Thinking counter-intuitively, perhaps I should offer my services to Muscat and have him bring in the cameras

Published: June 16, 2013 at 3:11am

I mean, just look at the reaction to Joseph Cuschieri’s Facebook post opposing Lou Bondi’s appointment to a government foundation (see my previous).

They’re all threatening to stop voting Labour or to vote against Labour in the EP elections.

They don’t like that business with John Dalli either, though not for the same reasons I do but because they still think of him as a Nationalist, which he patently is not.

Cuschieri 1

Cuschieri 2

Cuschieri 3

Cuschieri 4

Cuschieri 5

25 Comments Comment

  1. Str8 says:

    The “us” and “them” syndrome of certain people is hindering progress to work together as one little solid country. I dream of the day when we eliminate a political apartheid. I think I will keep on dreaming.

    • Dissident says:

      You confuse “us” and “them” with “right” and “wrong”, with “smart” and “stupid”, with “open minded” and “village mentality”, with “educated” and “illiterate”, with “long sighted” and “short sighted” – because it is people like you who brought Malta in this situation

  2. Emanuel Borg says:

    Dear God, why did you leave the intelligence gene out of more than half the Maltese population?

  3. Aston says:

    You jest, but I suspect that Joseph Muscat would accept, saying he ‘needed your energy’ or something, and promptly appoint you to the Valletta 2018 committee, subvocalising “hekk, hu go fik Jason!” in the process.

    Of course, Jason would then declare that he does not need any cookery writers, and will refuse to accept your appointment. Eventually, Jason will win again, but Muscat never learns.

  4. NOT one of the 36,000 says:

    These people are so funny. They can’t even understand what’s going on within their own party.

    They think that John Dalli was always PN at heart, and whenever they saw him on One they thought that a true Nationalist was sincerely worried about the PN.

    This is truly funny.

  5. NOT one of the 36,000 says:

    I’m starting to think that Joseph Muscat overestimated his own people. What he thought would be a triumph for all Laburisti by employing all the PN turncoats, is actually turning against him since his followers are too dumb to keep up.

  6. David Ganado says:

    Incredible, not one of all those commenting managed to string a full sentence together without making a spelling or grammatical error.

    [Daphne – And that’s in their mother tongue…]

  7. J. Aquilina says:

    Can we have the details of what the remuneration of each of the members of this new Foundation / Committee is going to be? For all we know this could be something ‘voluntary’ …

  8. carmel debono says:

    Mela biex torganizza l-festi nazzjonali hemm bzonn ta’kumitat ta’tuzzana nies? Kieku jqabbad il-kumitat tal-festa ta’ Santa Katerina, Zejtun ikollna festi isbah u dawn huma kollha voluntieri.

    F’dan il-kumitat kemm qeghdin jithallsu bi flus il-poplu?

    • ciccio says:

      Nahseb li Marlene Pullicino kienet tidhol ghaliha din bhala voluntiera, kif kienet dahlet biex tmexxi l-Ministeru tas-Sahha ma’ Godfrey Farrugia. U nahseb li kienet iggib lil Godfrey Farrugia maghha wkoll, ghax dak ihobbhom il-festi u issa se jkollu lil John Dalli bhala Parliamentary Secretary fis-Sahha.

  9. rjc says:

    What a challenge tyring to decypher these messages.

    God help l-Ghaqda tal-Malti (if it still exists).

    • Catsrbest says:

      Hekk irid jisma’ Victor Laiviera li hawn min qed jahseb li l-Ghaqda tal-Malti ma ghadhiex tezisti.

  10. TinaB says:

    What the people who are posting these comments do not realise is that it was the PL and their media who poisoned their minds against Lou Bondi et al, knowing that the majority of the electorate is stupid enough to believe it.

    What a farce.

  11. kram says:

    It is a big effort also to read these posts. Terrible spelling and had to give up after a couple.

  12. SM says:

    This is all orchestrated.

    Joseph Cuschieri’s comment and subsequent outrage are designed to mitigate the negative reaction to the “Billboard to Board” strategy.

    Do you actually believe that a spineless illiterate puppet such as Cuschieri would have the balls to write that piece? If that were the case it would have been peppered with spelling and grammatical mistakes.

    • etil says:

      SM – could it be that Joe Cuschieri is perceiving he will not be nominated as candidate for the forthcoming MEP elections and therefore is now coming all out against his own master.

      Cuschieri did make a sacrifice when he gave Muscat his parliamentary seat, although no doubt he is earning much more now as an MEP.

  13. Sparky says:

    Me thinks there’s more to Lou’s appointment. Joseph Muscat would have known that this decision would be met with an outcry and yet he stills pushes forward with it.

    We will have to wait for the next episode in ‘Labour’s Entertaining Governance’ to find out, although I can think of a few reasons already.

  14. TinaB says:

    In 2013 the people of Malta vote with only “il-gvern-taghna-allura-naghmlu-u-niehdu-li-rridu-bi-dritt” in mind.

    “Malta taghna lkoll”, to them, means simply “Malta taghna il-laburisti biss”, hence all the enthusiasm throughout the election campaign.

    “Hekk sew u ahna laburisti naqalaw tmur ghal pjacir u ma jaqdukx” – Rachel Abela.

  15. Frans Cassar says:

    Malta, the land of hypocrites and confusion. Not sure how I am going to survive this government for 5 damn years…..or even more. God help us all.

  16. CIS says:

    Unbelievable. I do not think they will not vote PL or abstain. It’s just a moment’s fury. They’ll get used to it.

    Bondi’s appointment may have bothered PL supporters, most appointments have bothered PN supporters — so what? It’s a free country.

  17. Toyger says:

    I especially like Karl Calamatta’s comment: kemm nixtieq li xi darba ahna l-laburisti xi darba nkunu fil-gvern

    Has he been in a coma for the past 3 months?

  18. Claude Sciberras says:

    What’s truly distressing is that there isn’t one comment written in decent Maltese or at least with proper spelling.

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