So well that not only can he travel by plane, but he can go to wedding feasts with a thousand people

Published: June 3, 2013 at 9:57am
A fashionable Italian holiday for the high society: Iosif Galea, John Dali and Silvio Zammit

A fashionable Italian holiday for the high society: Iosif Galea, John Dali and Silvio Zammit

Former EU Commissioner John Dalli no longer needs that medical certificate which he used to fend off requests that he return to Malta before the election of his best friends Malta Taghna Lkoll in March.

As soon as Joseph Muscat became prime minister, Dalli miraculously found himself able to fly again, and the “psycho-social” (I trust I remembered the excuse correctly) reasons he couldn’t 1. get on a plane, and 2. face a courtroom suddenly disappeared. He returned to Malta.

Last Saturday he was spotted at a huge wedding feast at the Hilton, given for the daughter of a businessman who owns Malta’s most venerable used-car dealership, now also importing used cars from Britain.

A member of my international worldwide network of spies tells me that he looked “absurdly robust considering his recent physical and psychological troubles” and that he “spent most of the evening surrounded by a variety of hangers-on and laughing and chatting with Jose Herrera”, so much so that “anyone looking at the two of them would think they were long-term buddies”.

Meanwhile, his sister Magistrate Consuelo Herrera spent time “raiding the cheese table” with her brother’s ‘canvasser’, Doreen Tal-Fjur.

It was truly a fashionable soiree for the high society. But the canapes, it was reported, were excellent.

14 Comments Comment

  1. canon says:

    Before John Dalli left Brussels, he must have phoned Joseph Muscat to check whether the coast was clear.

  2. Cittadin Malti says:

    But can’t JDalliBA argue that he was only doing some socialising and taking some fresh air in the neighbourhood of his Portomaso home?

    After all, when he wrote to the Broadcasting Authority to complain about an edition of Bondi+ back in November 2011, he signed his letter as “Cittadin Malti” on his letterhead bearing the text “JOHN DALLI, 2461 Portomaso PTM01, San Giljan, Malta.”

    • Big Daddy says:

      Għal tikka mhux “24601”, jaħasra! We’d have our own Maltese Jean Valjean, former prisoner and victim of an unjust system!

      • Cittadin Malti says:

        Excellent observation, but let us not underestimate that this Maltese citizen was Malta’s own Prisoner in Brussels, whose escape from the system makes Harrison Ford’s performance in The Fugitive look stupid.

  3. Dorothy says:

    Qishom tlett briganti.

  4. Alexander Ball says:

    Let us rejoice that this frail elderly gentleman has overcome his medical problems and is safely ensconced in the Maltese bosom.

  5. martha says:

    His doctor must have worked miracles.

  6. kev says:

    You keep missing the point, Daphne.

    No matter what Dalli is/was/does/did, he is, in this specific case, the victim of, at best, a botched investigation, exacerbated by widespread zeal locally and at Commission level to watch him sink to the deepest levels.

    And we all know why: his reputation, former minions with the IQ of a duck, special interests and their own minions, enemies old and new, collaborating investigators, both at EU level and locally…

    That’s not how a civilised society is supposed to work. You need sound evidence to charge a person in court, not a failed attempt at distorting facts to a choir of baying foes.

    [Daphne – ‘You need sound evidence to charge a person in court.’ Not really, as you well know. All you need is an accusation by a third party. Sound evidence is for things like murder trials, and even then….]

    • kev says:

      You must be joking. This is a serious case. Any third party evidence needs corroboration, depending on its quality.

      In this case, the available evidence is not only weak, but indeed tainted and suspect. This was clearly NOT an objective investigation, but a fishing expedition gone bad.

      [Daphne – No, I am not joking. If Silvio Zammit is being tried, then Dalli should be too. The evidence is the same for both.]

      • kev says:

        Yes, sure. That’s how it works. Go join the chavs, Daphne. You are one of them.

        [Daphne – Hardly, Kevin, and you should know. After all, you married one.]

    • ciccio says:

      Kev, if as you suggest, you need sound evidence to charge a person in court, then all cases would result in a conviction. But we all know that is not the case.

  7. Dorothy says:

    And where’s Angelik when you need him?

  8. Malti says:

    I cannot understand! What happened to the court case of the Police / State vs John Dalli? Was there anything wrong in the original procedures or is there anything new that just happened after the 9th March?

    Why is the Police Commissioner silent on this matter, at least to explain the man in the street why such change of hearth on this matter? Are we being treated like idiots or is there some form of mis-use of powers / responsibilities by the new administration?

    No person can ever defend this silence status on this matter now. I deem it is also legitimate that the people expect the state and the media in general to give clear feedback & update of this case.

    When can we ever seperate politics from justice?

    When is the state ever going to treat the people with dignity and respect what the people expect?

    Some things will, regretfully, never change and really, we are still culturally ingrained in the system of “timxi skont lil minn taf, u mhux kemm taf”. What a pity, poor society.

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