Are they roasting Joe Grima?

Published: June 16, 2013 at 1:50am

There’s another fashionable soiree for the high society, but this time it’s under the patronage of Renato. Here’s the advert somebody found and sent me.

Unfortunately for my coffee-cup and keyboard, I opened that image at just about the same time I opened this picture of Joe Grima at McDonald’s.

Piggy at McDonalds


13 Comments Comment

  1. patriot says:

    Another case of send in the clowns! God help us.

  2. taxxu says:

    Il-majjal taghna lkoll

  3. edgar says:

    Look at the two pictures and compare. The pig being roasted is half the size of that other sleazy fat pig in the top picture scoffing a dozen big Macs.

  4. charon says:

    Majjalata in Italian, hniezrija in Maltese.

  5. MojoMalti says:

    Tal-Lejber jaqduk mill-koxxa. U ghandhom minn fejn.

  6. A. Charles says:

    Daphne, you have just ruined my breakfast.

  7. J. Aquilina says:

    Ma nafx kif the likes of Renato have been left out of the National Festivities Committee. A re-rendering of Gensna to mark the 35th Anniversary of ‘Freedom’ Day would surely be a most befitting way to mark the occasion.

    • el gozitano says:

      They simply can’t… just had it in Gozo on the occasion of Lejlet Lapsi Notte Gozitana… we had the full cast complete with Mary “Red Rose” Spiteri, fully advertised with huge banners along Republic Street.

  8. Animal rights says:

    The Minister for Animal Rights should look into all these Labour majjalati. Why should the pigs be made to suffer in order to celebrate a Labour electoral victory?

  9. aidan says:

    No Carbs, Atkins Diet.

  10. MB says:

    Jabba the Hutt

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