A whole bag of iced buns – and Tanya Bayona gets one for herself, after boyfriend Vincent got an ambassadorship to Paris
June 4, 2013 at 12:51am
The new Mediterranean Conference Centre board has been appointed. It is chaired by the dentist and Labour candidate Kenneth Spiteri, and includes Tanya Bayona (who gave a testimonial for the Great Leader in the election campaign), Norman Grech (whose sister Josette is married to Norman Hamilton, and whose nieces played a prominent part in the Malta Taghna Lkoll and ‘Dett, jien se nivvota Labour’ videos), and the dancer Felix Busuttil (who ave a testimonial to the wonders of Labour).
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Thumbs up for Bayona and Felix Busuttil who have contributed immensly to local dance, but the others…seriously? A dentist? And an accounts manager in a travel agency? Why no professional actors, musicians, artistic managers?
“Ce n’est pas très Catholique tout ça!” as the French say.
[Daphne – What is ‘local dance’?]
local dance (scene)
I did not say local-dance, so no confusion there!
[Daphne – I have linguistic and conceptual aversion to anything Maltese being described as ‘local’. Local is not a synonym for ‘Maltese’. ‘Local strawberries’ are, to me, the ones in Bidnija (local to me) and not the ones grown in, say, Marsaxlokk. When I hear some idiot ask for ‘local vegetables’ at the truck down the road, I am sorely tempted to ask which locality they have in mind.]
Local dunce more like.
Ah! we dentists are going places.
I never remember a government that was so blatantly “chummocratic” – and yet Muscat has the nerve to speak the exact opposite.
It is, in many ways, worse than in Mintoff’s day – except for the fact that we are (still) free to speak our minds (at the moment, without overt retaliation).
This government may have pleased many people by dishing out chairmanships and board memberships to the party faithful, but it has also been hugely unjust to many others who were doing an excellent job, people who will now be unemployed.
Muscat has either reinvented Orwell, or is a big fan: Malta Taghna Lkoll is, purely and simply, Newspeak and Doublespeak rolled into one.
But that’s exactly what Muscat’s about.
His mission was to reinvent Labour, what better way than appropriating every axiom we’ve managed to date and turning it on its head?
Principles are by necessity undemocratic, standards result bureaucratic, Malta too small hux miskina?
Thus Labour gains credibility.
Malta taghna lkoll as in look here, we can’t change, just give us a chance and we’ll try to behave like the sleazier nationalists, look, we’ve even got some in our ranks, should be easy.
They will unwittingly destroy the place. It’s the mentality which keeps them out of business, the real one ie.
I guess she needs flights from Paris to Malta to attend the board meetings and other matters
So are we going to have to pay for Ms Bayona’s trips from Paris to Malta so that she attends meeting? Or is this just an excuse to be able to pay her a salary as board member? Oh silly me I guess it’s both.
Life under Labour is indeed colourful, and even amusing were it not so tragic for Malta.
A motley bunch of upstarts, opportunists, dinosaurs, thugs, wannabes, grabbers, ‘morti di fame’, failures, incompetents, paranoids, has-beens, Commies, drama queens, grudge-bearers and general arrivistes.
Only this time it will not last 16 Golden Years, but five years and back to the humdrum life under the Nats. So make the best of it, Grabbers. Grab, grab and grab even more, while there is still enough space left for yet more snouts in the trough.
So, how is Tanya Bayona going to square up being on the MCC board while living with the new Maltese ambassador in Paris?
Is it also going to be free Business class flights on Air Malta at the expense of the tax-payer, biex ma ssoffriex vjaggi tat-twerwir ma xi low cost airline? Is there no limit to PL arrogance?
Before asking that, you might want to enquire about ambassadors’ residences (these live in the most exclusive parts in cities). I dare any government to publish the astronomical rents paid by the taxpayer. Surely the public ought to know where his money’s going.
[Daphne – Ambassadors are required to live in salubrious parts of town, Joe, for obvious reasons. The clue is in the name and job description.]
Min huma dawk ta’ wara Kenneth Spiteri?
The lady is Mrs. Kenneth Spiteri
They will celebrate tonight and keep Joseph in mind.
It’s a good thing that the George Cross70th commemoration was held last year because I am sure that Mr. Grech would have wiped it off the MCC timetable.
Her name is Lucienne!
[Daphne – Whose name? Ms Bayona’s?]
At least why not Kenneth Zammit Tabona instead of the dentist, or is his iced bun still in the oven?
I think he’s full.
So will she be commuting business/club class Paris/Malta?Paris at our expense as taxpayers ?
And we still have all the diplomatic posts in line, those will be iced cakes – Norman, Marisa, etc etc all in the queue.