Labour MP Marlene Farrugia on the subject of Norman Vella
Marlene Farrugia on Facebook:
Irrid nghix go pajjiz fejn kull persuna tinghata c-cans u tithalla tuza t-talenti taghha minghajr pregudizzju , hi x’inhi l- orjentazzjoni politka, religjuza, sesswali taghha….
Norman Vella gurnalista li kaxkar kull award gurnalistikuli hawn fil-pajjiz. Il- programm tieghu TVHemm huwa t-tielet l-aktar segwit mill-programmi kollha.
Taqbel jew ma taqbelx ma dak li jghid jew kif jghidu, il-fatt jibqa’ li , li ssakkar dan it-talent go kabuba tal-hgieg tittimbra l-passaporti jew thares, hija DECIZJONI HAZINA li titfa’ dell ikrah fuq il-PROTAGONISTI li wettqu dan…..
Il-Poplu heles mill-PN ghax hwejjeg bhal dawn( li saru hafna) ma jridhomx.
Mhux ahjar mmexxu bl-ezempju l-ahwa…
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It seems that her iced bun hasn’t materialised yet. I am sure that she will be served one in the coming days.
Smajtha titkellem il-bierah fil-parlament minn fuq ir-radju…hsibtha Marthese Portelli.
Didn’t she say she was once a staunch Nationalist?
So what? So was her ex-husband.
“Il-Poplu (why the capital P?) ħeles mill-PN ghax ħwejjeġ bħal dawn (li saru hafna – could she mention some them please?) ma jridhomx.”
Dawn in-nies huma mentalment (jew psikologikament) morda. Ma jafux xi jridu jew aħjar, mhux kapaċi jiddeciedu. L-aqwa li jħossuhom xi mexxejja kbar (bħal Mose’ per ez.):
“Mhux ahjar (i)mmexxu bl-eżempju l-aħwa … (?)
So Marlene Farrugia, too, has commented negatively on this move. Then there is something seriously wrong with the Taghna Lkoll government.
All this dissent after just 100 days.
It figures. Far too many promises, not enough goodies to go round. Joseph Muscat must now face the collective ire of thousands of opportunists scorned.
It’s now time for renegotiation – 1st round.
People are still ‘in’ and will continue to remain there because they have invested in the system and can’t possibly leave just yet.
But since they have spoken out against it, they are a liability to Joseph Muscat and the party and whatever they are given as a reward will be either less than they want or one step over so that they can first train the person/s the LP has also made an identical promise to and who is/are preparing to take over the same job once they snatch it away. And so on and so forth.
Undelivered promises are followed by a renegotiation for a lesser deal. Should this not be enough, the multiplication will apply on the number of lesser deals and their progression.
Will any of this be in writing? Usually not, so as to leave the deal-giver the freedom of full control over every person and scam. The total scam needs to gain mileage from popular support and each persons’ carefully-invested-into image and contacts in contributing to the marketing of the self- perpetuating scam.
Muscat is using your sweat and efforts: your education, sacrifices, contacts, image investment. You are his stepping stone to a better future for himself (and Michelle?). He couldn’t otherwise give a damn about you.
People like Marlene will seriously want to contribute but Muscat will even sabotage what the movement is meant to stand for to get his piddly joys. The sad thing is that with the whole of Malta as a resource, his measly ways will still manage to get the better of him.
Typical snake-oil-artist behaviour. Some have lasted 40 years on other people’s investments, inventions and reputations.
This behaviour wastes time and effort. For those still tempted and awaiting a reward: open your eyes. It’s a complete waste of time and effort.
You will wake up 5 years down the line with a hole in your wallet and your life experience. It’s just not worth it.
It’s a road going nowhere.
What is expected of you once you are “ditched” is that you concoct a deal that leaves Muscat with something in it, gives him a reason to knock off a person who was rewarded for past activity, so that new space is created and the game can start again.
Can’t believe I agree with her, for once in my life.
“Irrid nghix go pajjiz fejn kull persuna tinghata c-cans u tithalla tuza t-talenti taghha minghajr pregudizzju , hi x’inhi l- orjentazzjoni politka, religjuza, sesswali taghha….”
“Mhux ahjar mmexxu bl-ezempju …”
Mahlene dahling, when oh when did the PN in government ever stifle an opposing voice?
Marlene dejjem baqghet ta’ Gorg.
Insomma, mara stupida tehodha hekk kontra l-Ghaziz Leader.
Daphne, I doubt even you realised the amount of fodder you would have to write about with Labour in government and in such a short time too.
[Daphne – I knew there would be a great deal to write about, but I must admit that I never imagined it would be as tragi-comic as Sant’s stint in power.]
How refreshing to see a Labour MP write properly in Facebook, with correct spelling and grammar.
Daphne, the real message of your screen grab is not Marlene’s illogical comment (what’s new?). Ironically, she rallies the brethren (ahwa) to do what happened during PN’s tenure in government, namely let talent flourish, while saying that the people ousted PN for not doing it.
The second photo on the left illustrates Labour’s core, ie Oscar Wilde’s famous quote “Democracy means simply the bludgeoning of the people by the people for the people.”
The essay from where this is lifted is aptly entitled The Soul of Man under Socialism.
Ma naqbilx mieghek Marlene. Norman Vella ghandu kull dritt juza t-talent tieghu. Izda la hu ppassjonat politikament ma partit partikolari,u ma jafx jikkontrolla l-passjoni politika tieghu, it-talent tieghu ghandu juzah fuq stazzjon privat politiku u mhux fuq li stazzjon nazzjonali !
“I am Sir Oracle – and when I ope my mouth let not dog bark”
She is wrong on one aspect: that the people voted for the PL so that things of this sort won’t happen as they did under the previous administration.
It seems to me that she is contradicting her own statements.
She purposely left out the hundreds of transfers ordered by ministers after the election.
Many gained from such transfer; many others suffered and are still suffering.
So the people voted PL so that such things happen and are a daily routine. She also omitted the fact that Norman Vella comes from a staunch Labour family.
It was under the PN that he was given the opportunity to reach the height of his popularity and be able to put in action his talents, CONTRARY to what Ms. Farrugia is implying.
Il-Poplu heles mill-PN ghax hwejjeg bhal dawn( li saru hafna) ma jridhomx.
Can Marlene indicate just one instance where the PN removed someone just because he/she did not side with the party?
Eddy int imiss tghaddi xi kumment kontra il-muviment wara Valerie, Jason, Jose u issa Marlene.
Tahseb li jaf kif – jew li ghandu l-hila, Aidan?
Nahseb li riedet tghid huwa li: Dal-gurnalist m’ghandux dritt, anke jekk hu tajjeb hafna.
Jigifieri, jekk jien tabib u sirt professjonali hafna fix-xoghol tieghi, m’ghandix dritt jigu ghandi hafna pazjenti, isibuni, ihobbuni, isegwuni, ghax hawn 1,000 tabib iehor bhali u ghandhom dritt ghac-cans taghhom ukoll.
Marlene, qalbi, min qed iwaqqaf lil xi hadd jaghmel is-success, Norman Vella, jew int?
U le, u le, u le. Hawn Paranoia kbira hawn Malta.