“Waste not, want not” vegetable hawker finds practical use for Joseph billboard print-out
May 10, 2013 at 12:46am
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Biex jghatti l-gdur, il-basal u l-kabocci
You cracked me up… my day !
Spot on !
Sewwa qed tghid biex jghatti lin-Nazzjonalisti. Min jaf dak il-cover ta’ Joseph isservix 25 sena?
Alfred. Mhux in-Nazzjonalisti tefghuh fuqhom. Imma apparti, jekk in-Nazzjonalisti kienu favur id-dhul ta’ Malta fl-Ewropa snin qabel il-Kap tal-Labour intebah li kellu zball fuq xi haga daqshekk Kardinali, allura, min huma l-gdur, il-basal u l-kabocci?
It looks suspiciously like the Malta Potatoes truck.
Labour Potatos in my blood
“Joseph jghattilek kollox , anke l-patata”
It’s a delivery truck. Because Joseph delivers.
Din serja, din. Ipoggi ritratt ta’ Joseph Muscat mal-patata.
But, insomma, minn naha l-ohra, there is some logic to it, specjalment given Joseph Muscat’s performance in government to date.
Good to see Joseph again, even if on an upcycled poster. He has been notoriously ‘missing’ from the scene these past two months. How convenient.
Did they sell the billboard posters to help with their finances?
Hi, I’m Jowzef from Malta, and this is my head. Is big. If you look inside you’ll find a lot of potatoes. But danger, there is firewall around. I found lil Din from the skip. Ejja Me Shall ha morru.
Progress, finally. All is not lost. Tal-labour tghallmu kif jispellu ghoxx.