Portrait of a Good Relationship

Published: June 19, 2013 at 12:32am

Joseph Muscat said on television tonight that he had a “good relationship” with Lawrence Gonzi, when the latter was prime minister and he was opposition leader.

That’s total bollocks, of course. And I think this photograph, which catches him unawares, pretty much reveals his true feelings even if his appalling behaviour in Opposition was not enough evidence for those whose critical faculties are stunted.

Left click on the photograph to bring it to full size.


42 Comments Comment

  1. La Redoute says:

    In a short-sleeved shirt, too.

    • caflisa says:

      And without a tie. Everyone else is in jacket and tie, and there he goes without one – unbelievable. I bet the waiters serving drinks after the event were better dressed.

  2. TinaB says:

    This photograph speaks volumes.

    Mamma mia, he looks evil.

    • Makjavel says:

      He is.

      • observer says:

        And, forever, will always so be.

      • TinaB says:

        Oh, I figured that out long before he became Prime Minister, Makjavel – his body language is a dead give-away.

        The only thing I fail to understand is how so many people failed to notice.

    • Calculator says:

      He does. And, most probably, he is. They do say the eyes are windows to the soul; just look at the pair on that git Muscat’s face. Such malice.

  3. Aunt Hetty says:

    The body langauge is very eloquent.

  4. matt says:

    Muscat and the entire MLP clan despise Gonzi because he managed to get Malta into the Euro zone making it more difficult for Muscat to pull Malta out of the EU.

  5. Matthew S says:

    What was the event?

    Why is Lawrence Gonzi (and everyone else) dressed so smartly while Joseph Muscat did not even bother wearing a tie?

    I love how serene, natural, real and manly Lawrence Gonzi looks (not just at this event but in every event) and I still find it hard to believe that the people chose Joseph Muscat over him.

    In other news, after Labour spent ages trying to discredit the fact that the Gonzi administration created more than 20,000 jobs while in office, it turns out that almost all arts graduates who finished university in the last ten years found good jobs without much trouble.

    If the arts students did that, just imagine what the sciences and IT students did.


  6. ken il malti says:

    What is il Duce doing with that older Mexican lady sitting right next to him?

  7. Village says:

    Joseph kellu ghira bazwijja ghal Gonzi u ghal kull min u superjuri ghalih stess.

  8. Salvu tat-te says:

    Brown slip- on shoes

    • La Redoute says:

      They’re lace-ups, actually, but in desperately shoddy condition.

      • Salvu tat-te says:

        You are right. His feet are not parallel to each other. A very awkward 70 degree angle. I assumed that the other foot was Buontempo’s.

        Right and left shoe look different.

  9. Makjavel says:

    Min jaghti biss sejf bis-sejf imut.

    Joseph built his position on creating a hate generating media in his party.

    The hate writers are all employed with the ministers.

    Joseph has moved the news conference area OUTSIDE Castille. This was the logical solution for keeping mobile communications out of Castille. Joseph is seeing the ghost of Christmas future already.

  10. Klara says:

    Qed nassumi li xi attivita’ li saret l-Isla, ghax fuq ix-xellug hdejn Lawrence Gonzi hemm is-Sindku jew Ex sindku Laburist Casha u warajh hemm Fr Mark Ellul li kien jahdem f’din il-parrocca.

  11. canon says:

    His face is full of hatred.

  12. Maria says:

    If looks could kill, Lawrence Gonzi would have been a dead man. How evil and malicious Joseph Muscat looks.

  13. Joseph Caruana says:

    Statesman Gonzi Vs. Wannabe-Nouveau-Riche-Qisni-Beċċun Muscat, and this is Malta tal-Maltin, so no prizes for guessing who was going to win.

  14. il-Ginger says:


  15. Bon Ton says:

    I love the brown shoes ( what is it about the PL and brown shoes ? ) with feet firmly set pointing inwards at 8.20 pm. And is Joseph Muscat the only man in short shirt sleeves? Shades of Dom Mintoff, I suppose.

  16. C Mangion says:

    Qisu bidwi.

    • observer says:

      Skuzi, tafx. M’ghandi xejn kontra l-bdiewa – anzi nirrispetthom hafna, u ghandi hbieb fosthom.

      L-ebda wiehed minnhom, izda, ma jippretendiha ta’ Prim Ministru jew igib ruhu ta’ pastaz bhal ma jidher li qed jaghmel il-ginger.

      Ghalhekk ma naqbel xejn mal-kumment tieghek.

    • Salvu tat-te says:

      Naqbel ma’ observer. il-kumment kien zejjed.

    • museo says:

      Farmers tend to be decent, hardworking, civil and to vote Nationalist. Joseph Muscat has none of those traits.

  17. MAX784 says:

    The event was the annual concert given by Senglea Band Club as part of the Victory Day celebrations (around 5th September).

    Usually very hot and sticky weather. While everyone else does his best to bear the heat and look smart, Muscat couldn’t care less.

  18. Wormfood says:

    The face of someone who would snitch on his best friends. What a spiteful little pr*ck, just like three-fourths of the population in Malta. I wouldn’t have trusted him behind me.

  19. Blue says:

    You can take a man out of the village, but not the village out of the man.

  20. Joe Fenech says:

    Photography is not objective and demonstrates nothing. On the other hand, I have ZERO trust in Muscat.

  21. Galaxy says:

    Can’t you just put it into your heads that the PN administration lost heavily in this last election because it has been in power for more than 10 years and that the last election (2008) was not even theirs since the PN didn’t manage to garner more than 49.8% of the total vote?

    Yes I admit they had setbacks, they were sometimes arrogant, but the people wont trust you more than 10 years.

    All elections from 1962 onwards have the same pattern with the exception of electoral abuses of 1981 and political turmoil of 1997 and 2009 when the skunks JPO, Franco Debono, Jesmond Mugliett and Jean Pierre Farrugia rocked the government boat for their egoisms.

  22. Calculator says:

    A picture is worth a thousand words.

  23. just me says:

    The resemblance with Mussolini is really impressive. However, the look of hatred on Muscat’s face is even more intense.


  24. zunzana says:

    Joseph is definitely looking daggers at Gonzi, and if looks could kill, Gonzi would not have lasted another second.

  25. Last Post says:

    Just to record the fact that I find your extremely ‘busy’ today with several “Error 503 – Server Unavailable” notices popping up every time I click onto a different action.

    I was wondering whether it is my computer (slow), or yours (in maintenance mode) or worse, under attack by the gremlins who would give up their lives to see your blog wrapped.

    [Daphne – No, there were some technical problems. It should be fine now.]

  26. Achtung!! says:

    In this photograph he really looks like Mussolini.
    Maybe I am mistaken but this is the firs impression that I get.

  27. Victor says:

    My God, that look confirms what I always thought of Joseph Muscat. Malice personified.

    On another note, I love the way Dr Gonzi looks so relaxed and at ease notwithstanding the heat and wearing a jacket and the way Joseph Muscat is sitting with his toes pointing towards each other, in his shirt sleeves and feeling far from at ease or relaxed.

    This picture speaks volumes. It depicts perfectly the vast difference between a gentleman and a man.

  28. TROY says:

    My pet snake had a wonderful relationship with my pet hamster.

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