“Waste not, want not” vegetable hawker finds practical use for Joseph billboard print-out

Published: May 10, 2013 at 12:46am

I would say that this is a very fine example of upcycling.

Joseph recycled

14 Comments Comment

  1. Allo Allo says:

    Biex jghatti l-gdur, il-basal u l-kabocci

    • A la Francisa says:

      You cracked me up… my day !

    • etil says:

      Spot on !

    • Alfred Farrugia says:

      Sewwa qed tghid biex jghatti lin-Nazzjonalisti. Min jaf dak il-cover ta’ Joseph isservix 25 sena?

      • Allo Allo says:

        Alfred. Mhux in-Nazzjonalisti tefghuh fuqhom. Imma apparti, jekk in-Nazzjonalisti kienu favur id-dhul ta’ Malta fl-Ewropa snin qabel il-Kap tal-Labour intebah li kellu zball fuq xi haga daqshekk Kardinali, allura, min huma l-gdur, il-basal u l-kabocci?

  2. Mojo Malti says:

    It looks suspiciously like the Malta Potatoes truck.

  3. Gahan says:

    “Joseph jghattilek kollox , anke l-patata”

  4. Antoine Vella says:

    It’s a delivery truck. Because Joseph delivers.

  5. Min Jaf says:

    Din serja, din. Ipoggi ritratt ta’ Joseph Muscat mal-patata.

    But, insomma, minn naha l-ohra, there is some logic to it, specjalment given Joseph Muscat’s performance in government to date.

  6. Mary Anne says:

    Good to see Joseph again, even if on an upcycled poster. He has been notoriously ‘missing’ from the scene these past two months. How convenient.

  7. kram says:

    Did they sell the billboard posters to help with their finances?

  8. MMuscat says:

    Hi, I’m Jowzef from Malta, and this is my head. Is big. If you look inside you’ll find a lot of potatoes. But danger, there is firewall around. I found lil Din from the skip. Ejja Me Shall ha morru.

  9. Min Jaf says:

    Progress, finally. All is not lost. Tal-labour tghallmu kif jispellu ghoxx.

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