So it’s Claudio Tonna, Marlene Farrugia’s relative and Godfrey Farrugia’s chief of staff

Published: June 5, 2013 at 11:08pm

See previous post. The man eating in a plotting twosome with Mario Cutajar, the head of the civil service and secretary to cabinet, is Claudio Tonna, a relative of Marlene Farrugia and her boyfriend the Health Minister’s chief of staff.

Tonna used to work at the Restoration Directorate (not as a restorer, I rush to add and you can judge from the screenshots below) and Cutajar was at Heritage Malta – ghax taf int, Malta ma kienitx taghna lkoll under those Nationalists. So they knew each other then.

So now this barely-literate-in-Maltese person, Tonna, who knows no English, uses words like ‘fucken’ in public on social media, and can’t spell Valentine, is installed as the health minister’s chief of staff, boasting on Facebook about continuing to answer work emails while at friends.

What was that Jose said the other day about three carnivals a year?

Claudio Tonna 1

chief of staff

Claudio Tonna 2

Claudio Tonna 3

Claudio Tonna 4

Claudio Tonna 5

Claudio Tonna 6

Claudio Tonna 7

Claudio Tonna 8

Claudio Tonna

13 Comments Comment

  1. Paddling Duck says:

    He found his kuki in that red Corvette….

    • philip says:

      issa Malta tieghu u jaghmel li jrid. Kemm ser jaghmel korruzzjoni la qieghed f’posizzjoni gholjla ta’ poter!

  2. J. Borg says:

    Well, with Chiefs of Staff of this quality, it surely can’t be long before we hit the wall …

  3. J. Borg says:

    The Labour Party has taken ‘jobs for the boys’ to a whole new level.

  4. J. Borg says:

    From barely literate Technical Officer to Chief of Staff. Meritocracy a-la-Lejber at work once again.

  5. mb says:

    This is nothing. You should really hear him dealing with people. It’s enough to make you cry in despair.

  6. charon says:

    Daphne, Jose just cannot get it right. It’s going to be just one 5-year long carnival.

  7. edgar says:

    I was expecting this kind of trash and I am disgusted with some of my ‘friends’ who did not realize before they voted PL. However, I do have some true PL friends who are so pissed off with PL and have openly told me, li vera diehlin fil-hajt.

  8. KING PIN says:

    biex tkun taf kollox
    l assistent head of staff huwa hu cladio tonna, Mark Tonna, Kantant, ex welder is shipbuilding.

  9. pale blue my foot! says:

    Injorant li ma` jafx jaqra, jikteb u jitkellem.

  10. curious says:

    Is he the one who used to play in the soap Ipokriti?

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