“Do you know who I am?” Let’s all make sure we know who Silvio Scerri is when we next see him.
June 30, 2013 at 5:08pm
You’re expected to know who this man is, because if you don’t, he might try to have you arrested.
He’s chief of staff to the police, army and broadcasting minister, and doesn’t understand that his remit does not extend beyond exactly that: his minister’s private secretariat and the people in it.
So take a good look and memorise his face. Sometimes he wears facial hair and at other times, he doesn’t.
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I don’t know who he is, but he looks like a right nerd.
That’s what this government’s about, isn’t it? Moviment tal-Revenge of the Nerds.
To all security services personnel, security guards, police officers, soldiers and prison warders, copy and print these photos and keep them handy.
He could ask you whether you know who he is.
Issa nafu min hu. Xi dardira li haseb li lahaq is-sema.
Kulhadd xortih – filli jdendel erba wires u filli Malta f’idejh.
Dawn in-nies li jkollhom xi forma ta’ awtorita’ u fuq kollox hafna flus, jahsbu li jistghu jaghmlu li jridu.
He looks like a legend in his own head.
There’s a brilliant word in the English language to describe a man like him: c*nt.
Miskin, ta’ min tassew jithassru. Jekk jahseb li ghandu xi poteri specjali, Silvio sejjer imqarraq.
Yes, we do know who you are, Mr Scerri. A cheap bully who has let “power” go to his head very fast.
I shudder to think what you will be doing five years down the line.
Or what you would be doing with real power.
Mela issa mhux Kummissarju u Brigadier wiehed ghandna?
Jekk ghandna Kummissarju tal-Pulizija serju dawk il-Pulizija li wettqu dan l-arrest fuq dan John Muscat ghandhom jigu iddixxiplinati.
Silvio Scerri m’ghandu l’ebda dritt jew poter jordna lill-Pulizija ghax li jista’ jaghmel hu li jaghmel rapport bhal kull cittadin normali.
Dan kaz serju u tal-misthijja.
Silvio Scerri anqas ghandu ideja xi struzzjonijiet stretti u responsabbli jkollhom il-membri tas-sigurta’ waqt avveniment bhal dak tal-Isle of MTV.
Mela haseb li qieghed go xi meeting tal-Labour? Imma taf int, Silvio Scerri ma riedx johrog ta’ mazetta quddiem mara.
Bniedem iwahhal id-dawl spicca Chief of Staff tal-Ministru tas-sigurta ta’ pajjiz. Kemm gejna sew.
Ghandu biex jiftahar Manuel Mallia bin-nies li ghazel jew ahjar bin-nies li poggewh f’din il-posizzjoni.
Vera tal-biki.
I was reflecting on the situation of the police and the soldiers under Mallia.
We now have the Orwellian situation where some animals are more equal than others.
Police volunteers are paid extra to serve the EBU delegates while a poor soldier trying to earn some extra money is caught between a rock and a hard place (Silvio Scerri and Khiron Security head John Muscat) because he was serving as a security guard at the Isle of MTV concert without the necessary authorisation.
We have more:
“Mr Zammit replied: “It became an issue when a security officer – who is also a soldier – provided back-up for John Muscat and found himself in a quandary who to answer to; whether to his permanent employer, Silvio Scerri as chief of staff at the Home Affairs Ministry, or his temporary employer. That’s when it became an issue.”
So now we have it from the Commissioner of Police that Silvio Scerri can order soldiers about who are off duty! This is utterly unbelievable.
What a mess.
The intention of the Commissioner of Police to mention the issue whether the security guard was licensed or not was specifically mentioned to defend Silvio Scerri’s position during this incident.
Peter Paul Zammit read Law at University and we all know how lawyers react in such cases to defend their client but in this particular case one of his bosses.
Mr. Commissioner of Police, the issue whether the Security Guard performing such duties at the time of this incident was in possession of a license or not should have been dealt with at a later stage.
The main important issue here was whether the lady was authorized to gain access into the VIP area or not.
If she was not in possession of a valid ticket the Security Guard was completely correct and should be praised and not arrested or put aside.
It was Silvio Scerri who was completely in the wrong to the extent that he also abused his powers to make the Security Guards breach their duties and responsibilities in such a delicate issue related to safety and security.
The Commissioner of Police is also responsible to investigate and let us know whether Silvio Scerri as a government public officer was responsible for the security duties during this event and whether he had the right to get involved in this incident which after all was instigated by Scerri himself. Moreover, whether he was authorized to issue orders to the private security staff which goes against the safety and security required to be strictly observed and adhered to during such an important and delicate event.
Excuse me but it isn’t revenge of the nerds. Nerds are the intelligent ones. It is revenge of the idiots.
Great display of Silvio Scerri pics. However you are missing one more photo.
It’s our favourite, and we have called it: All The Cronies Together, as it features Anton Attard, Lou Bondi, PJ Vassallo and of course Silvio Scerri celebrating a toast after CHOGM. Wonder how much they got paid for that.
Put beggars on horseback and, sure as hell, they will ride to the devil without even realizing it.