There’s another point which wasn’t brought up re the Secret Service and Manuel Mallia

Published: June 29, 2013 at 7:44pm
Manuel Mallia: an absolute disaster from day one. But this could have been foreseen: he is not just somebody with a client base of Malta's top criminals. He is also pretty thick.

Manuel Mallia: an absolute disaster from day one. But this could have been foreseen: he is not just somebody with a client base of Malta’s top criminals. He is also pretty thick.

The main objection, from the Opposition and all those with their heads screwed on right, to Manuel Mallia having been present at interviews for the Secret Service, is that the government and the Secret Service should have a great brick wall between them.

They should be separate.

They were separate until Manuel Mallia and Joseph Muscat arrived on the scene, with their very strange ideas of democracy and the separation of powers.

But that is not the only point.

An equally worrying one is this: the Secret Service remit covers the monitoring of cocaine traffickers and other internationally-networked criminals, who include Manuel Mallia’s clients in his other life as a criminal trial lawyer.

12 Comments Comment

  1. Makjavel says:

    Conflicts of interests have been waivered en bloc by JM, together with code of ethics.
    So we can have the minister of police and secret services whose clients, in his previous position of criminal lawyer ,are drug dealers .
    To make matters more interesting the minister knows who the secret service members are .

    And the media made a scandal out of a DIY clock given to a PN minister.
    It is only 3 months out of 5 years and the PL is in the gutters.

  2. Fausto Majistral says:

    Meanwhile, in Bulgaria people are protesting in the streets over the appointment of the country’s security service:

  3. Alexander Ball says:

    When you say ‘in his other life’, I would say being a minister is his other life.

    Are we going to erase his brain of all he’s learnt while in office?

    What a great sales pitch: ‘I am the only lawyer who knows all the inside information’. Priceless.

    If the ‘system’ allows this to happen then don’t blame him for exploiting it.

    Change the system at the earliest opportunity. In this case, long after the horse has been deep fried with chips.

  4. Jonathan says:

    Are the interviews for the Secret Service personnel part of an ongoing recruitment process or was the interview process started after the election in order for Mallia and Muscat to put their own men in the Secret Service?

  5. ciccio says:

    After 25 years in opposition, they said they were ready to govern, and many believed them.

    The rest of us expected that they would surprise us.

    And surprise us they did.

    What a government of amateurs and clowns.

    • Prue Freeder says:

      I beg to differ Ciccio. During their 25 years in opposition the Labour Party did absolutely nothing to convince me they have changed so I’m not surprised at all.

  6. vic says:

    Now we can control the activities of our rivals in this lucrative trade.

  7. SUV says:

    The main argument is that one day the secret service could be investigating a minister or THE minister himself.

    Would they at this point?

  8. where are we? says:

    You said that Mallia is pretty thick. You are being kind.

  9. “Separation of powers” is a democratic concept.

    “Concentration of power” is a concept adopted in Dom Mintoff’s time, which is being resurrected by his inheritors.

  10. Claude Sciberras says:

    Of course Franco Debono is now completely silent on these issues.

    Once he had told us that these issues are even more important than jobs and the economy but now that he has been silenced he seems to think otherwise.

    No surprise, but those who used to say “Ghandu punt Franco Debono” or “imma sewwa qed jghid” etc. should look back and learn that what is important when listening to what someone is saying, is not to take things at face value but to see the context and the motivation.

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