So now even the PBS and Broadcasting Authority chairmen are ‘thinking positive’

Published: May 14, 2013 at 3:19pm


Under the new chairman, the state broadcaster PBS has dropped all its cases against the Broadcasting Authority, for rulings with which it does not agree.

How cosy.

Also, The Malta Independent reports that the Broadcasting Authority chairman (still the same one, because as Manuel Mallia found out, members of a Constitutional authority can’t be made to resign by the government) has just paid a courtesy call on the new PBS chairman.

Now I may have got my protocol in a twist (I don’t think so, though), but it’s the new PBS chairman who should have gone to the Broadcasting Authority chairman’s office to pay him a courtesy call, and not the other way round. It shouldn’t have been the BA chairman going to the PBS chairman’s office, because the Broadcasting Authority sits in authority over PBS.

Insomma, nbazwru ftit ‘l hawn u ‘l hemm. Mhux xorta? Kien il-vera worted.

6 Comments Comment

  1. Francis Saliba MD says:

    A new “pecking order” is most probably one more unwelcome change being effected by the LP.

  2. Last Post says:

    No, your protocol is not twisted at all.

    Imagine the President paying a courtesy visit to a newly elected Prime Minister at Castille instead of the other way round.

    • In the days of Dom Mintoff it was the President who had to go to Mintoff and sit around a table with others to be briefed by the Prime minister.

      And he was ordered not to enter his own palace in his car.

      That is the protocol followed by the MLP and LP.

  3. kev says:

    Reading this piece – ghax veru m’ghandi aptit naghmel xejn – you’d think Gonzi’s charabanc really did run “fuq ir-rubini”.

    But I’ll give you a good relative measure of ANY Maltese government: It-tim Malti tal-futbol.

    That’s right. In anything our government does, be it Gonzi’s, Joseph’s or Sajmint’s, the level of professionalism is at par with that of “it-Tim Malti”.

    … u hekk hu, naraw… Varist Saliba… iqassam il-ballun lil Joseph… Joseph jahrab bil-ballun… Joseph, Joseph, Joseph… uuuuuu… u hekk hu naraw… dahla ferm mhux kumplimentuza minn Schauble…, hekk kif Merkel tiehu l-foul… Arukaza, Jason, dan ir-referee… kif konna qed nghidu aktar kmieni…

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