Joseph Muscat’s standards are so low that he used this vulgar animal as a poster-boy in his OFFICIAL campaign collateral

Published: June 19, 2013 at 3:25pm

What sort of political party, what sort of party leader, behaves as though the testimonials of a vulgar animal like this are something to be proud of?

THE LABOUR PARTY PUT THIS HUMAN TRASH ON ITS BILLBOARDS. I REPEAT: ON ITS BILLBOARDS. I had to put that in capital letters because, in retrospect and away from that ‘tulip fever’, it is just so, so extraordinary. It is unbelievable.

A vulgar, savage pig called Albert Gauci Cunningham believes in Joseph, so I should believe in Joseph too.

Rather the opposite, I would say.

I mean, look at this awful thing from Labour Poster Boy Albert Gauci Cunningham’s Facebook. The Labour Party should disown him and distance itself from him immediately. It cannot afford to have official campaign figures like him. And he is still, effectively, their campaign figure.Honestly.

albert gauci cunningham

Memories of the campaign

Memories of the campaign

32 Comments Comment

  1. Alexander Ball says:

    These ‘adverts’ were on on ‘reflection’ friday.

    Constant bombardment.

  2. ken il malti says:

    One can easily tell by his choice of words that this degenerate weirdo is really into scat in a big way.

  3. Rita Camilleri says:

    Is this guy a teacher?

    [Daphne – Of English as a Foreign Language at Sprachcaffe. I would sack him, quite frankly. This is disgusting behaviour. Is that how he speaks in the staff room?]

    • Rita Camilleri says:

      That is why I am asking – I think he is disgusting – not a very nice advert for Sprachcaffe.

    • Edward says:

      While in the staff room he used to dedicate a lot of time to grooming suggestible 18 year-olds into diehard PL supporters.

      Other, more intelligent, members of the staff thought he was an absolute imbecile because of how he suddenly decided to vote Labour from one day to the next. And they used to tell him so.

  4. Dickens says:

    Erudit il-poster boy ukoll.

  5. anthony says:

    I nominate this guy for the post of Chairman of The National Excrements Commission.

    He truly deserves that iced-bun.

  6. Calculator says:

    Labour have set the bar so low for themselves that all I can say is that it’s actually rather unsurprising, if not appropriate.

  7. A Montebello says:

    Daphne! You may have ruined his chanced of an iced bun.

    [Daphne – He has one already: he’s on the Commission for the Family board.]

  8. Aunt Hetty says:

    This gentleman seems very engrossed with what emanates from his nether parts. His prose is replete with words like ”h*ra”, ”hmieg” and ”drenagg”.

    Does he suck his thumb at night?

  9. ciccio says:

    Kull darba li nara bawzer hara x’imkien niftakar f’Albert Gauci Cunningham.

  10. pablo says:

    Addio ipotetika, ghax mir-ritratt ta’ wiccu qisu diga’ tefghawlu kocc demel.

  11. jojo says:

    Hamallu kbir with giant chips on his shoulder.

  12. TROY says:

    L-aqwa li kelna l-bidla, man.

  13. SM says:

    He spews a “bawzer dranagg” just by opening that mouth of his.

  14. Wormfood says:

    He’s quite amusing when he throws a hissy fit isn’t he? Reminds me of an old grandmother angrily shaking her umbrella at a group of kids

  15. Gahan says:

    Was he present yesterday at Castille LGBT Pink Mafia award?

  16. GiovDeMartino says:

    I do hope that he does not teach Maltese. His orthography is horrible.

  17. Joseph Ellul-Grech says:

    What a scum bag. How low can you go? It just goes to show how vulgar some people are. Very PROFESSIONAL. Not.

  18. mark says:

    Hamallu u pastazz ta’ veru dal bniedem.

  19. Anna says:

    Just had a thought. He could work hand in hand with Yana Mintoff. She likes throwing shit too.

  20. rpacebonello says:

    I suggest this gentleman, a teacher of English, translate his comments into English and hold a class discussion on this amazing subject.

  21. Gellel says:

    Jekk qed jistenna min jitfalu ponn hara (kliemu stess) jista jitlob lil Yana Mintoff Bland u taqdieh zgur. Dik ghanda esperjenza.

  22. H.P. Baxxter says:

    What’s he on about anyway? Is it because we said he’s gay? Well he IS gay.

  23. Owen says:

    He might be proud to be gay, but it’s not making him very happy, is it.

  24. Kevin Farrugia says:

    What you see is what you get!

  25. freefalling says:

    Dear Daphne,

    It is not just Albert Gauci Cunningham, it is the whole lot of them.

    No style whatsoever just simply a paranoid lot led by an ignorant, devious and uncouth individual whose only aspiration was to be Malta’s youngest Prime Minister.

    I got depressed when Labour got in and now I need a clinical psychologist

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