Ah, so now we know what Joe Grima was raving about on his phone at McDonald’s last night

Published: June 16, 2013 at 11:07am

Piggy at McDonalds

Joe Grima_Bondi

35 Comments Comment

  1. aidan says:

    Il-fernezija ga qed titla ghar-ras wara mitt jum biss.

  2. TROY says:

    …..and all the king’s

  3. TROY says:

    Is that a hole in his trousers?

  4. Watchful eye says:

    Tista ma taqbilx maghna, imma ara ma tahsibx li tista tahdem maghna.

  5. Watchful eye says:

    Tista ma taqbilx maghna, u tranfser taqla maghna.

  6. Josette says:

    Have you ever noticed how fixated Labourites have become with their leaders being intelligent?

    I’ve lost count of the number of times I heard Labourites saying “ghax dak intelligenti ta’!” or “ghax taf kemm hu bravu” about either Alfred Sant or Joseph Muscat.

    Never heard Nationalists saying that about their leaders. Maybe because they just take it for granted.

    • Calculator says:

      Of course they just take it for granted. I know I do, and I don’t consider myself a die-hard Nationalist.

  7. Antoine Vella says:

    So josephmuscat.com appoints two hundred cronies and assorted sidekicks to all sorts of crucial posts but the first time a Nationalist is given a very minor, unimportant (let’s face it) position, the good old Mintoffians come out snarling and barking away.

  8. rpacebonello says:

    Do you have Natal’s reply?

  9. Gahan says:

    Joe Grima lil-zaqqu: Hu go fik,kull ma ssib fil-kcina.

    Joseph lil-Joe Grima: Hu go fik,issa taf x’hini “Malta taghna lkoll”.

    Lou lil Joe Grima : Hu go fik,ghadek bla programm fuq it-TV.

    Lou lil Jason: Hu go fik, lilek hallewk barra.

    Joe lic-contorin(i) tieghu: Hu(du) go fik(om).

    U finalment Joe Grima lis-siggu: Hu go fik u hu t-toqol tieghi, ghax inkella jigrilek bhas-siggu ta’ hdejna!

  10. P Sant says:

    What the heck are they saying? Wasn’t Lou Bondi PL’s main asset, they said? He must get his iced bun as well then…

  11. helen says:

    I pity that chair.

  12. Futur mill-aghar says:

    If he wore that tee shirt to try and blend in with the chair, then he has grossly underestimated his girth.

  13. Kevin Farrugia says:

    Dear Daphne,

    These reactions are to some extent expected. I honestly expected your comments to the set up of another ” advisory board” and the justification of such members. I cannot understand if this is a shift of doing new politics from this Prime Minister!

  14. Quantum Interrogation says:

    Imma n-Nazzjonalisti kienu hallewk tahdem, Sur Joe Grima! Kont qazziztna tpeclaq taht in-nazzjonalisti u hallewk tahdem u timpala l-liri!

    Int trid titkellem fuq haddiehor? Mur kompli kul il-hobza u ghalaq halqek.

    • Last Post says:

      Anzi, jien immur oltre minn hekk!

      La Joe Grima, aktar il-quddiem, johrog b’ruhu w gismu (!) kontra Joseph Muscat, kif kien ghamel fi zmien Alfred Sant, in-Nazzjonalisti, fl-atmosfera ta’ apologija, imisshom jergghu ituh programm regolari fuq in-Net biex hekk tizdied il-pressjoni fuq l-istess Joseph Muscat.

  15. Dissident says:

    In relation to his body, his tablet looks like an iPhone 4

  16. Gahan says:

    This photo shows how Ronald Mac Donald transformed Joe Grima into the Michellen Man.


  17. Joe Fenech says:

    I’m not going to comment as I don’t know Bondi enough.

    As to what Grima said, I am with him 100% about Sant. He was Labour’s only hope but he soon realised that he did not fit in.

    He’s an intellectual, brilliant politician and professional, and top writer. So he called an election…

    [Daphne – Brilliant politician? Top writer? I fail to agree. The facts speak otherwise.]

