Malta Taghna Lkoll Update: Labour Party president becomes chairman of Grand Harbour Regeneration Corporation

Published: June 3, 2013 at 1:23pm
Stefan Zrinzo Azzopardi, now chairman of Grand Harbour Regeneration Corporation, embraces Kurt Farrugia, now Chief of Government Communications, at the counting-hall.

Stefan Zrinzo Azzopardi, now chairman of Grand Harbour Regeneration Corporation, embraces Kurt Farrugia, now Chief of Government Communications, at the counting-hall.

Stefan Zrinzo Azzopardi, who stood down as Labour Party president last month in the expectation that he would be made chairman of Valletta 2018, is the new chairman of Grand Harbour Regeneration Corporation plc.

No official announcement has been made yet.

After the general election in March, TVM reported on its news site:

Partit Laburista President, Stefan Zrinzo Azzopardi, in his initial comments to the media said that the Maltese have trusted Partit Laburista, and now is the time to put into action the roadmap.

Dr Zrinzo Azzopardi labeled PL’s campaign as a ‘positive one’ which has reaped ‘positive results’. Adding that the results are not simply positive for PL, but now is the time to put into action what we (PL) have said and show that Malta is ‘Taghna Lkoll’.

Indeed it is, Stefan. Indeed, it is.

29 Comments Comment

  1. Felix says:

    There is no doubt that the meaning behind the PL’s slogan, “Malta Taghna Lkoll” meant “Malta Taghna Wkoll”. Once they realised that we have such an upgraded country, to which they did not contribute anything positive, these last 25 years, they wanted to have their finger in the pie as well.

    They wanted to benefit, not just by living in it. Little did they realise that creating and maintaining standards did not come by whining and moaning.

    • Last Post says:

      It is also possible that, as a Laburist was heard saying (facetiously?), the “Malta Taghna Lkoll” slogan was valid up 9th March. As from the 10th it started being translated into “Malta Taghna Biss”.

  2. canon says:

    Labour made sure that nothing is left for ‘barranin’.

  3. zunzana says:

    This morning the baby being cuddled by Zrinzo was on TVAM and he was at a loss when replying to questions asked by the presenters, especially when quizzed about the shameful and disgusting transfers at San Vincenz de Paule Home for the Elderly.

  4. ciccio says:

    Has anybody heard Joseph Muscat make any mention of the rowtmepp recently?

    Had he not made an appearance in front of the parliament doorway with his cutting edge colleagues in slip-ons last week, I would have said that he may have taken a wrong turn somewhere on his own rowtmepp and got lost in some isolated part of the country.

    But after his appearance, althogh I am now relieved to note that he is not lost, but still, I am worried because it was clear that he got himself into a cul de sac and he is hurtling forward (as much as his shrinking trousers allow him) “gas down ghal-gol hajt.”

  5. Luigi says:

    Ghandu Public Consultation George Alla hares nidhlu fl-Ewropa Vella llum.

  6. Gahan II says:

    Huma ta’ gewwa nahseb ha jmorru tajjeb u mhux il-puplu, ghax il-poplu xejn mu ha jiehu.

    Ghallinqas il-PN ghamlu hafna gid ghal-pajjiz, u zamme l-ekonomija stabbli.

    • Calculator says:

      Mhux spjegaha lill-maġġoranza tal-poplu li vvutaw lil PL. Ħlief sa xiber inmieħirhom ma jarawx dan-nies.

    • Rita Camilleri says:

      Kif dejjem ghidt jien, Gahan. Il-PN hasab ghal pajjiz kollu, imma dawn tal-qalba biss u dawk li taparsi daru u poggew wicchom fuq il-posters.

  7. MMG says:

    From Malta Taghna lkoll u Malta Taghna BISS

  8. mattie says:

    Christmas came early this year.

  9. Sufa says:

    It would be interesting to know whether someone from the high (Labour) society needed to fly from Milan to Malta, hence the detour and 5-hour delay for those on the Malta-bound Rome flight (who ended up in Milan without being forewarned).

  10. just me says:

    “…now is the time to put into action the roadmap”.
    What roadmap? Now it is more than obvious to everyone that the PL have no roadmap. They never had any proper plans and have no idea how to govern our country.
    All the talk about roadmaps before the elections was simply made to steal votes.

    • What? says:

      It was so obvious that PL had/has no road map. It was a gimmick. All JOseph Muscat wanted was to be prime minister for its own sake, a personal goal and an end in itself.

      • Victor says:

        Exactly! I said this from day one.

        Unfortunately what is/was obvious to you and me, was not to many others.

  11. Reader says:

    A convenient appointment for a shareholder of an estate management company I’d say.

  12. Wistin Schembri says:

    I hope that there will be at least one vacancy left so that our positive Prime Minister may fulfill his solemn promise (Manifest Elettorali Ch 17, 10 pg 154) and introduce the scheme where we vote for board members.

  13. canon says:

    Tghijd thanzru bizzejjed?

  14. makjavel says:

    The more time passes the more it becomes obvious that governing Malta for Joseph is the same as organizing coffee mornings.

    Dr Farrugia needs time to understand how the hospital is managed.

    The rest of the cabinet will be meeting on a daily basis on a sliding roster the public.

    Next time is appointment by lottery, job by lottery, MRI by lottery, and the golden days are looming.

  15. Joe Fenech says:

    I think what PL meant was ‘Malta (Ghawdex, Kemmuna u kull kull haga li nistghu nahtfu) taghna Wkoll’.

    Petty, island mentality.

    • Galian says:

      No, they meant exactly ‘Malta Taghna Lkoll’, only that ‘Taghna’ referred exclusively to PL supporters.

  16. Pitravu says:

    It was and is now so obvious that PL had/has no road map.

    The only plan it seems is to grab all they can (jithanzru kemm jifilhu) as they already know their chances for re- election are already rather slim. It seems like re-living the eighties again.

  17. chully says:

    I fully agree with Stefan Zrinzo Azzopardi that PL’s campaign reaped positive results: for its friends and friends of friends.

  18. anthony says:

    I feel that the PL has been honest, transparent and consistent all along.

    Their slogan was Malta Taghna Lkoll.

    They never said that PN voters were included in Lkoll.

    Nobody said so except for wishful-thinking PN supporters.

    PN sympathisers who hoped that even if PL got elected there would be something in it for them too.

    Fat chance.

    Malta Tagna Lkoll and Direzzjoni Gdida they said and they will be true to their word for the next five years.

    At the very least.

    Make no mistake.

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