He has the free water. Now all he needs is the free soap.

Published: June 30, 2013 at 3:09am
The new Labour health minister's brother

The new Labour health minister’s brother

It won’t be long before Police Minister Manuel Mallia remembers about that vast consignment of green soap from Libya, seized by his waiters off John Dalli’s brother’s smuggling-vessel, The Jolly Roger, during a night-time raid off Fawwara.

He’s bound to know about it, because he was the defence lawyer to one member of this drug-smuggling gang, when four of them were charged in court.

And while we’re on the subject, where IS Bastjan Dalli, exactly?

The last we heard of him, he was out on bail, telling a court how while on remand at Corradino Prisons, he heard disembodied voices warning him of a conspiracy against his poor martyred brother. Well, this is one drug smuggler the Secret Service won’t be touching if certain people have their way.

Manuel Mallia’s client was caught in this drug-smuggling operation after the Security (Secret) Service intercepted 300 calls between the gang.

But now Manuel Mallia has put himself in charge of the Security Service and sits in on interviews for recruits. Isn’t that sweet?

I don’t think any amount of green soap and fountain water can wash Malta clean.

3 Comments Comment

  1. brombos says:

    M’ghadtilna xejn dwar il-quddiesa li saret Hal Qormi organizzata mill-familjari ta’ John Dalli u kkoncelebrata minn huh Dun Gorg bhala ringrazzjament li John Dalli f’Malta ghaddielu kollox b’wicc il-gid.

  2. bob-a-job says:

    Ahhhhhh so that’s why Manuel wanted the free water.

    He needed free whisky for the party so he went to the Maltese version of David Copperfield, Bastjan Dalli, who apart from changing cannabis into soap has the capabilities of changing water into whisky and vanishing into thin air

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