So it’s not only Ronnie Pellegrini who’s a journalist. It’s Emy Bezzina, too.

Published: May 22, 2013 at 9:02pm

The Department of Information has released these photographs of the prime minister in Brussels “briefing the media on the conclusions of the European Council meeting”.

Surely that should be “at the conclusion” of the meeting? Never mind.

What I want to know is this: what’s Emy Bezzina doing there, seated with the press? On these occasions, it’s the government that pays to fly in the Maltese press, but journalists should be from key national media only, not freeloaders going along for the ride.

Another question: what’s Keith Kasco Schembri, the PM’s chief of staff, doing there standing watch? Doesn’t he trust the Poison Midget – pictured standing near him – to do his job as chief of government communications?

Apparently not.




37 Comments Comment

  1. Weird no ? says:

    It seems Emy forgot to take anything to write on…

    • Grezz says:


  2. Allo Allo says:

    Il-gurnalisti l-ohra kollha qed juzaw idejhom biex jiehdu noti tal-konkluzjonijiet.

    Emmy Bezzina qed juza idejh biex jghatti halqu. Probabbli il-konkluzjonijiet, qed joghmodhom.

  3. CIS says:

    Wonder of wonders. Will it ever end? It’s like these people are being named for us to know they are Labour.

  4. P Sant says:

    Nahseb ahjar xi hadd jiccekkja jekk dawn li qed issemmi telghux bil-familji taghhom ukoll, bhal Joseph il-Prim.

  5. U Le! says:

    Emy Bezzina is the only journalist without an iPad or notebook.

  6. Cosmos says:

    I guess he is accompanying Joseph Muscat and the prime ministerial family in Brussels to convey unto them the great messages from the Alpha and Omega cosmos, or whatever he dabbles in these days.

    Or perhaps he followed Muscat to Brussels asking for his iced bun.

  7. Joe says:

    Does the Malta Community Chest Fund have an organization where people suffering from ulcers can get a cure for free, because I’m getting one (and it’s growing worse) every time (and every day) I hear what this government is doing.

  8. Rumplestiltskin says:

    One way or another everyone who gave the Labour Party a hand gets a slice of the cake. Shameful and pathetic at the same time.

    [Daphne – Well, I think ‘shameless’ rather than shameful.]

  9. Joseph Caruana says:

    Naqra tight is-suit.

  10. bookworm says:

    Mela Joseph sar jorganizza t-tours issa wkoll, ghax qed itella’ mieghu lil kull min jaf mid-dehra.

  11. ciccio says:

    This government really exudes enthusiasm, confidence and positivity.

    Just look at the faces and closed body language of the prime minister, the permanent representative and the other gentleman contemplating his sins to the right of the PM.

    • Alf says:

      Who is that chap on the right of

      • J Agius says:

        Neil Kerr, he’s heading the EU Secretariat at OPM, formerly headed by RCC.

        A Laburist who was an attache at the Education Ministry in the last legislature.

      • ciccio says:

        Good question, Alf, but he is not on my list of contacts.

        Judging by the number of medal ribbons adorning his chest, I’d say he is a triple gold medal winner from the London Olympics.

      • Cikku says:

        He is Neil Baldacchino Kerr! But he always hated his father’s surname.

      • AE says:

        Yes he did very well under the previous administration when Malta really did belong to all of us.

        However, in this last election he was happily waving Labour’s flags at mass meetings.I would have expected more discreet behaviour from a high ranking civil servant.

  12. Alf says:

    And may I add that Emy Bezzina is not even taking notes. What the hell?

  13. Grezz says:

    And this is only the beginning. The worst is probably yet to come.

  14. Antoine Vella says:

    He’s the only one not taking any notes on which to base his write-up later. For obvious reasons.

  15. P Shaw says:

    Emy Bezzina does not even have a tiny notebook in front of him.

  16. Tracy says:

    Kastilja saret qisha l-ETC u agenzija ta’ l-ivjaggar.

  17. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Emy Bezzina is a ridiculous ball of bombast and nonsense. I told him to his face once. He was genuinely shocked. I think it was the first time he’d heard those words.

  18. anthony says:

    The looks on their faces do not bode well for Malta.

    It seems they are discussing the country’s Armageddon.

    I personally do not think it is as bad as they seem to think it is.

    I hope I am right.

    I hope they do not know something I do not.

  19. Min Jaf says:

    Emy is only there to collect some more letters to add to the huge alphabet already appended to his name. This time round: K.B.M.J.M.T.T (Kont Brussel ma Joseph Michelle Tfal Taghhom)

  20. TinaB says:

    Norman Lowell kien jonqos.

    Lord give me strength.

  21. Rosa Luxembourg says:

    DR EMMANUEL BEZZINA,MA,MAG.JUR.[EU Law],LL.D., fattening himself at the taxpayers’ expense. Cosmic!

  22. David S says:

    This picture of DR. EMY BEZZINA IM.BAR.AZZ. is hilarious.

    It’s as though he was called to a meeting with the prime minister, thinking some post in Brussels or an ambassadorial position was in the offing, only to find himself in a press meeting.

    And he is shuffling his head not knowing whether he should walk out or say something out of his backside, as he normally does.

    Or he is doing a cameo appearance for Diceduti.

    • ken il malti says:

      EMY is there as a spiritual adviser to Joseph Muscat since Joseph has recently converted to the cult of Sun Myung Moon, aka the Moonies.

  23. Dandu says:

    Ehh, dak gie bhala gurnalist mil-parlament tal-poplu li jixxandar fuq Smash TV (programm bla sens ghall-ahhar) u qieghed hemm biex iwassallu l-ilmenti tan-nies, ghax hekk jghid li qieghed bl-inja diretta ma’ Kastilja.

  24. MARIO BEZZINA says:

    Let’s gets this straight. His name is Manwel and not Emmy. He has become a member of the CRIEKI TAC-CRIEKI.

    He has caused hell to his family.

    Lately in a dictarship manner, on Sagrament tal-Poplu, he asked those contesting for PN leadership to kneel down and beg pardon to all Malta.

    Now I am in a situation where if someone was clean, it would not have bothered me much but coming from Manwel, I would ask him if he should kneel down and beg forgiveness for stealing money from his own family and passing the family through hell for the last nine years.

    He likes to preach but he does not practice what he preaches. I have a lot to say about this man and I think this trip has been paid for, yes, but not by him. To quote him: FROM THE GOOD COSMOS.

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