Videos of the day

Published: May 17, 2013 at 9:00am

Somebody just sent this in, in response to my post about the Barbie House Berlin protests. It’s so good, and made me think how we never see any television adverts featuring men stressing about their weight or going into anxiety overdrive about what they look like in their jeans or swimming-shorts.

Imagine an ad in which a man freaks with delight over a yoghurt pot and then twirls in front of the mirror. When health products are sold to men, it’s always on the basis of how good they’re going to be for his…heart and arteries, not pulling power.

Great video, anyway.

As for men in ads – this Dove advertisement is real. Thanks to the reader who sent it in.

4 Comments Comment

  1. H.P. Baxxter says:

    How wrong you are.

    Health products, or clothing items, sold to anyone, man or woman, are done so on the basis of pulling power. You only have to look at razor blades, for heaven’s sake. You can’t have your morning shave without some pert half-naked tart tiptoeing in behind you and reaching (out of shot of course) for your manhood.

  2. John Barr says:

    You realize I’m going to start shaving in the morning now.

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      Remember to splash about five gallons of water over your face and shake it off in slow motion as you grin into the mirror.

      Your water bills will skyrocket and you’ll leave the bathroom in a mess, but it pays off. And it builds your abs at the same time.

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