They’re going to spend EUR2 million of charity money on a centre for eating disorders run by Darleen Zerafa

Published: May 14, 2013 at 2:09pm

The pieces of this giant scam are coming together. Last year, the president of the republic announced that EUR2 million of donations to the Community Chest Fund would be spent on a centre for eating disorders – a matter with which the Community Chest Fund should not be concerning itself because bulimia and anorexia are more properly the concern of the state health authorities.

Now we know whose idea this was in the first place, and who’s going to be running it.

They’ve somehow managed to turn public office into a personal business.

24 Comments Comment

    • Jozef says:

      Oh look, Todi and Pieve, such a coincidence.

      The idea came to fruition after the president visited similar centres in Italy eh?

      Any bets who briefed him?

  1. lorna saliba says:

    The eating disorders we suffer from in Malta are hardly bulimia and anorexia, but rather gluttony and a noticeable national pass time to feed ourselves into obesity.

    We should spend money on compulsory gym training and attempt to turn ourselves into a healthy nation.

    [Daphne – No, you are quite wrong. Many young Maltese women and even many women my age literally starve themselves because they are not genetically thin or even slim. In this context, bulimia and anorexia are not as insignificant a problem as you make out.]

    • Marie Claire says:

      Standard concoction for many Maltese women wanting to go from size 16/ 14/12 to size 8/6 or 4 before plastic surgery to remove excess skin: Dulcolax X 8 pills a take together with laxative suppositories; then diuretics on top of that: it used to be Moduretic then this was replaced with Lasilix. (All available over the counter, in Malta).

      This after as much intake as possible is thrown up after meals: some people use flower parts and leaves to help them start the process. Others take copius amounts of liquids during the meal or restrict themselves to fish or ‘light’ salad / soup type meals.

      Very tough on the body. Potassium levels deplete so they eat a fuller supplement of potatoes or pure potassium pills in the spacers between intakes.

      VERY difficult to stop. Have a friend down to a dangerous size 4. Teeth suffer first because the acid in the food thrown up effects the protective enamel on the teeth.

      • Gahan says:

        Marie Claire must be a qualified pharmacist.

        I worry for a seventeen year old girl who lives in my neighbourhood. She looks like a walking skeleton. I worry when I don’t see her around.

        Her close family are really worried about her health, and it seems that they are helpless in the situation.

  2. H.P. Baxxter says:

    And all this under Lawrence Gonzi’s watch.

    See what I meant by non-actionable corruption?

    • Tabatha White says:

      And high profile white-collar crime? Loopholes within loopholes for the inner circles and all interested parties buying in….All within a legal framework?

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        This is why they lost the election. Not that “ma smajtniex bizzejjed lill-poplu” rubbish. That’s the stuff that comfortable slow-witted academics put in their PN Telfa Elettorali reports, because it makes for comfortable reading, and salves everybody’s conscience.

        Yes, institutionalised corruption was not uncommon under Lawrence Gonzi’s administration. Very little of it involved illegal activity. But their lawyers’ pea brains only see what’s in the rule book.

      • Harry Purdie says:

        Legal, maybe. However, how stupid can these people be to not recognize that they would eventually be found out?

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        Er, sometimes they actually think they’re not doing anything wrong. You’ll have come across that. You’ve been in Malta long enough.

    • Tim Ripard says:

      Under LG’s watch. In collusion with Lawrence Gonzi, you mean. I know I sound peevish but I can’t say it often enough – the last PN government was poor.

  3. Jozef says:

    One wonders what Godfrey Farrugia thinks.

    Unless he made some of the homework himself.

  4. betty says:

    God bless their little cotton socks.

  5. Pandora says:

    What about the other NGOs and individuals in need who rely on support from the Community Chest Fund?

    Eating disorders are not to be underplayed and indeed cause terrible distress to the sufferers and their families. But can the Community Chest Fund arbitrarily decide to donate such a big chunk of the money donated by the public to one project?

    And if such a centre is being planned, should not professionals be selected via a call for applications?

    It would definitely be more cost-effective for the Community Chest Fund to employ someone from the already existing pool of professionals (albeit small) who work with persons suffering from eating disorders.

    This centre would also create new jobs and training/supervision possibilities for newly qualified individuals, such as Ms. Zerafa. It would be a win-win situation in my eyes, as well as a fair one, but of course in such a situation a single person’s entitlement to get her overseas training reimbursed would not be easy to justify.

  6. Catherine says:

    A master’s degree in eating disorders (and from somewhere obscure in Italy) does not qualify a person to run a centre of eating disorders. I’d be very worried about the type of care these people will receive.

  7. jaqq says:

    This makes me ask: Where there any hidden handouts given to PL candidates to help their constituents? Was there any money channelled into PL coffers?

  8. aidan says:

    The Eating Disorder is not much of a problem compared with the Governing Disorder.

  9. Reporter says:

    So Olaph Terribile was right.

  10. ciccio says:

    Min mejjet ghal qatra, u min mejjet fis-sakra.

  11. blue says:

    The money can be put to better use for the sick and the elderly, as well as to pay for research to resolve certain illnesses, such as multiple sclerosis.

  12. victor says:

    the time has come to stop donating altogether for social reasons. The government has the sole duty to see to their needs and not put any burden on the citizens. Il- kaxxa ta’ Malta should include financing these social entities.

    We are being abused emotionally to contribute to which the state is bound to look after.

    This has made the president the biggest bugger on the Island for the past 5 years. It is an ABUSE and should stop immediately.

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