Another top comment of the morning

Published: June 29, 2013 at 12:11pm

Posted by Mainguard:

Jekk Manwel wicc ta’q*hba bizzejjed biex jibghat is-seftura biex timlielu l-ilma minn fontana f’nofs il-Belt quddiem kullhadd, ara tahsbhux li din il-bicca xoghol dwar il-pulizija ser thammarlu wiccu – ahseb u ara kemm ser ihoss il-htiega li jirrezenja.

U daqshekk iehor ser itajru Joseph Muscat. Ma ninsewx tal-blokka silg ta’ Toni Abela.

16 Comments Comment

  1. TinaB says:

    Jekk ma jithajjarx jibda jibghat lil xi ufficjal tal-pulizija igiblu l-ilma mil-funtana. U forsi inaddaflu d-dar ukoll.


    Mija u ghoxrin jum fil-gvern u diga baghtu lil pajjiz mitt sena lura.

    • Jas says:

      Le… issa jista jgib fire engine mimlija ilma.

      • TinaB says:

        Iva, tassew – ghal mument kont insejt.

        U biex ibattal id-drenagg, senza interessi, jista jghid lil Albert Gauci Cunningham imur bil-bawzer – opportunita bhal dik mhux ta’ min jitlifha.

      • John Profumo says:

        Jew icempel lil Albert Gauci Cunningham tal-billboard, ghax dak jaf ghandu “bawzer hara”.

  2. Lestrade says:

    And where is Toni Abela ? Coventry ?

  3. TROY says:

    Maybe it was water from the fountain of life.

  4. anna tabone says:


  5. Calculator says:

    Sad, but unfortunately true.

  6. Stella says:

    Not even the poorest people from the Diju Balli or the Mandragg have ever done this. If this is the truth Dr. Mallia should resign. Please investigate.

    [Daphne – Stella, I have just described above that it IS the truth. Dr Mallia household servants have been seen on several occasions fetching water from the public fountain. I have even described to you how it was done.]

  7. jojo says:

    The medieval miserliness of a power-crazed moron.

  8. Stella says:

    Dear Daphne
    I’ve always believed all you say but mistreating these Romenians so badly that they have to carry water all the way up the Valletta streets and having no food is utterly unbelievable in this age. we have made a fuss over the mistreatment of animals and rightly so,now we expect an investigation on this horrible experience of these girls.

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