    • Joe Fenech says:

      Yes, he is.

      His books are probably the only decent pieces of literature in Maltese language. But leave that aside…

      There are little facts about his politician’s because he jumped ship. This was not desertion but a heroic act by someone who deemed his mission impossible.

      His proposal of the Swiss model was not naive, but it was mocked despite being left unexplored. Obviously, the Gahan Malti couldn’t see beyond the Emmental and the Alps. Stating that Malta was not prepared for Europe was very true on many levels. After all, how on earth can you integrate a quasi-African nation whose population is ‘2/3 chavish’ with the Europeans?

      As to Bondi, I did say that from the little I’ve seen, he gave me a strong impression that he is a sort of cocky middle-school boy. Why on earth Jason and him are part of the Valletta 2018 committee is beyond me. Wasn’t (the world famous musician) Wayne Marshall meant to be part of that committee? Embarrassing!!

  18. ‘Veri najs trawsers’ … bhal tal-moda, bit-toqba ‘l fuq mill-irkoppa.

    Tghid dak effett tal-fatt li l-Leader ghadu ma vvintalux xi kariga f’xi Dipartiment, miskin?

  19. H.P. Baxxter says:

    The sheer effrontery of our Laburisti is pushing the boundaries of gobsmackery.

    Joseph Muscat appoints dozens of Labourites to the highest posts in the land, with juicy salaries attached, then he appoints one measly little non-billboard man, formerly known to side with PN, and all hell breaks loose.

    I mean no one is stupid enough to believe that Malta really is Taghna Lkoll. Malta is something like 99% Labour’s. Does the remaining 1% merit a shitstorm of this size (and girth)?

  20. RosanneB says:

    Kemm haduha bi kbira ta’ Lou Bondi…u anke ta John Dalli. Imbasta MALTA TAGHNA LKOLL.

    [Daphne – I don’t blame them, quite frankly. I would have felt the same in their position, but certainly not because of any association with the Nationalist Party that. There are other reasons which are far more relevant, especially where Dalli is concerned.]

  21. True blue says:

    Ostra, how hideously fat.

  22. ron says:

    Imnalla tela’ l-Labour. Kif kien spicca Joe taghna taht Gonzi. Zaqqu ma dahru. Kulhadd mejjet bil-guh.

  23. GiovDeMartino says:

    According to Lynn Zahra Joe Grima is a heavyweight. Very, very true.

  24. il-korla says:

    Ma rridx inkun hajta fil-qalziet ta’ taht tieghu.

  25. health risk says:

    I don’t usually comment on posts that deal with public personalities’ physical attributes and am not quick to judge why people are at times obese.

    I am aware that genes and various factors can prevent a person who eats moderately from losing weight.

    However, this photo is both shocking and incriminating. Anybody who is so grossly obese should not be seen at a McDonalds.

    The man needs to check into a weight-loss clinic and take his health seriously, more so if he insists on remaining in the spotlight. He has a duty to look somewhat smart.

    This picture is just disturbing. The fat is all around the mid-section and presumably the organs. I sincerely hope Joe Grima reads this blog, takes stock of his appearance and the health implications, and takes action.

  26. Allo Allo says:

    X’ma johodhiex bi kbira Joe Grima. Kieku kien hu x’kien jghamel tghid? Minn Guest post li kellek f’Awwissu:

    “After the government had declared in Parliament that all the tourist guides who had sat for their licence examination had passed, a strike was called of public sector employees.

    Minister of Tourism Joe Grima (you’ll be aware of who this one is, because he stars now on Super One) had then sent for the results of the exam and they were doctored, one by one.

    All the examination candidates who had taken part in the strike – about 200 of them – were shown as ‘failed’, and all those who had not taken part were shown as ‘passed’. One of the ‘failed’ candidates, Anna Camilleri, took the matter to court and won a Constitutional case.”

    Gejjin bi-Taghna Lkoll. Dak slogan biss kien.

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