Top comment of the early afternoon

Published: June 29, 2013 at 1:01pm

Posted by Ghar u Kasa:

That billboard opposite San Anton Garden entrance came to mind: LABOUR – PRO BUSINESS, it read.

Tell that to the catering companies.

But Manuel Mallia missed a trick there. He could have had the police save even more money by popping down the road from the Floriana Depot kitchens to simmer their dishes on the eternal flame at the Cenotaph.

17 Comments Comment

  1. john says:

    The policeman delivered my vote. I said ‘That’s not what I ordered. I ordered a Capricciosa’.

  2. trapezoid says:

    Ghalfejn dan id-dizgwid kollu. Mhux ahjar jordnaw lil pulizija isajru u jaghmluha ta’ waiters milli jordnawlhom jitfghu il-gass tad-dmugh fuq in-nies?!

  3. ciccio says:

    So the Labour government first got us into the excessive deficit procedure, embarrassing us with the European Commission and foreign financial operators, and now they want to cut costs (jissikkaw ic-cintorin) by getting the police to double as waiters and chefs and embarrass us in front of the EBU.

    Has the media-friendly Police Commissioner called one of those press conferences he’s been organising recently to explain what happened exactly on Thursday, and to answer questions by the press?

    And did the Minister for National Security, the Army, the Police, Outside Catering and Labour Deliveries lie to Parliament when he said that it was the police officers who volunteered to serve the guests, if now sources have told Times of Malta that

    Did anyone take responsibility for this farce?

    • ciccio says:

      Oops hit submit comment by mistake. Third paragraph should read as follows:

      “And did the Minister for National Security, the Army, the Police, Outside Catering and Labour Deliveries lie to Parliament when he said that it was the police officers who volunteered to serve the guests, if now sources have told Times of Malta that officers were ordered to leave their stations and report to work at Girgenti?”

  4. george grech says:

    Jekk dan huwa accettabbli u approvat mill-prim ministru allura nistenna li kull ikla jew riceviment organizzat mill-gvern u l-ministeri ghandhom jigu preparati minn nies tal-gvern u servuti minn nies tac-civil.

    Jekk ma jsirx hekk ifisser li l-prim ministru mhux bilghaqal daqs Manuel Mallia fl-ifrankar tal-flus.

  5. Socrates says:

    That would be difficult, because the eternal flame is off for most of the day.

  6. Gahan says:

    Completely out of subject, but I would like to share this fresh of breath air in this suffocating political atmosphere. An interview with Dr Anne Fenech. Sit back and listen:

  7. trueblue says:

    They have the facilities, the expertise, the free time, the personnel as well as the wheels. It is said that Meals on Wheels need more meals. There you go!

    • ciccio says:

      How about the medicines for the elderly?

      Labour promised to deliver them to the doorstep.

      Maybe Peter Paul can help organise the regular deliveries by having the police double as pharmacists this time?

  8. where are we? says:

    I just cannot understand how these people manage to get away with anything. Is it, perhaps, that the Opposition has gone into Hibernating?

  9. aidan says:

    Cops in the kitchen: dietary discipline.

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