Whatever Ramona’s new position is, you won’t find it in the Kama Sutra (and thank Buddha for that)

Published: May 14, 2013 at 10:19pm

Ramona Attard Mallia

The Malta Independent is running a story, Ramona Attard finds herself in a new position.

It’s all about how a new additional position has been created for this Super One reporter who frequently runs out of shampoo, after she left her previous position as chief of staff in another ministry and went to work at the Ministry for National Security and the Eurovision Song Contest, as communications coordinator.

First of all, we need to know why she abandoned the one ministry where she was chief of staff, after just six weeks in the job, for the lower-ranked position of communications coordinator at another ministry.

Then we need to know why that other ministry offered to take her on as communications coordinator for a chief of staff’s salary, which is higher.

And then we need to know why they bent over to accommodate her with excuses to the press and invented additional positions that didn’t exist before.

You know how they say that when you want to find out the reasons for things like this you should ‘follow the money’? Well, that applies only in all-men-together situations.

When men are bending over to accommodate a woman, it’s not the money you’ve got to follow. It’s something else.

Do her fellow-staff have to leave their iPhones at the door, too? Then she had better take care, and stay well away from that stationery cupboard.

20 Comments Comment

    • Jozef says:

      Reading the press statements, the gist seems to be they’re playing it by ear. Criticism or a sharp question pops up and they rectify.

      Sort of, so sorry, we were about to do it anyway.

      What are these people?

  1. Paddling Duck says:

    According to other internet sources, she had to leave her Chief of Staff job at the other ministry due to her ‘friendship’ with Ian Borg.

    • ciccio says:

      I thought she wanted protection from Ian Borg, considering how she went directly to the Minister for the Police, the Army and National Security.

      In all cases, according to Abraham Maslow, security is a more fundamental human need than friendship. So Manuel Mallia is more important than Ian Borg in the scheme of things.

    • La Redoute says:

      Is anyone in this government actually doing any work?

  2. canon says:

    I wonder whether it is safer for Ramona Attard to be with Minister Emanuel Mallia or with PS Ian Borg.

  3. AE says:

    Yes, the choice of headlines with respect to Ms Attard is rather “unfortunate”. The previous one was:

    “Ramona Attard leaves Ian Borg for Mallia: keeps 30K package”.

    One would be forgiven for thinking that there was a romance going on here.

  4. Il- Foqri says:

    Why is she still presenting Super One’s breakfast show while being paid by the state?

  5. winwood says:

    “and then we need to know why they bent over”.Could it have been the other way round?

  6. Manuel says:

    She will not be bitching with impertinent questions about the ex-Minister’s clock for some time. She now has a handsome salary, thanks to Malta Taghhom Ilkoll slogan.

    I am sure the switchers are happy with the fact that through their taxes (and ours) Super One Stars and friends-of-friends, partners and lovers are being paid hefty sums of money for their “service”.

  7. why why? says:

    Daphne, why do you say “she frequently runs out of shampoo” – I did not understand that comment.

    [Daphne – Because she appeared at almost every morning press conference during the election campaign with a dirty face and dirty hair which contrasted dramatically with the full make-up and blow-dry of her ‘formal’ television appearances, which I thought was rather odd. If you’re going to bother for the one, bother for the other. They’re both television.]

  8. mark says:

    Bil-garanzija illi tliet kwarti mic-Chief of Staffs (proper name Head Of Secretariat) ma jafux xogholhom.

    Dawn hasbu illi HOS ejja ha jmorru….ghadhom ma jafux kemm irid jkollok kwalifiki. Mela min gurnalist tista tmur go ministeru tahdem ta’ HOS. Qisek ghet tajt, xufier tal-linja tibghatu issuq ajruplan. Halluna.

  9. Herman says:

    I think Kama Sutra is Hindu; maybe it has nothing to do with Buddha.

  10. new position not in the Kama Sutra/ says:

    Does this mean the old one would have been?

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