You see? This is why you should never boast about having voted Labour. They ALWAYS let you down and make you look like a chump.

Published: May 15, 2013 at 6:14pm


Utterly pathetic and totally tal-biki.

If I were somebody like Martin Scicluna I would run away and hide right now. He of all people, after a lifetime as a public servant elsewhere, should understand the significance of this.

And a man of his great age and education should have had the intellectual ability and the powers of analysis to see it coming.

But no. Ma tarax.

Instead he spent a lot of time influencing people of lesser age and education to make the same gross error he did.

I’d be so embarrassed in his position.

Link below.

30 Comments Comment

  1. Alf says:

    The post of permanent secretary is not a political appointment. The role and functions of a permanent secretary within the public service are to ensure the efficient running of the ministry under his/her responsibility and a smooth transition in the event that a minister is removed, resigns, a new minister comes in or when there is a change in Government.

    Indeed, Permanent Secretaries ensure that there is continuity in administration irrespective of those who for a period of time move in as Ministers. Like all other senior appointments within any organization, their appointment is subject to rules and regulations. In this case, the appointment and removal of Permanent Secretaries is dictated by the supreme law of the land which clearly stipulates the process to be adopted.

    Article 92, sub-article 3 of our Constitution clearly states, and I quote: “Power to appoint public officers to hold or act in the office of Permanent Secretary and to remove from office persons holding or acting in such office shall vest in the President acting in accordance with the advice of the Prime Minister given after the Prime Minister has consulted with the Public Service Commission”.

  2. Neil Dent says:

    But Daphne, issa ghandom il-power. Whatever they say, don’t say, do or don’t do is perfectly OK.

    JM’s walk-on-water and heal-the-blind arrogance makes me sick to the stomach.

  3. Stefan Vella says:

    Hunting is next for Mr Scicluna:

    Is there a policy where Mr Scicluna and PL actually find common ground? I wonder if his PL endorsement was just a humongous grudge against the PN. This is pathetic.

  4. Gahan says:

    So before the election we were told that Joseph knew exactly what he will be doing.

    He had a roadmap, we were told ad nauseam.

    So why wasn’t the new code of ethics for ministers prepared beforehand? He just told us on TVM News that they’re still working on it.

    The real plan was that Joseph waited for Simon to come up with an electoral programme and copied most of it and and made it his.

    Other inanities could wait.

    While in opposition Joseph focussed on the niche voter markets that would get him into power: shooters and trappers, the environmentalists (!), the pro-Gaddafi Muslims, LGBTs and the ones who are expecting a VAT refund on their secondhand UK imported car (including him and Michelle).

    From what I see he’s only good for uncovering marble plaques of projects which were started and materialised under a PN government.


  5. canon says:

    Joseph Muscat tends to shy away from giving replies when it matters. We still remember how he used to hide from reporters during the election campaign.

  6. Riya says:

    The Maltese people should be really proud of their Prime Minister Joseph Muscat and his brilliant team of Ministers and Parliamentary Secretaries because now they are also teaching us new words in English.

    For example they do not use the word transfers anymore but they are using the word deployment. This is due to the fact that the word ‘transfers’ is completely linked to Labour Governments whenever they were in office.

    But during their time in opposition they stated and repeated on many occasions that they were prepared to work with everybody and also let everyone do his work including those employees who have other political views.

    Now, after few days that the Labour has been in Government I would like to ask all those employees who recently have been transferred, specially those working at the Mater Dei Hospital, if Joseph Muscat and his Labour Government is actually acting as he promised?

    Ghax Malta taghna Lkoll.

  7. Jimmy says:

    This is so worrying! That’s an attack on our democracy … unless he was speaking of Super One.

  8. one of us says:

    Change of subject! George Vella wants to control the media – dangerous!

    • Calculator says:

      “One can be more aggressive through the media than through talking alone. The media cannot be used for character assassinations on the one hand, whilst striving for cooperation on the other,” Dr Vella said.

      The nerve of some people is astounding. Labour do this throughout the election campaign and beforehand, and Vella now wants to curb the same freedom of speech. How disgusting.

  9. maryanne says:

    Is this the change that the switchers voted for? And where is Julia, the daughter of il-Botom? Can we have her opinion on this?

    George Vella wants to control the media.

  10. Village says:

    Baqa reporter ta’ sold u nofs.

  11. J Abela says:

    I thought the government cannot refuse to answer PQs.

  12. Giovanni says:

    How sickening Joseph Muscat’s children are seen all over the place why does he not keep them out of his political and professional life.

    • Calculator says:

      Muscat is obsessed with his image and presenting himself as a family man.

      This is just an extension of previous behaviour, like the whole gym fiasco and the difference between his and Gonzi’s respective interviews in The Times on the subject of family. It’s all just for show.

  13. Paul Bonnici says:

    There are many people kicking themselves for voting Labour. We have seen nothing yet, more is to come under the LP.

  14. Mr Meritocracy says:

    Hear, hear, Labour want to control the ‘media’.

    Pyongyang, anyone?

  15. P Camilleri says:

    George Vella has given proof the under the PN we enjoyed a free media which he now wants to curtail.

  16. Bendu says:

    Simply shameful

  17. M. says: this morning are rendering a disservice to their readers, by referring to Darleen Zerafa simply as ‘a President’s aide’.

  18. F.Marmara' says:

    The people voted for a better tomorrow but yesterday was best.

  19. Pandora says:

    I know this sounds naive, I just cannot understand how after all Labour did in the past and their “performance” since the 9th March, there are still people who applaud and support them.

    I am still undecided on whether this is brainwashing, ignorance or an ingrained attitude of self-entitlement and parochial politics handed down from generation to generation. Or maybe it’s all these together.

    I just feel disappointed and let down by Malta right now and it hurts to see the LP goverment undermine our previous government’s good work.

  20. topgun says:

    POPLU iftah ghajnejk sew ghax ergajna ghaz-zminijiet tad-dlam.

    Vera issa troppo tardi, imma ma ridux naqtaw qalbna ghal kollox, jekk kemm il-darba ma ridux li nigu qijsna il-Korea (Pyongyang), jew xi Iran, tibza tesprimi ruhek ghax tissawwat b’ kull mod.

    L-imperatur Joseph Muscat qarraq b’ eluf ta’ nies ghax kien jghid kliem sabih, imma issa jidher car li kien kollu ngann. Poplu qum minn hemm.

  21. Jozef says:

    Your column in The Malta Independent made my day.

    I call it the saturation point. This place, in 2013, cannot afford to waste any potential, otherwise we’ll be simply left behind in no time.

    The worst is sticking to it keeping one’s convictions inside. It becomes a subtle self-immolation.

    The truth is that this election surrendered the country to the incapable. The message was clear, anyone, literally, gets their chance.

  22. Felix Dalli says:

    George Vella’s proposal –

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