Define ‘good relationship’
Joseph Muscat said on Bondi+ that he always had a good relationship with Lawrence Gonzi. “Personally, perhaps,” Lou said, “but politically?”
Define politically, Muscat said. There were no problems there. It was just the usual political criticism.
Unfortunately, Lou let this go. Good relationship, my eye. Lawrence Gonzi couldn’t stand Muscat and Muscat’s approach to Gonzi was one of absolute spite and malice.
If the prime minister’s idea of a good relationship is plotting against somebody to the hideous extent of conspiring with the likes of Franco Debono and Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando – a couple of pieces of scum by any definition, whatever side of the political fence you sit on – and subjecting this person with whom you have such a good relationship to death by a thousand sadistic cuts, then we shall have to ask him one day what he thinks a bad relationship is like.
He says he had a good relationship with Lawrence Gonzi, but then used the full might of the Labour media machine to perform a five-year-long hatchet job on him, deliberately turning him into an object of hatred and contempt.
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I take it that as Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi had good relations with the the than Leader of the Opposition ,Joseph Muscat. Now as Prime Minister ,Joseph Muscat ,should have good relations with the Leader of the Opposition Simon Busuttil.
Did Muscat give Lou the script tonight? Looks like he has allowed himself to be bought by a seat on a Festivities Board. His questions were just what Muscat wanted to answer.
It’s a sad, sad, sad situation.
……illum qalilna li Mater Dei lanqas audit ma hemm. Qalilna pero li Dalli kien l-ahjar Ministru tas-sahha xi jumejn ilu. Allura dan l-accountant li kien daqshekk tajjeb ma dahhalx audits fl-operat ta Mater Dei? Xejn mhu qed jaghmel sens!
“Unfortunately, Lou let this go.”
Mamma mia, Lou HAD to let this go. Like he has to let go of a lot more going forward. Lou’s credibility is now worth less than shite.
First comes denial, then acceptance and after that adjustment. I’ve accepted the fact that Lou is a switcher of some form. No amount of fudging will do – iddeciedejt li ma niehux bullshit fuq dal-kaz.
What a shame. How very shameful Lou. It’s really a good thing that Lou actually follows this blog and we get to tell him exactly what we think of him.
Ah another one. When WE was considered very pro-PN, every Laburist and his chihuahua wanted Lou and Peppi off state TV. Now, this is no longer necessary since Lou crossed the floor – quite literally. Double standards, poplu injorant bestja nghidlu jien. Grazzi, Lou.