest of his article is also rife with such mistakes.

  17. SIlvia says:

    B’ xiex tghabbejna! Imsieken ahna!

  18. Ian says:

    lol @ quoting your Bcom degree on a website about the budget…

    Also, serious universities offer MScs in Economics, not MAs.

    • Joe Fenech says:

      A politician or professional that includes his qualifications after his name shows how small-minded and parochial he/she is .

      Secondly, in civilised countries, you occupy a post in government because you have a long string of success stories behind you to show for it not because you’ve just obtained your master’s and are a political arriviste.

      Since Independence, this lethal mentality has been engendering a slow death for the country and has offered emigration as the only option to the best Maltese brains.

      Farts like Schembri will swim but only because they are seconded by solid professionals (Edward Scicluna, in his case).

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